League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Mar


Originally posted by FullMetalFiddlestick

200+ years of collective furry research experience



Flame levels about the same but EUW players ragequit/afk a lot more often in my experience


Originally posted by GameBoy09

Let's commemorate the occasion by watching "How to Achieve the Grapefruit Method."

This was the first thing I showed the team when we started the rework.


Originally posted by 2th

I will miss the balloon animal icon for E on Surprise Party Fiddle. They better have that skin retain the party hat fear too.

DW we gotchu


Believe it or not I feel you. Fiddle was my first main in LoL and will always hold a special place in my heart. I played Fiddle so exclusively when I finally tried another champ I felt like I was playing with 200% HP cheats. Fiddle could totally beat Shaco on early invades too with that E.

Fiddle's new kit has a very similar feel to it, and if anything you are even better equipped to mess with the minds of your opponents! In terms of that goofy vibe we are hoping Surprise Party still offers that classic Fiddle funtime so I'm looking forward to how players feel once the update goes live.


Wow incredible. As a Lego and Fiddlesticks enthusiast this is perfection.

15 Mar


IGN: Riot CodebearTeam Ranks: BII --> G1 (We have 4)Tier: IIILF Role: Bot, Support, or TopWe need: 1 Player

EDIT: All set! Bears going to be dancing to DinosaurMusic tonight :)

14 Mar


Originally posted by TheoryOf369

Now what if nocturne ults at the same time?

I'm in danger.


Originally posted by OverpoweredSoap

Doesn't seem that scary as the trailer, which to be fair, is kind of hard to replicate in game.

I think the scare factor for his passive could be pumped up a bit, but its interesting to see how a majority of his kit has actually stayed somewhat the same.

my dude, that ult is going to make me brick myself


Originally posted by Choubine_

Is there a chance you could put the VOD on yt?

Will upload later today


Originally posted by Rebotco5th

Clearly struggling with Welsh and Scouse, is Welshius from north wales?

Sounds more valleys to me


Originally posted by Peregrine2K

Wales isn't a nation/

(Yes I know it's a meme, it's not that deep blah blah blah)



Originally posted by MelonSmoothie

When are we getting Star Guardian Urgot?



Originally posted by reubengor

So grateful for the players and casters for making this happen, ender worked pretty hard to get it going on stream. Hope it goes well

The mood on this cast is excellent

Glad you enjoyed it. None of us wanted to cancel our show today but knew it was the right decision. I wanted to try and fill that void and I'm happy the players and other casters were willing to do it with me

13 Mar


Thanks to everyone that tuned in. Today got off to a really rough start so I'm happy we were able to make something positive out of it all.


Originally posted by Bozwir

Do you guys have a timetable for the Voli rework?

Yes, but not gonna tell. :D


Originally posted by tytoandnoob

Thank you so much for reading!

My pleasure!

Thanks for making them!


Originally posted by AluminiumSandworm

is he braum irl?

We used Braum iconography in our team a lot!


Originally posted by Paradai

Many would say that but im happy to give you my tinfoil crown.

Nice, I can wear it to keep alien raybeams out of my brain