League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Mar

Originally posted by UNOvven

Ignoring for a second that win rate is well known to be entirely useless as an indicator for power (being about as accurate as a coinflip most of the time), which inexplicably you decided to ignore to make a balance framework that looks at the wrong things, Lee Sin has exceeded 75% pro play presence on several patches, and evaded a nerf. Hell, you have nerfed several significantly weaker jungles, like Shaco, even while Lee Sin dodges the needed nerfs. Lee Sin is dominating in the jungle, and far too powerful.

If all of this is because you're blindly following your balance framework (other than for Akali who qualifies for buffs but isn't getting them), then I think it's time you scrap the current framework and go back to the drawing board. Create a new framework, one that doesn't miss 2/4 of leagues most broken champs of all time, and 3/4 of leagues weakest champs of all time.

Edit: In fact, looking at it, Shaco fails to qualify for any of the frame...

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no, winning in league of legends is not a coinflip

Using "in fact" when stating a non-fact detracts severely from your argument and makes people stop bothering with responding to you. especially since in this situation it involves you assuming that i'm lying to you about something you have no way to actually know - so you are already taking your conversation partner in bad faith. hey look, it's shaco crossing the win rate x ban rate threshold


Originally posted by BeepBoopAnv

Yeah, but when does that ever come up? I have a million points on anivia and can’t think of a single time where I was like “aw man, if the window for empowered e after being affected by my r was one second longer I would’ve gotten more damage!”

This feels like a placebo that doesn’t address Anivias real problems in that she’s too weak early and never gets to her strong points in most games. Perhaps giving her more roam capabilities or easing her mana issues early so she’s not gated into seraphs+rod of ages?

I don’t know a perfect solution, and maybe this was too much, but I’d like to see some more power given to her so she could have a presence in pro play besides just froggen once a split.

Appreciate the passionate response. I agree Anivia needs some wider work done (maybe QoL, power curve, or power budget shift), but that would require some more due diligence from us that we aren't ready to commit just yet (we swung too far with the CC immunity and were rightly called out for it). We will see what this change does for Anivia (if anything), and reassess after.


Originally posted by Ethanxiaorox

How is that pronounced?



Originally posted by Surybang1

1 lvl is almost 1k golds so if an Adc is underleveled by 4 lvl + They have bad base stats, can you explain how it’s not as large as we ( all adc players on this planet ) think????

Because the primary output of a marksman is damage (secondary being utility on some marksmen), neither of which are heavily impacted by level scaling, and are instead influenced by gold and base kit utility. Despite being down in levels, marksmen almost always serve their purpose of having the highest damage in the game, which is their most sought after output.


Not without possibility of getting banned


Originally posted by Tribovane

I'm not sure but I know who's the most anti-murican champion: Ziggs

Ziggs and Zilean Jihad squad

Originally posted by UNOvven

Can you elaborate how it is Lee Sin continues to avoid much needed nerfs for months now? The buffs you gave him for worlds (that were completely unneccessary in the first place) pushed him over the edge, and he has been overperforming since, being the best jungler for months now.

Lee Sin sits between 47-50% and ~50% presence in pro play. His play rate is high, but this isn't unusual for a champ that's as popular as he normally, especially not when he is also seeing pro play. Winrate wise, he climbs from weak to totally balanced over elo.

Therefore the only major reason to nerf him would be that we think the game is low on champ diversity since he's too fun - and we don't like punishing champs just because they are fun. You'll notice recently we have been trying to open up the jungle to lots of other popular champs instead (Darius, Garen, Morde, among others).


Originally posted by BeepBoopAnv

Is anivia going to get a different buff in 10.7 or is she just going to get the 1 second window that won’t affect anything.

She is getting the 1 second window increase on R for 10.6.


Statistically Amumu's best items are Abyssal Mask, Thornmail, and Liandries, however if you find yourself struggling to stay in range then Rylai's provides a lot of sticking power given that you land your first Q.

As for pathing, Amumu does pretty well when level 3 ganking (especially mid), so I tend to stick to the 3 camp->gank strategy.


Marksmen as a class are less dependent on levels (between stat scaling and skill point scaling) than other classes, and scale best off gold over gametime. So while it may be jarring to see you at a level disadvantage, the actual power difference between you and a toplaner is not as large as you'd think.


Hey! I'd love to give you some pointers sometime. If you're on NA, add me: Riot Ray Yonggi


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Yup! Kalista's passive allows her to do a hop in between every auto attack if she issues a move command (right click the ground) once she has started an auto attack.

From the wiki:

Makes her 📷 dash in the target direction after issuing a movement command during a wind-up or right after casting 📷 Pierce.

  • The distance scales with her boots tier. The wind-up while dashing is only reduced by 0.66% per 📷 1% ...
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Yup! Kalista's passive allows her to do a hop in between every auto attack if she issues a move command (right click the ground) once she has started an auto attack.


Originally posted by Aaron1997

Just checked. Anivia's Ult is still uncancelable. Trying to get a response from King Cobra to put this to rest.

We've pulled the CC immunity for 10.6. Should be reflected on PBE soon.

10 Mar

Originally posted by texanapocalypse33

My first thought upon seeing this is that it's another cases of the "mains doing well on a champ". Most recent case I can think of was Aurelion Sol in the past. Players with many games and in higher elos had something like 53%+ wr, but every other strata was at sub 49%

I'd be interested in seeing which runes these people are taking at higher elos compared to her winrates at the end of season 9. For me and a lot of the other Tali (mid) community, she was pretty much unplayable before new Presence of Mind.

taliyah is played on average by players who are less experienced on her than the average champ in league (so less mains - or if they are mains they are less experienced on her than the average player is on the average champ)

this was similar to aurelion sol (though since his changes at the end of season 9, he is now played more by mains than average)

Originally posted by Ripamon

buffs are on the assumption that DD changes will lower that a bit

Riven remains untouched even though the DD changes will also lower her.

less convinced of that. the item is gaining gold efficiency, and AR and MR synergize really well with the passive, thought it probably can't be rushed anymore

Originally posted by texanapocalypse33

not a priority? she doesn't even appear as a midlaner on any stat website. Sett, a melee bruiser, is played mid more often than her. Her mana costs are absolutely absurd and I'm guessing she doesn't sell enough skins to bother giving her reasonable costs.

Zoe's MAX mana cost, is her E, which at max level costs 80. That spell alone is the stuff of nightmares, which she can fire off all laning phase. It's only rivaled by Veigar's E, but that doesn't travel through fog of war. That one spell makes laners sacrifice tp/ignite in favor of cleanse, in hopes that they can escape a bubble and maybe, just maybe, be allowed to lane.

Taliyah's LVL 1 E cost 90, and scales up to 110 at max rank. Yes this is similar to other mage's "main" spells, like Ori W, but E is not Taliyah's main spell, her Q is.

You nerfed taliyah because SR team didn't like her shove and roam playstyle. But it's perfectly ok for Zoe to spend 200 mana, shove the wave, and run bot lane for a sleepy ...

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taliyah has been in a pretty good state winrate wise for a very long time, in multiple roles, and is seeing elite and pro play, where she tends to be gated - but shes doing well enough that we would probably nerf her first if she started to become popular.

10.4 data for a clearer demonstration of winrate scaling with elo

Originally posted by OromisOfficial

Could we please get a comment on Jayce? He seems to be doing better but still nowhere near a proper champion in a supposedly early impact focused meta

Jayce is basically 50% flat across all elo in mid, and 47-51% rising with elo in top lane. IIRC he's usually pro limited, so its surprising hes in as good of a state as he currently is right now. unless you are asking "when will pros start playing him and force us to nerf him"...

Originally posted by texanapocalypse33

might we take a look at tali? you know the girl with the rocks? no not the one with huge thighs and a prestige skin, the other one

we had some work on her floating around here and there but not a priority

Originally posted by EverlastingTilt

Is there a current direction the balance team is set on for buffing Nasus? There is a general consensus in the Nasus mains subreddit that he needs better early base resistances and/or better growths for starters. Some other ideas that have floated around were things like increasing his attack range to 175. Having 125 attack range in season 10 on an immobile melee feels awful, and his waveclear tends to suffer as the game progresses which limits his usefulness as a scaling juggernaut/splitpusher.

Unlike other champions Nasus does not want to build items like hydra and sunfire cape since it messes with his stacking. A change that can alleviate this flaw without introducing more damage directly to his kit is to add a damage modifier to his e that would scale off a percentage of his stacks that would only affect minions/monsters.

Wither tends to be a great limiter in his kit due to how toxic a point and click slow is, especially if it lasts 5 seconds even with one poi...

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we were looking at Wither and other benefits he might gain during his R. nothing concrete atm