Read moreIgnoring for a second that win rate is well known to be entirely useless as an indicator for power (being about as accurate as a coinflip most of the time), which inexplicably you decided to ignore to make a balance framework that looks at the wrong things, Lee Sin has exceeded 75% pro play presence on several patches, and evaded a nerf. Hell, you have nerfed several significantly weaker jungles, like Shaco, even while Lee Sin dodges the needed nerfs. Lee Sin is dominating in the jungle, and far too powerful.
If all of this is because you're blindly following your balance framework (other than for Akali who qualifies for buffs but isn't getting them), then I think it's time you scrap the current framework and go back to the drawing board. Create a new framework, one that doesn't miss 2/4 of leagues most broken champs of all time, and 3/4 of leagues weakest champs of all time.
Edit: In fact, looking at it, Shaco fails to qualify for any of the frame...
no, winning in league of legends is not a coinflip
Using "in fact" when stating a non-fact detracts severely from your argument and makes people stop bothering with responding to you. especially since in this situation it involves you assuming that i'm lying to you about something you have no way to actually know - so you are already taking your conversation partner in bad faith. hey look, it's shaco crossing the win rate x ban rate threshold