League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Mar


Originally posted by badSilentt

If your autofilled support sits two screens behind you because they think that's how you play support in lane it's an autolose

Suck it up, every role has to deal with this sh*t. You're not special.


Originally posted by bazopboomgumbochops

I'm telling you that this subreddit won't ever let 95% of obsolete mages be decent because Syndra and Cassiopeia exist with mediocre stats. You're perpetuating the problem.

mAgEs ArE BrOkEn people always bring up the same 3 champions, it's hilarious. When 3 marksmen are strong the ADC player bitching never stops, great contrast.


Originally posted by Th3_Huf0n

Syndra is a refugee?

Cassiopeia is a refugee?

Neeko is a refugee?

Ziggs is a refugee?

Veigar is a refugee?

Heimerdinger is an abomination.

No. The reason why people play mages bot because its so easy to feast on ADCs, you can so easily bully the f**k out of them with most of those mages, or at worst with the weaker laners, scale alongside them.

No, mages are absolutely not weak. The issue is that assassins are stupidly strong.

Ziggs is 100% a refugee. Syndra is a buggy broken mess. Neeko and Veigar are just Glacial abusers.


Originally posted by PM_ME_YUUMI_RULE34

another boards user

Boards were exaxtly like reddit except you could look up people's rank


Her weaknesses are numerous: she's squishy as hell, terrible in teamfights, bad scaling all around. Just group lol


Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

Buy QSS to get rid of the voice obviously


27 Mar


Originally posted by them_app1es

wow, good job holding the flash there, I'd shit my pants

No one would flash there would they?


Originally posted by Allegories

That's not really evidence of anything. The playtest team would know about these changes and he is tweeting it out.

He may have been moved to a developer, I don't know, but he was a playtester for a long time, and probably still is.

While I'm not a playtester anymore, I'm also not a designer. The only changes I've ever shipped were Swain's changes. I didn't make the Aurelion Sol changes or the Anivia ones. Was just a messenger for the Anivia ones! >.<


Originally posted by Vandelhelm

Lukas proceeds to have 10 car crashes per week and can't land a single job client. Also whenever he opens his fridge it's empty, he has to close it and reopen it for the food to show up every time he enters the house.

So, way better than Lukas 1.4


Originally posted by Literally_kappa

Still in ICU after you played garen against me :(

lol i've been bad recently, maybe i'll hop back on the grind


Originally posted by mazrim_lol

must be so frustrating to be blamed for this when can't do much but wait for other companies to get their stuff fixed

nah, folks are rightfully upset—it's our jobs to get it back up and running at full capacity as quickly as we can

all part of the process


Originally posted by Literally_kappa

Hello again Mr riot cactopus

hello fellow gamer how are you


Originally posted by __jayj

A message from the community <3

lol... i actually did laugh at this one


Originally posted by D3monFight3

Nice, and although I do not fully agree with the reasoning considering you can buy other stuff with tokens and those got nerfed too, it is good that you guys addressed it. After all if the intent was to make those skins rarer you could have just made them cost more tokens.

Though I would be curious why you first implement stuff like this and then you address in depth why it is like this? Is it some PR technique like you talked about when you made those announcements for the anniversary? Kinda like the saying that it is easier to apologize than to ask for permission?

Re: timing of the post, we did actually post the English-only message early via Twitter yesterday. We had to wait for localization (three day window) to get it into today's QGT.

I think if I could do it over I'd get it pushed out by our official channel vs. a dev's channel. Frankly I underestimated how much people would care, given that it's not too big of a change (and you still get tokens faster than you ever would've in events prior to Night & Dawn). That's a mistake on my end, so feedback taken and noted


Originally posted by redditiscucked4ever

My question is, won't bringing back Clash increase the web traffic because more people will log in to play in that short timeframe?

When I say web traffic I'm referring to the whole internet, not just League

BUT, you raise a point about a separate issue: there is increased League traffic too, which is why we'll position Clash in off-peak hours


Originally posted by samuuu25

Clash makes me scared for EUW servers :0

We're confident EU ping/server issues are disconnected from Clash. It seems to have more to do with increased web traffic generally causing issues at the ISP level. We sent out this tweet recently to give a little more context and right now we're working on more comms (including in-client messages) to keep folks updated on EU issues.

Edit: more updates on the Riot support twitter


Originally posted by Hue__hue

EUW burning, what do to calm down the masses?-Photoshop battle, thats it

Shared this above as well but it's likely an ISP level problem in EU connected to nutty web traffic generally atm. We're aware and working on it: https://twitter.com/RiotSupport/status/1243296815467778053?s=20

Edit: more updates on the Riot support twitter


Originally posted by Theometh

lol i wish my bathroom looked like that


Originally posted by Crazed_Alchemist

yo a ward desk lamp would be sick


Originally posted by OO1O1OOOOO111O1O

You gotta be kidding me lmao

They’re gonna bring back clash “more frequently”

Do they genuinely hate EU servers?

We're pretty confident the ping issues aren't connected to Clash. And solving it will probably require us to work directly with ISPs who are under a lot of stress right now (and we're doing that). Read the latest here.

Edit: more updates on the Riot support twitter