League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Jan


Originally posted by Tormentula

I’m guessing skins and shit just won’t work at all and be blocked off until third parties figure out a way around it, but depending how sensitive vanguard is I’d be afraid of a hardware ban because it detected a skin editor or even cheat engine installed lol.

We tend to reserve hardware banning for more egregious or repeated violations. I can't share what our explicit policy is right now or guarantee we wont change it in the future


Originally posted by Tormentula

In regards to vanguard, now that hardware bans are a thing how much risk are players using custom skins, maps, lines, etc?

ATM I'm pretty sure riot just couldn't detect players using that stuff nor did riot care that much about it, but with the updated system should there be a warning for them?

Our goals for Vanguard are not to explicitly target customization like you mentioned but it is likely it will break many of those types of hacks.

We strongly discourage those tools mostly because of how unstable they tend to be. So our crash reporting fills up with false-positives that we spend time investigating rather than legitimate issues.


Originally posted by waterbed87

The day I have to install a closed source kernel level anticheat to play League is the day I never play it again.

I'd rather deal with a few cheaters here and there then deal with the security implications introduced by that in this day and age. If Vanguard was ever exploited it would have complete and total control of the system that's not only obviously bad for the users but will be devastating for the company if it happens and has the capability to spread.

You should reconsider kernel level anti cheat altogether. It's not worth it. There are excellent well researched reasons Apple doesn't allow it and hopefully Microsoft follows suit to shut these kernel level anti-cheats (and the cheats themselves that use them) down.

Its understandable some people will feel this way and is something we discussed at length. In some regions like Korea we had the opposite reaction where players did not trust the integrity of ranked unless we did Kernel level anti-cheat (we have been using a different solution there for some time).

The second part on top of cheating is that bot farm accounts have been increasingly turning up in ranked games. A de-ranked account with more essence sells for more. The match quality of lower ranked games in many countries has been hit pretty hard and this adds to our arsenal to fight that.


Originally posted by Fun-Consequence4950

Not sure what installing Vanguard has to do with combatting smurfs, inters and ban-dodgers (because thats the main issue and installing vanguard wont have any effect on that) but everything else looks alright.

Doubling the duration of arena matches is a bit of an ick for me though

Vanguard - one of the big issues right now is the number of accounts that get levelled with bots, creating a range of relatively disposable accounts that a certain type of player will then use without care for how they affect others, whether their account gets banned or restricted etc. Vanguard should let us rapidly detect and ban said accounts, hence the improvements to smurfs/inters/ban dodgers.

Arena - Doubling teams won't double duration, agree that Arena doesn't need to be a dramatically longer mode. For most teams it'll be about the same length, if you're in the final two it will likely run a little bit longer. Regardless of the number of teams present though each round half of the teams in game are going to be losing health, so elimination will mainly happen at the same pace


Originally posted by gagabrielm

Hey guys (and girls!) from the LoL team, just wanted to say that this video really got me excited. I know that everybody is going bananas in the thread because of Vanguard, but you guys REALLY kept that promise of better communication. I really wish some of my other favorite games would take a note or two from you guys. Thank you very much for the work, and I hope this season live up to the hype this video created on me!

Thank you for the kind words, we're going to keep working on the communication thing throughout this year too of course as well :)


Originally posted by Fluffy-Face-5069

I think y’all are sleeping on Vanguards implementation, I’ve had a few Smurfs on Valorant that got banned very fast because they were botted accounts. This could be huge for preventing the g2a account bot farm accounts plaguing the game for the last 5 years.

That's a huge part of the rationale behind adopting Vanguard here yeah. Direct cheating isn't as big an issue in LoL generally as it can be in some genres like shooters. Botted accounts however have been doing quite a bit of damage to many queues, be it encountering levelling bots that are miserable to have as team mates or people on botted accounts who don't care about their account/identity. We think addressing that should be a pretty significant improvement to the overall experience for most players


Originally posted by Merstive1

Hey Riot Brightmoon I have a question well on the season video you can see the steam icon. Is this an announcement that league of legends will appear there? u/RiotBrightmoon

Sorry, nothing to report there I don't think that icon was mean to refer to steam


Originally posted by begota98

And what about playing on Linux with WINE? Will there be any option for us?

We'll get some more info about Linux for you all soon, it's not something i know the answer to off the top of my head and I want to make sure I talk with the team and get you the right info.


Originally posted by HawksBurst

Where's project L you cowards?
That no game announcements this year has me quite worried

Project L is still trucking along and announcements about it will come direct from the Project L team, not via those of us on LoL, or at a LoL event like League's 15th birthday/anniversary.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey reav3, I recall you mentioning that for a time the team looked at potentially porting silco for renata glasc, but that didn't pan out. Are you able to share how the team got to being able to port ambessa now

Ambessa is a fighter with a clear power source. She is much easier to port into LoL then a character that doesn’t ever fight


Originally posted by okiedokieoats

I can't wait to see how she's implemented since we've never seen her fight in the show. I really would've expected Sevika to be the first Arcane->LOL champ but im still excited

Yet. Haven't seen her fight yet :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by _Karmageddon

We try our best to give as much feedback as possible on /r/LeagueArena but it seems to just fall on deaf ears most often. It's like player opinion is not being discussed outside of Riot's internal testing team and then you're wondering why no one is sticking around to play it?

Perhaps we can get something going together on the sub, just maybe a collection of feedback?

I actually didn’t know this existed. I’ll start checking it out


Originally posted by manneks

I don't see the value of tying it to splits ... but sure hope i riot knows what they are doing and this doesn't screw my dream of max mastery on all champs.

You will still be able to reach level 10 on every champ given enough time and dedication!


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Champion Mastery is one of the systems I use a ton. I have 120 champs at lvl 7, and am working my way through the rest.

The Good:

  • Having more to pursue beyond rank 7 is interesting

  • Having the first milestone be more chests is always nice

  • I like the reward of "Your champs Title" be tied to performance as an unlock.

The Bad:

  • The time gating of both rewards and achievements seems awful. Mastery has always been permanent. Having them be tied to Split for the reward of a title is really annoying, and feels like a FOMO approach.

  • Mastery Sets, from description, reads like it'll be another monetization metric ala Eternals (which goes against how the mastery changes were worded in the announcement late last year). I like Mastery stuff because its free and accomplishment based. Having once a split reward tracks that get pushed seems dubious.

  • ...
Read more

The time gating of both rewards and achievements seems awful. Mastery has always been permanent. Having them be tied to Split for the reward of a title is really annoying, and feels like a FOMO approach.

Clarifying: There is a permanent and a split component.

Split component rewards the same things each split, which mostly are marks which upgrade your permanent mastery. The title is meant for folks who display strong dedication to a single champion.

We hope it doesn't inspire fomo because even if you miss on a split you will reliably be able to get those rewards next split.


Originally posted by edvin123212

Great video, thank you for the amazing effort. Would you be able to expand on what Vanguard means for macos players now that it's being used for league as well?

Vanguard will not be required for Mac. The Mac ecosystem and OS is substantially different in ways that make us take a different approach for that system. If that changes in the future we'll reconsider


Originally posted by jslavic

u/RiotMeddler what do the Vanguard changes mean for the minority of the Mac players? From my understanding it's incompatible with Mac systems.

Vanguard will not be required for Mac. The Mac ecosystem and OS is substantially different in ways that make us take a different approach for that system.


Originally posted by Cashmiir


(This is not canon pls don't Shaco x Fiora me again)

Is that a real thing damn.


Originally posted by ImaCowTipper

Arena is now a 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 mode LOL

Honestly super cool update to the mode. Very excited to see it back!

The team is continuing to improve and refine Arena and we're excited for you to give it another go! I know the question remains WHEN WILL ARENA BE PERMANENT .... and the answer is.... we don't know yet. We need to get it into a state where it maintains a strong level of engagement but I'm feeling really excited about this next iteration and we'll see if you all like it


Originally posted by Solash1






(This is not canon pls don't Shaco x Fiora me again)