Agreed, we have enough fast-paced hero shooters, let's get some more tactical ones.
We have both too many hero shooters and too many tactical shooters
Agreed, we have enough fast-paced hero shooters, let's get some more tactical ones.
We have both too many hero shooters and too many tactical shooters
Super sorry you don't think last years MVP had a lot to do with EG getting a good position this split. Everyone on C9 was amazing... This was my all-pro team, not yours, not sure how people don't understand this. I'm not here to make unanimous votes for players unless I feel it so.
"there's still a good amount of learning the new kit to do before players are accessing Fiddle's full power." like what elo are champ testing Riot employees, if not even Challanger players has not figured out how you mean to play and wreck with him (as it is possible by Scruffy tweet)?
It is like Blizzard WoW test team all over again, having no players capable of clearing high end content and releasing unbeatable/undertuned stuff.
He's been out for 2 days. Every new champion goes through a period of learning where their average winrate increases over the course of ~ week. There are a few exceptions to this like Neeko, where it was harder to learn to play against her than play as her - her winrate on release remained pretty consistent and slightly declined over the week.
Imma be honest, I don't like the forced narratives presented by quickshot. While it does make for a more interesting story, it can get excessive at times. How many times are we gonna hear "playing with their food" or " Kings/king slayers"?
Those lines aren't for everyone, but they do resonate with many, and also work as great sound bytes that clearly explain in an easy to understand statement touching on history, communal understanding, current context. In some form or another, these sorts of lines will exist in any serialized competitive event. I for one love them :P Obviously, but I hope you can see the value in them even if you just don't like the exact phrase.
Also genuinely thanks for the feedback today throughout the series. It was a difficult cast because of so many factors and I spent time between games reading post match threads, and digested what I could, tried to get a feel for what some of the audience was feeling both positive and negative and integrated it with Yamato into our casting. Overall I feel happy with the show we put on and only wish that in game, Yamato and I revisited the MAD Lions dark horse for playoffs a few more times. I think we told the player performance story and rookies t...
Read moreit should just only damage champions if you hit a champion with your ability in the first place
Yes nerf Ludens, very smart idea xdddd
I feel like funding isn't an issue if you can afford Marvel Comics, Imagine Dragons, many, many, many animation studios and the like. Even in the musical department on trailers Riot seems to cast only top tier composers whenever they outsource.
You’re absolutely right. The reality is that when players engage with things like skins, they’re not just supporting future skins, but a much broader ecosystem of experiences.
Let's Go!!!!
? ? ?
SS was f**king atrocious on it too
Did you even watch the games, nice results based analysis there.
Ah yes, the buzzword argument. Dude got smashed in lane (should never happen with Syndra botlane) and was a non-factor in teamfights. Couldn't even set up any picks, nothing.
??? Syndra was a perfectly fine pick both of those games. Game 1 was just Fly ... being Fly and game 2 Syndra/Naut should shit on Aphelios in lane, they just didn't and got outscaled.
First phasing Syndra for Fly makes 0 f*cking sense, he's not nearly good enough on the pick to justify it. SS was f*cking atrocious on it too so the flex potential is awful as well. It's just terrible drafting.
Lethality Varus
The only role I haven't seen people complain recently about is mid.
Because mid players are the smartest, most adaptable, and most skilled of course ;)
Any play shows how bad the state of adc is, they were considered an unnegotiable part of any comp for years and look at the current situation
The current situation is the exact same as always except once in a while you see a mage bot. I play Syndra bot because I'm not that good at right click marksmen, I'm sure there's a lot of people like me.
EG, Immortals and Dignitas are 'new' this season, might be worth checking out!
DIG has some awesome talent - Huni, Grig, Aphromoo
Immortals has rockstars Soaz and Xmithie
EG has memelord Zayzal and overall a great lineup too.
They're supposed to be the mid/late game team fight carries
Games are only averaging 25 minutes. That late game is only coming about 14% of the time.
Meanwhile, no other role has to make such silly gambles and can be relevant at any point in the game.
You can be relevant at any point in the game from botlane too. You might have to stop playing marksmen but it's certainly possible.
Lol mages and bruisers have been getting some play bot lane
Yes, some play. The most common mage botlane pick on 10.6 was less common than Malphite mid
This is my fursona
What's so bad about 7 games in 3 weeks?