League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Mar


Originally posted by Paradai

Congrats on being reddits new fav rioter

I don't think that's quite true. I would not take that crown from the Cactopus himself.


Originally posted by drooby_pls

Thanks again for replying! Hopefully after some more experience in the networking/security space, St. Louis’ office will have a spot open. Thanks again for taking time to educate me

No problem. Riot will pay for your relocation to the office you're needed if you are open to it, just FYI.


Originally posted by Mod4rchive

hey I'm studying that, what do you do most days?

Depends on the day. I personally go between reviewing things we are releasing (games, yes, but also software like new web services), chasing up existing web vulnerabilities or building software that engineers either use or is inserted into the pipeline to protect them by default.


As someone that loves history, especially esports history I've really enjoyed all these posts.

This one hit a little different though, thanks for reminding people of this one!


Originally posted by Giddyfuzzball

Y’all been getting a crap load of phishing scams like my company?

This feels like something someone who was sending phishing emails would ask


Originally posted by heylmjordan

lol f**k that's too real, dawg

if i keep saying i'm 7/10 people on the internet will believe me


Originally posted by drooby_pls

What other security teams does Riot employ if you don’t mind me asking?

Off the top of my head (sorry if I leave anyone out) we have:

  • Rioter Security - corporate security
  • Platform Security - security of our infrastructure, things like AWS configurations. You may know them from Cloud Inquisitor.
  • Application Security - my team! security of code and applications that we build/deploy
  • Privacy - This one speaks for itself
  • Regulatory/Compliance - Also speaks for itself
  • SecOps - Threat detection and response
  • Anti-cheat - You know these folks

Originally posted by drooby_pls

I appreciate taking the time to respond. I’ve always been told by professors that certifications are key and that my degree is more formalities (i.e able to learn other fields).

Is the LA office the office your team is located in? I’m in St. Louis and know there’s an office here but wasn’t sure if it’s more used as a networking hub sort of speak.

So, my team, application security, is actually based out of both Dublin and LA. There are security folk in most offices, though, including St Louis I believe.

I don't doubt that certifications are important, I just don't have any, but I had prior work experience to joining Riot so perhaps that's the difference?


very very cool. much impress


Originally posted by drooby_pls

What certifications does Riot, and the security team, value the most? I have my bachelors in Cyber Security and working on getting my Network+ and Security+ certs now.

Uh, well, I don't have a degree and the only formal certification I have I gained after I joined Riot, so I'm not the best person to ask.

In general, we're looking for someone who has a good head on their shoulders (i.e, is pleasant to work with), demonstrates an ability to admit when they are wrong and is an effective communicator. In general, security is a people problem that is solved with some tech rather than a tech problem solved with some socializing.

On top of that, you'll want knowledge in your field. So, if you're going into application security, being a software engineer or having strong knowledge of application security vulnerabilities would be a really big plus.

It sounds like your certifications are the 'right' ones, but my perception is that we care more about how you employ the knowledge you gained attaining those certs rather than the certs themselves (to an extent - Immigration laws can be complicated without the correct qualificat...

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Originally posted by _ChestHair_

Buff fingers

Certainly having issues fitting my new ring on them for sure.


Originally posted by MusicManDan

That's exactly what I was looking for - I'm a software dev with cyber security experience, Riot and games in general sound like they'd have interesting problems to solve so was curious how you found it.

Thanks for giving me such a detailed answer :)

No problem! If you have more questions you can ask them here, DM me on reddit and I am also accessible on Keybase


Originally posted by TheSentinelsSorrow

we've been over this, padlocking your laptop isnt cyber security

Spilling coffee on it is something I have done a few times now and it is perfect for security. It's not vulnerable if it's reduced to a very expensive paperweight with stickers on.


Originally posted by borna761

riotgames.com refused to connect


My bad! Apparently we don't have a riotgames.com to www.riotgames.com redirect; I'll raise that up!


Originally posted by MusicManDan

What's it like working on riot's cyber sec team?

What do you want to know?

I really enjoy it.

The rest of the information security team are some of the most talented and humble individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Information security presents interesting problems, particularly at Riot which has somewhat resisted top-down direction leadership when it comes to engineering. That's not to say there is none, but the fragmented nature of Riot (I am in Dublin, lots of engineers are in LA) makes it very interesting to effect change across the entire organization.

When something's really bad, my team has the nuclear option to enforce people do things, but we would really rather not do that.

This makes anything I build have to stand on its own merits and I have to be able to convince other engineers of its value.


Originally posted by Hitman3256

All I'm thinking now is of that meme with the one skinny nerd asking a question on his laptop online, and 3 buff dudes are replying to him and giving advice lol

That is actually exactly what talking to the rest of InfoSec is like. There are many swolebros and swolettes.


Originally posted by bigboy918

if she becomes a major problem top again like last time (56% wr) will she see hotfixes rather than let her dominate the patch.

At 56% yeah, we'd probably hotfix if her playrate was also high. If she was 56% and an extremely uncommon pick still for some reason we'd probably wait on the next regular patch.


Originally posted by Cyndershade

The barrier to entry to play the game and then excel at the game is what you probably don't understand.

In LoL you have a RTS style driven character hero with 4 buttons max and a list of recipes you can buy, with this information you can play the game.

In PoE you have an ARPG style driven character hero with skills that are given to you through the campaign to kill enemies with, with this information you can play the game.

In LoL you have nearing 200 champions all with unique move sets and synergies that are modified by builds, runes and team strategies that ramp complexity into infinity. Subtle metagame details like split pushing and when to ward etc all added on to that pile, learning this stuff makes you excel at the game eventually.

In PoE you have a pretty massive library of player agency - the tree, amount of uniques / items, ascendancies etc will all give you the power to do whatever it is you want to do that can make you ...

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I would definitely agree that LoL has a very high skill ceiling


Originally posted by HootingMandrill

Blessed be thy internet guardians whomst have been touched by the hand of Brodin. As they protect League so too shall He protect them on the path to Swolehalla.

I'm going to print this off and put it on my managers desk (he is a strongman)