League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by firebolt66

Isnt the sample size too small though ? Also does gimgoon have higher gold share than khan ?

Apparently the sample size is large enough to determine that FPX with Khan is worse than with GimGoon so why wouldn't it be large enough for this. And no, GimGoon has lower gold share than Khan.


Originally posted by Zedeknir

Is Kuro bad ? KT has won 7 matches in a row if I'm not mistaken. Aiming is a beast though

Kuro also hasn't played anything resembling "weak side" since he was on Tigers, he's actually fairly resource heavy


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

He is playing at the same level or slightly below. You can't expect Gimgoon to go full on TheShy or Summit mode when he isn't that type of player, and he isn't needed for that.

If you think he's playing at the same level as last year you need either new eyes or new brain


Originally posted by CurrentClient

Well, in that case I believe you are able to provide a couple of games when he was not near his level last year.

From the top of my head, I recall a recent game where he was smth like 0 7. It's definitely horrendous, but I don't recall any similar games apart from that one.

I should also note that even at Worlds GimGoon was usually behind in cs early. I haven't noticed any striking difference between him last yer and this year.

GimGoon wasn't good at Worlds until semifinals. Was actually really disappointing after his performances late in the summer split, that was the best I've seen him play.


Originally posted by NamikazeEU

Lmao ?

Ok, look at Bjergsen now, look at the Afreeca mid laner, look a t Xiaohu last 2 years at internationals.

Weak side mids still exist lmao.

Those aren't weak side mids. They're bad mids.


Originally posted by Zedeknir

I think FPX is the team where this is mostly non-relevant, as they can ping pong their picks since Doinb also plays bruisers mid. What will the other teams do ? Ban GP and morde ? then theres kled, Aatrox, Ornn, etc.

It's extremely relevant for getting Khan good matchups!


Originally posted by CurrentClient

The guy apparently has a hate boner for Gim.

I've watched quite a lot of FPX this year and I'm not entirely sold on Khan hype yet; definitely need to see more from him.

I love GimGoon. He just hasn't been anywhere near the level of last year.


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

But like, all those except Pawn still plays lmao.

And they either changed styles or are bad


Originally posted by Zedeknir

Low econ mid was a thing i think. Kuro in the Tigers

Was being the key word. Most of the time it was just the excuse for weak midlaners on good teams too tbf


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Lol. So far FPX with Gimgoon is much superior than Khan with FPX. I really don't know what else to tell you.

They lost 2 close series against the top 2 teams with the best players from last year underperforming and Khan being the only one playing well. Stop pushing this dumb narrative


Originally posted by NamikazeEU

What do u think Froggen, Febiven (2015), Kuro,Fly, Pawn (2015+) were ?

2015 isn't relevant to the way the game is played today


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

FPX with Gimgoon is still better than without. And Gimgoon has been solid all around except the inting of last week.

FPX with GimGoon playing like this is not winning anything this year. With Khan they can win everything.


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

How is Gim limiting the drating, you blindpick him Morde or GP into anyone and he will be fine. They are hard to towerdive, plays weakside well and scales good. With Khan you need to get him a good matchup.

You have to first rotation picks for GimGoon or he's going to feed. That puts as much of a strain on the draft as getting Khan a good matchup, except the reward is much lower.


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Gimgoon fits FPX much better than Khan though, and he is the best low econ toplaner in LPL and maybe the world. 1 bad series does not suddenly mean he gets destroyed in every lane lmao.

He gets destroyed in lane every series...


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Because they funnel a lot into LWX. Teams like G2, IG, T1 can carry through any lane. Then you have GenG and DRX who can do the same on a smaller scale (cause toplaners not really that strong yet).

Lwx has higher gold share in games with Khan than with GimGoon


Originally posted by NamikazeEU

well yea, thats what im saying, but idk why people are pushing so hard for Khan for some reason.

Like even Rookie, best mid in world, cannot play weakside, he plays aggresive so u either play around him or don;t. he won't change.

"Weak side mid" literally isn't a thing lmao


Originally posted by NamikazeEU

I've never seen so many people defend single individual player than litteraly enitre Korean scene and now LPL scene (analysts and casters) that he can be weakside.

I don't think it takes away anything from him anyway even if he can't, not like he is bad individual player.

But using V5 as an example over 3 or so years of him unable to play weakside and shouting :" See, see , it's not khan fault!!!" Feels weird..

I've never seen so many people defend a player who literally gets destroyed in every lane while only being able to play 2 champions. But I guess 2020 GimGoon can press R on the jungler as Morde so he's great!


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Khan definitely needs more resources than Gimgoon.

And besides, this series means nothing when it is vs V5 lmao.

You just need to look at the drafts to see how much more limiting GimGoon is. And the opposition doesn't change that aspect.


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Morde and GP are the best champions to Gim's style. But after the last series no wonder Gim needed a breather.

GimGoon's style this year is playing terribly


Game 1: Khan gets counterpick and 1 gank, completely destroys the game

Game 2: Khan gets blind pick Aatrox, gets a 40 cs lead (the opposite of GimGoon, who goes 40 cs down) by himself

Wow so many resources he needs