Hi, so I encountered a bug with Syndra today in Nexus Blitz. The syndra simply W'ed our nexus and she could take it anywhere. Clip of it , uploaded on YT by me : https://youtu.be/xjPFIkSQvYU
Should be fixed today!
Hi, so I encountered a bug with Syndra today in Nexus Blitz. The syndra simply W'ed our nexus and she could take it anywhere. Clip of it , uploaded on YT by me : https://youtu.be/xjPFIkSQvYU
Should be fixed today!
Kogmaw (and possibly other champions if certain conditions are met, based on other replies) in Prize Fight breaks the event, causing it to never end. Apparently, if both people die at the same time (-> Kog passive killing the enemy) the event causes to go on and on until the game ends itself.
As surrender option is broken as well, we're being held hostage.
Should be fixed today!
Do we have any informations on old items return? In the last run of Nexus Blitz there were more old items like DFG and Ghostwalkers
Will they come back?
Yes, we're working on bringing them back
if Yuumi is attached before 2v2 and 1v1 event she stays attached in them making fight 2v3 and if Yuumi was supposed to be in 1v1 she will stay attached to the champion making it unwinnable for enemy tean cuz she is not there to fight making it impossible to kill her so it becomes 1v0
Ooh, thanks for the report!
One minor bug that I noticed is that you are able to walk through the nexus only tried on the enemy nexus, didn't do anything special and my teammates were also able to.
Should be fixed today!
My team won first round, enemy team won second round, then on the third round both players died at the same time. The event didn't finish and we are currently still in-game 25 minutes in, just hanging around the Prize Fight ring without being able to move, surrender, cast spells or go to the next event.
Should be fixed today!
game breaking bug in the deathmatch if you both die at the 1v1 the game bugs and you have to wait 30 minutes for it to end the game
Should be fixed today!
Had a game where Syndra could pick up our Nexus and move it around with W. Not sure if it's known yet.
Should be fixed today!
The optimization of this map is kinda bad right now. I'm only getting a maximum of 40ish fps, less during team events like urf teamdeathmatch where it went down to 15fps.
Is this still something that will be adjusted or will the map be released as is?
We'll be working on this during the course of the PBE run.
Well first of all surrenders did not work for either team, then during prize fight after everyone fought we all got stuck and the game didn't progress. Because there was a "fight" going on but there was actually no one in the ring. Maybe it had to do with the kalista and lux killing each other at the same time and prize fight got bugged out?
This should be fixed today!
Yuumi can attach to race the scuttle and when it disappears yuumi becomes invincible
This should be fixed today!
My client regularly bugs out in a way where my friends list doesn't load in. I've reinstalled the client several times, and it doesn't fix the issue consistently. I mostly play this game with my friends and now I can't because of this bug.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Thanks for the comment! we are looking into this issue as it has been reported several times here. We do not want you to have to keep reinstalling your client :)
I mean, I should be happy they are doing some progress. Even more with COVID around, with Rioters working from home. And they acknowledge client is not worthy, yet.
But, man, they reduced some plugins we were unaware of, anyway, and half of the article was a list of the bugs they "apparently" fixed. Like a trophy. Out of probably who knows if more than a hundred.
No trace of what they're doing exactly, we waited two months for this, and next update will be the same. All this work before a proper bug cleaning. No results, but a graph showing there are some.
It was a risky move, but I pushed to show some of the bugs we've squashed. The way I look at it is this: we want to give transparency on what we're working on and one of those things are bugs. It's less of a trophy and more of a 'hey we fixed these bugs, hold us accountable.' If they aren't fixed, tell us which ones aren't and how they are being reproduced. I think there is some misalignment when we say 'we addressed' an issue because people will assume we fixed that whole area and nothing will break, but that's just not the case. We know there's a lot of work to do, and by communicating this information, we get a lot more feedback about what's working and what isn't. By broadcasting these bug fixes, we get a better idea from you all that we are either on the right track or we missed the mark and need to look more closely at some of the things we thought were fixed.
I think the MSI icons for W should be changed to red or gold instead of white so it matches more with the rest of the skin. It would also be nice if some fancy dust like from E and Ult are surrounding the shield. Also, the ult could be a bit more flashy; maybe some crystals flying out of the ground or exploding? It just pales in comparison to the big explosions and huge craters of his default vfx and Astronautilus. The same can be said for his W autos.
Model-wise, the top of his head being a flat red makes him look bald. Could use some textures like in the splash art (but I'm probably just being too picky). The anchor looks too flat and smooth in my opinion, but that would take too much work.
The chain for the Q looks cool and the crystals for the passive are a nice effort. Still a bit of a shame that it's only a 975 skin after all this time tho
We looked at this and turns out we thought it should have been good too. In fact we changed it and just didn't check it in....
Should be fixed soon
So much time, effort and money wasted on this...
I know, there is a lot frustration outside and inside of Riot.
Sure, but why is the client performing worse than ever for me (same computer)? It always performed good enough for me, but recently it keeps crashing after games and I’ve got some bugs on champ selects as well. I don’t think the problem is on my end since everything else except the league client works well.
The problem is almost definitely not on your end. There's a lot of bugs that we are trying to track down, but they are sneaky sneaky. Most of them don't reproduce, making it way harder to try to pinpoint and fix the issue.
After last patch client seems to work more smoothly for me. Ive never had major issues with it but I understand that many people still have problems with client. I see improvement.
Hey, thanks :)
Fullscreen client pls
You can technically make it full screen now by changing the video resolution of the client.. but i uh.. wouldn't recommend it
As someone who deals with QA on a daily basis, if you dont have proper logging, you won't catch anything and then say "oh we can't reproduce this error".
Rito - have proper logging and a bunch more bugs will suddenly become reproducible on your own machines.
We have pretty good logging on a per plugin basis. It is harder to determine the sequence of events that led to a bug when multiple plugins have a bad interaction, hence the high value of collapsing them.
I feel like they spend more time making charts to make it look like things are being worked on than they do fixing the client. It just performs worse and worse.
Unfortunately the process is very slow, but from the charts we can see that we are making incremental improvements. I know that sucks to hear as a player, but this improvement project isn't going to happen in the course of a patch or two. We want to give visibility to players that we are trying, but doing so without the whole product being fixed lends itself to hefty criticism, perhaps rightfully so. We want to create a better experience for players and want to bring you along for the ride.