League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Dec


Originally posted by TheFeelingWhen

Kinda weird that they did a dev update video as it feels there wasn't much to talk about since Phreak had the rundown of all the preseason changes but still nice to hear from them. Sad to see Brightmoon go the guy is just so pleasant in all of these videos and on social media.

Yeah, this one did feel lighter, especially the lack of core gameplay stuff. We'd originally pencilled in some time to talk about 'preseason' changes, particularly what needed clarification, what was controversial etc. Didn't end up with much to say there though since things have been generally going pretty smoothly. We concluded we should still do a video, stay in the habit of talking regularly even if there's sometimes a bit less to say. You'll also get a much longer, chunkier set of topics early January with season start of course too!


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

hey Meddler, could you answer something about these skins? I and many others asked support and they couldn't say.

We know DCE Jhin will be rollable in loot in 2024. The same was never confirmed for True Damage Ekko. Could you clarify if this will be true for all of these skins?

Exactly how Mythic Variants will interact with the loot system is something we haven't determined ourselves quite yet, which is assumedly why Player Support had to tell you they couldn't say. First couple were a trial to see what interest was like, so we hadn't sorted out all the longer term details. Apologies for the lack of answer beyond that, we'll definitely get it clarified soonish, didn't want to just leave the question unanswered at all though either



Won't have anything to report in the near term, but it's a thing we've been talking about a bunch internally and have some longer term plans around.

Core things to balance are:
- Players who mostly care about the rewards and don't want to change their playstyles
- Rewarding players who would actually be willing to change things up a little (But figuring out how much is important)
- Not warping the game too much with objectives that can incentivize players to play in a losing way
- Making sure there is not just superficial variety, and that we are actually helping players discover new things about the game or improve their play
- Supporting multiple modes, now and in the future

So it's actually a surprisingly complex problem, but we're on it.


Originally posted by DrummerAkali


Update gets released fairly early next year


Originally posted by jokekiller94

Windows 7, windows 8 and 8.1 are being discontinued btw. Probably less than 1% of player base.

Yep. For decisions like this we look at a mixture of current % of player base, decline in usage of said operating systems each month and where the larger gaming market is going in general (other games deprecating accelerates players moving off them even more etc etc)


Originally posted by ElderlyToaster

...you went to Worlds on your vacation?

That's dedication!

My vacation was built around going once I scored tickets! Worlds hype is real and I love joining the hype traiiiinnnnnnn for Finals. :)


Originally posted by DeeEssLite

Unrelated to the statement but shoutsout to Brightmoon. Seems like a really nice guy, the guy who becomes EP for League's got some shoes to fill.

That's kind of you to say - I love this game and this community and will still be around and cheering you all on. I look forward to introducing you all to the next EP soon!


Originally posted by Capsize

Yes, it's just so weird that people get upset that they release an expensive, totally optional vanity chroma. If it helps keeps the game free I have zero issue.

I think there's a really understandable concern in there that cosmetics in general might shift towards all being really expensive. One of the things we wanted to highlight here is that high priced content for those who want something exclusive due to its price is an addition, not a replacement, to the stuff we're already doing


Originally posted by DeeEssLite

Unrelated to the statement but shoutsout to Brightmoon. Seems like a really nice guy, the guy who becomes EP for League's got some shoes to fill.

Agreed, we'll very much miss him on the League team once he moves on to do other stuff at Riot (though you'll still see him for a couple more months or so!)

Also, shameless plug to people possibly reading - if you love League and have experience leading a large dev team (ideally live service) we'd love to hear from you! We'll be posting the job opening on our website sometime really soon


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

ah that is unfortunate thanks for the reply.

Are there any plans to improve minimum memory? The Hwei dev blogs suggested it was a serious limitation on what they could do with him

We'll keep looking at min spec, memory included, each year or so. While we'd love to open up some options for the dev team we also don't want to exclude a significant number of players to do so, so it's an ongoing balancing act


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler thanks for a year of dev updates, I was wondering, with Riot branching out into more games and IP expressions. Could you share if visual designs from other games will be the designs of the champs going forward since some champs are starting fork like Janna having separate visuals in WR and LoR or Vlad and Syndra getting updated designs in WR

We want to make sure the core essence of a champion's maintained throughout the different places they appear. We also want to support different art styles and tones though, so some degree of variance is deliberate. Going to be case by case. A lot of the time though is one product demonstrates a strong upgrade to an existing character we'll want to adopt that elsewhere too whenever we next work on them (e.g. LoR Nid's a great take on the character I'd love to see elsewhere, Arcane's take on Caitlyn was something we wanted to adopt everywhere once we saw it etc)


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

An important thing in this video that is easy to skip over is the upgrading of minimum stats for league.

League has been designed for potatoes for a very long time, would love if a rioter could say exactly how high the specs are going to be now.

Is it going to be barely noticeable or allow Riot to do more things like skins matching elementalist lux

This change is about phasing out support for older operating systems, not about hardware. Won't mean more memory available for development, will mean things like a somewhat easier development process, slightly streamlined QA, better security etc though instead.

09 Dec


Originally posted by Awesomahmed

I'd like to take a moment here to appreciate the splash art for Ice Toboggan Corki

I bought my best friend (and fellow Rioter) Ice Toboggan Corki bed sheets for his birthday this year. They're shockingly soft and are the funniest thing I've ever seen.

08 Dec


A 'priority' position is one of the two least requested roles, to try and make sure there's enough players in each role.

When selecting your role, it will show that two of the roles are marked as 'priority'. At least one of your roles must be a priority role in order to queue.


Originally posted by yukine95

Wait /u/RiotMeddler said in the dev blog video that we would get mistery icons (not the mini) and the mistery wards back since there weren't in this summer Emporium. What happened?

Following up with folks to find out (hoping it's just that we didn't put that stuff in the FAQ, not sure yet though)

07 Dec


I’m surprised no one has mentioned Yi without alpha strike

05 Dec


Originally posted by Danface247

Every single time Briar shows up in the patch notes for her bi-monthly nerf, Riot says "as players continue continue to get better with her", but how? How has the learning curve not been hit among the playerbase on this self-taunting ball of statcheck?

Are players really continuing to improve on the yuumi of bruisers? Are they? What is this hidden tech in her kit that's being mastered after 3 months?

While not mechanically intense like Yasuo, Briar HEAVILY tests a player's decision making. Most of her spells straight up kill her if she uses them incorrectly so there's a lot of mastery to be found in learning when to cast spells and when to hold them.

Additionally, good Briar players have more outplay potential than you'd expect with the E DR + knockback and W Dash.


Originally posted by ReverseMermaidMorty

Any idea if arena is here to stay or is it just a RGM?

It’s here as a RGM for this launch. No news to share on whether or not it will be permanent though


Originally posted by yukine95

Is it possible to queue up as 6 in Arena? From what i read is just 2, 3, 4 or 8.

Just 2, 3, 4, and 8 at the moment. The team couldn’t add 5-7 players due to match fixing concerns


Originally posted by imchocolaterain

Arena returns this patch. There is an encyclopedia of champion adjustments.

Imagine being the sucker that had to type those out