Fair assessment of my current performance. Do you have any tips what to do to increase my damage dealt? I think I got into the habit of avoiding fights I consider "dumb" to begin with and thus I miss out on too much..
Stop caring about your kda
Fair assessment of my current performance. Do you have any tips what to do to increase my damage dealt? I think I got into the habit of avoiding fights I consider "dumb" to begin with and thus I miss out on too much..
Stop caring about your kda
Should have kept Ucal and find a way to work it out.
Because Ucal is playing so much better...
I guess you didn't know it
But I'm a fiddle player too
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with youNow you play a pretty good fiddle, boy
But give the devil his due
I'll bet a fiddle of steel
Against your team
'Cause I think I'm better than you"
comment of the day 10/10
Personalization (aka Skins and Events)
- Every time someone posts a “it’s been x days since y champion got a skin” thread on Reddit, we delay production of a skin for said champion by one additional year
well played OP, well played.
Well played indeed. :)
Gotta fund all the other skins
The real answer
Jungle main. Always choose jung + mid. Never autofilled. average q time - 2 seconds ( no joke). If i try to duo with someone who's main - mid, average q time - 5 minutes+ . Time to nerf jungle more rito?
It's because nobody puts jungle secondary
After this idea they need to make luxstones, so she can have her own tier and people can get VERY RARE lux skins using luxstones. This needs to be done or Riot Games will fail as a company.
Hmm.. Luxstones you say?
Haha, I was an undercover mod cop this whole time! You fell right into our uwu trap, we have you surrounded
Finally we can - Uuu..
Wait no, not lik - UUuww..
Without warning, the ground beneath Los Angeles tears open. A fist the size of a mountain bursts forth. Slowly, a massive demon drags itself up.
"Y O U R — K I N D — I S — U N D E S E R V I N G" the heinous creature screams, killing me, blessedly
The real autobattler is all of Riot’s games fighting for the same audience
I know it's all jokes but... ooof. I feel like they're genuinely worried about this one.
Anyone genuinely interested in this topic and in things like business strategy should read this book: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Innovator's_Dilemma
He's hacking like a motherf*cker.
Finally someone making content /u/the_cactopus can relate to
only way to overcome this meme is to embrace it
Depends on how good you are and how much time you have
Morgana skin is either legendary or epic with changed animations.
Indeed is a Legendary. :)
the absolute fear that was in the zyramains subreddit that she'd get a Robot/cyborg skin was so real and i had to mentally prepare myself because riot drops the ball a lot on skin releases for the 1kskin club. but im so happy its coven.
Did someone say Dunkmaster Zyra?
Props to the Riot skin team for taking into account the player bases of Zyra, LeBlanc, and Morgana and knowing that all three share similar players and interests.
The fiasco that was Program LeBlanc definitely sent the message that LeBlanc mains didn’t want techno-futuristic themed skins, and I am sure the same goes for Morgana and Zyra mains seeing the three champions share similar player bases.
These skins are above and beyond what I personally expected. This is incredible.
We don’t always get everything right, but we do try to learn from the past and do better tomorrow than we did today.
3 of my fav champs getting skins from a great skin line at the same time....I won
Really glad people are digging these. We’re trying to do better and better every year. Thanks for continuing to support us. :)