League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Originally posted by 5eanz

Yep, I want the rewards and that's it. Honestly, why do people want the missions to become a chore rather than simply just being rewarded for playing the game. Players login to play the game, not do random side chores.

I called out that for some players this is a core thing, and it seems like you're one of them! One observation I might make is that it's pretty important for us to not generalize a single group of people's experiences to all people. League is played by many many millions of people and there are few single obvious elements that connect them all.

So if you say it's important to you, I believe and support that.
If you say "players..." you begin to lose me.

But dw, we gotchu


Originally posted by Blitzedlegend

I'm about to be able to afford putting Tony through college thanks to the blue essence I will be saving from these mastery changes.

Good luck to Tony!

12 Dec


Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

Ah interesting so say for instance Hwei tank emerged as something that was way too strong kinda like Tank Ekko did for a while you’d look to somehow put a restraint on his kit to make sure it can’t happen in any system rather than nerf his numbers particularly

It depends on the severity and if the item is just an outlier, but that's generally the idea! This is often why certain champs have "Damage Resistance" or "Damage Immunity" instead of bonus health/shielding/healing baked into their kits. If you don't want a champion to like building durable, don't give them raw health pool because those scale together.


Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

Interesting okay so if I’m understanding this correctly, you(meaning designers in general not specifically you or champion designers) design champions to be system agnostic and if they work well in a certain/current system that’s a side effect rather than an intent. Then once you’ve got that design in a moldable form you see what type of things you can do to allow him to fit in as many systems as possible?

Yes! That's correct. Sometimes we do consider systems though, when we don't want a champion to access certain systems because it would normally be optimal for them and create degenerative or uninteresting play. This was done for example with Pyke to ensure that he stays an assassin and doesn't just build bruiser items and become "Thresh with more damage and mobility". It keeps that cutthroat, high risk high reward, in-and-out gameplay that he was built around present regardless of system changes. Usually this stuff is done after defining the kit and finding that a system is damaging their unique play.


Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

Ya I suppose it is a little bit of a balance question, but I assume when you're designing him you are thinking about what builds he would like to do and items that would synergize with his design, like say if Brand were made today it would almost be impossible I would think to create Brand without immediately thinking you're going to build Liandry's on him 99% of the time.

This goes into system design versus mechanics design.

Champion gameplay design is focused on mechanics - what does the character do? A champion should have self contained cohesive mechanics first and foremost, usually ones that compliment themselves or shore up a weakness contextually thus requiring skill.

Systems design like items and runes are focused on choice and problem solving. They look at the things champions can do and give them exciting ways to improve their mechanical output or shore up key weaknesses at the expense of other opportunities.

What this means is when making a champion with a DoT mechanic like Brand, you may say "He will be good with on-damage applications in the system" as a consequence of the design, but you do not add a DoT simply because "I want this champion to be good with on-damage applications in the system." Someday that system may change in a way that doesn't support your champion, and if that happens suddenly your champion d...

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Originally posted by gamercatmatt

Not sure if this has been asked yet, but I'm curious how his ability sounds were created. We've all heard how Zac's were... lovingly invented, and Hwei's are also so splooshy. Would be cool to see some kind of breakdown.

Hwei's SFX are a blend of synthesized elements and samples that we recorded in Riot's Foley room. Most of the liquid goop elements you hear are actually recorded from a gluggle jug (the fish shaped jug that make gurgling noises when you pour water out), which was then processed multiple times to give it a unique magical feeling. We also recorded several different "splats" using liquids of various viscosity (you can hear these in the AAs and tails of abilities). I then took all those recordings and re-processed them multiple times using a large array of VST plugins, which gave a wide range of content to work with. When doing this exploration and creating processing chains, there really isn't any rhyme or reason— it's mostly experimentation and iterating based off of what I'm feeling / whatever emotion is evoked based on what I hear. My main goal was to define Hwei's paint / ink magic, as well as give each spellbook a unique sub-identity to differentiate them.

For the synthes...

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Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

I assume he was very much made with the new item system in mind? How much do you tailor champs that release near major changes to fit into that ecosystem vs fitting into league in general across any meta?

This is more of a balance question than a gameplay design question. Our goal was to balance him for 13.24 items because that's the system he would launch in. That was difficult because 14.1 items are different and what we primarily tested on.

When 14.1 drops, many items and champions will need changes because the overall game state will change so much. Hwei might be included in those.


This'll be gone in 14.1 :)


Originally posted by nova8808

These look like solid changes. Only two other things I can think of that feel weird/weak on him is his base armor and early ult CD. Any reasoning behind keeping armor so low and his early ult cd so high?

If more adjustments are necessary we will make them; we don't want to over-adjust prior to the 14.1 item system and map changes.

That said, we also want to preserve his weakness to being aggressed without retaliation options ready and properly aimed. That's not to say he will never receive buffs to lower his weakness in these areas, but we also don't want to shave off his weaknesses so much that he offers no opportunities for opponents.


Originally posted by JailsinhoHue

So... We will never get a true niche champion anymore? Really?

Well never say never. But next couple of years I don't think we will actively try.


Originally posted by iFizzySoda

Was Hwei designed with the Season 2024 items in mind? If so, do you expect him to feel smoother or stronger when the new season starts?

Also, is it a coincidence that his name matches the word for gray in Mandarin Chinese (as to represent a blank canvas)?

In general we do not design champions for specific items as items could change at any time in the future. In Hwei's case we did have a goal of giving him versatility in itemization, but that should extend to any mage item system not just the current or new ones. All of that said, he was primarily tested in the new item system prior to launch and that did make balance tuning very challenging for his release patch.


Originally posted by Zoeando

I am very curious about the this , As the champion is a Artist , and was done by multiple artists , Did people on the team leave their own "marks" on the champion? like on any story , design , vfx , kit etc...?

Oh gosh! This is a big one. Instead of going through every single one, because there were lots of hands and each had a profound impact to his development, I just want to say the Hwei pod and partners really came together to make this possible. It was really ambitious and the team really KILLED IT! Hwei to go.


Originally posted by iLordzz

First off, Hwei is really fun conceptually and so actual statistical performance aside I'd say you guys did a great job. The buffer system Hwei plays with in order to chain 2-3 spell combos together + R is really smooth and adds to fluidity, but my only gripe is that the buffer window feels too large in a way? There was another post not too long ago about how Hwei punishes double pressing, but my understanding after playing him is more so that he shouldn't be the type of champ that can buffer out 3 other things during the animation for 1. It again adds to fluidity, but for a champ that is intended to reward situational awareness and variability, I think there's less benefit to him being able to do this rather than other champs capable of it as well.

Qiyana is another champ that can hit-buffer entire full combos, but in her case it works better because she has routine/standard openers and engage combos that are effectively universal(E>Q>W>R>AA>Q/R>F>Q>W>E>Q). Hwei doesn't r...

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We experimented with many different versions of spell queuing and cast times trying to be sensitive of both Hwei's mechanical fluidity and opponent reaction times to someone that could be casting many different things. In the end we found that blocking spell queuing hurt fluidity far too much and made Hwei less exciting to master. We decided to just turn off all kinds of special input blocking and let players fix their own inputs when overpressing rather than providing a system to help prevent players from hurting themselves but getting in the way of players who are pushing him to his limits. It was a real challenge to solve this problem, but in the end Hwei offers skilled players wanting to main him a path to mastery and skill expression and we felt the answer was to give those players the freedom to flourish.


Originally posted by TheReversedGuy

I haven't seen any other questions about this: Why the name Hwei? To me it's always super exciting to get to know the names of new champions, and we know that we will be repeating them thousands of time, and these even influence us outside the realm of League of Legends (before 2021 I thought Renata was a dull name, now it's the name of a strong and powerful woman.)

So I'm curious why you people decided to go for Hwei (interesting that it's a four letter name like Jhin) and pretty please maybe tell us some others you had in mind???

Thank you so much!! ^

Maybe u/orkidian can chime in here. With names we go through a very rigorous process to make sure that they don't mean something bad in one of the languages we operate in (there is so many of them). We generally start out with a pretty large list that gets filtered down very quickly. With Hwei, we wanted a name to have as many layers as Hwei himself. u/orkidian did so much work on the hidden meanings and cool name interactions with Jhin. So yes ....alot of it was very intentional. Some of my personal fav meanings to Hwei (Hui) were: To draw, grey, ashes, to destroy, brilliant/dazzling or even combined with Jhin's name to mean: To burn brightl...

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Originally posted by GreatestJabaitest

RIP HHL though

I will miss listening to Mark talk shit every week. This has actually left me a lot more sad than I thought I would be.


Hopefully we still get to see Catching Up with Doublelift. I will die a little inside if we lose one of the best pieces of content that the LCS has scene in half a decade.

I don't want to be the one to tell you, but as one of the producers of Catching Up it's probably gonna be on the shelf for awhile...

I do think content offerings will stay more in that lane though and the envelope will keep getting pushed but it's hard to justify a MarkZ driven show without MarkZ.

(Mark is great and I'm stoked for him btw, he just can't do everything at once try as he might)


Originally posted by nocturnavi

I unironically want them to make content where the LCS casters and VCT casters interact (like pretend to cast each others games or something). It would be so funny.

I pitched this for start of VCT this year and it never went too far, maybe this is a good year for a repitch.


Originally posted by DavidHopp

Did you make this only so you could say HweiMA?


Originally posted by edwardgreene1

Can someone forward this to Pastrytime?

I have been summoned.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you also able to share what you're looking at for his second round of hotfix buffs?

Just for you Spideraxe!

Base Stats:

  • [BUFF] Base Health :: 550 >>> 580
  • [BUFF] Base Mana :: 445 >>> 480
  • [BUFF] Base Movement Speed :: 325 >>> 330


  • [BUFF] Shields arrive instantly instead of on cast finish
  • [BUFF] Shields :: 90/110/130/150/170 >>> 100/125/150/175/200


  • [BUFF] Setup Delay :: 0.7s >>> 0.65s
  • [BUFF] Fire Delay :: 0.35s >>> 0.3s
  • [BUFF] Chase Range :: 500 >>> 600
  • [BUFF] Linger Duration :: 1.35-3s based on travel distance >>> 3s