League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Mar


Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Hey Scruffy,

I was wondering if anyone at Riot was looking at a big bug on Maokai. I'm not sure of the exact way to trigger it, it's possibly related to using TP, but a lot of times when I return to lane from the base my passive will proc when I am full health. Usually it doesn't matter too much because it seems to mostly happen when no enemy champions are nearby, but I have had a few instances where it negatively affected a trade. I have reported this bug a few times for the past few patches since the Immolate changes have made Maokai feel playable again, but I have seen nothing about it.

I would also ask for a potential minor fix in how the Immolate burst works on a few champs. I have noticed that when Nautilus autos, if the target dies it doesn't trigger the burst, which is helpful when farming. I would also ask that something similar could be done with Maokai's Q. I have had many instances where my Bami's/Sunfire goes on cooldown at a crucial time because I u...

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Thanks for these, they both sound like bugs that we should fix.


Originally posted by Dyvith

I️ played clash with my friends in this most recent tournament and had a ton of fun, but we were super bummed out that we need to wait a month for the next clash tournament. Is there any plans for more regular tournaments?

We're starting at a one a month cadence, but if the demand is there we are definitely considering doing them more frequently.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey /u/RiotScruffy how effective do you think the solo lane Sickle/Spellthiefs and funnel nerfs have been

Solo lane support items are significantly nerfed as we intended.

Funnel is probably not quite there, but we can continue to ramp up the gold and XP penalties until its balanced.


Originally posted by ZelosRiven

Hi Mark!! ,some thoughts about Riven? People in RivenMains are not happy with the current state of the champion and with the dd changes even less,losing 30 ad in her core item when all Riven spells scale with ad is bad for her ant the resistances of new dd didn,t help her that much.

Pasting my twitter reply:

Riven seems stable on our end - sitting around 51% wr at high elo. Not op but definitely viable.

I’m guessing her builds are a bit altered after 10.6 so there may be some more adaptations for players to do.

In part i think buffed hydra is helping her RN


Thanks for being patient with us, we are putting on the first ever LEC broadcast from home! It has some issues we need to work through.


Originally posted by bz6

Clash Feedback:

  • Make it so we can copy paste summoner names during scouting phase.

  • Leader-boards?

Also, RE: reworked Fiddlesticks. His portrait icon in champ select / mini-map needs a change. Just like Aphelios's, because the one on PBE currently is too bright and zoomed out. Hard to identify s at a glance.

Thanks for the feedback, will pass it on to the fiddle pod.

Also, we're doing a bunch of upgrades for clash over time - scouting phase will get a bunch of tweaks now that we've seen it played a few times.


Originally posted by Silver-Velvet

Good thing you don't need to know how to play them, then. You can't really mess anything up, and you are tanky enough that mistakes rarely matter, and you still have the damage to kill people much more fed than the tank is. Sadly, we are once again getting to a point where tanks just have no skill requirement, deal enough damage where squishy damage dealers are simply a worse option, and their itemization is both too cheap, and vastly overtuned compared to their price, providing both high offensive and defensive power at the same time, without actually paying for it.

We had a few good years, I guess.

I don't know what reality you're living in, but it's certainly not this one


Originally posted by 912at

So much fun playing one of the worst champions by winrate :D

Idk about Akali, but Irelia is still an absolute blast to play.


Originally posted by Silver-Velvet

Say what you want, but nothing is more mindless than sunfire tanks. The definition of zero skill gameplay. At least Wukong is squishy enough to require a shred of thought in his playstyle.

I hope neither ever get to be the optimal way to play the game, and for the same reason.

The vast majority of players have no idea how to play a tank tho


Originally posted by Scrizal

I rarely see karma players go full ape though. Her "planned rework" aimed to make her a more powerful support when she's an already fine support. So they scrapped it.

And then comes the sweet sweet nerf hammer to her Q ap ratio...

Feel like sh*t, just want my damage back


Originally posted by AsIsWritten

Canada, And I don't know if it's just a blanket "English" ad or an "NA" ad, but the one that shows up in my client just feels super lack-luster compared to this one. Not only is it set 3, but its just sound effects and (admittedly nice) animation. I was actually content with the ad we got, until I saw this one to. which is the funny thing.

I have this one scheduled to run in the US and CA as well. So hopefully you don't feel too cheated :)

The ones with no vocals are intended to be "region agnostic". The localized ones often have very culturally specific humor/references and don't always work well globally, but this one CLEARLY kills it. I expect to set it live in regions that have a reasonable k-pop affinity/awareness.

Honestly, just really stoked that people like this!


Our KR team is definitely on point. They have a couple other local ads that I love, too.


Originally posted by AsIsWritten

This is so much better than the one we got. Wtf... I feel cheated.

Which country are you in?

19 Mar


Originally posted by ankaa_

What do you mean by obtain the Mastery Emote Upgrade? It doesn't happen automatically upon reaching 15 milestones? And yes, I have mastery 7, 282k points, both eternal sets unlocked, and 17 milestones and I still don't see it :(

Can you send me a screenshot of your progression page?


Originally posted by Omnilatent

The topics were so good but I just couldn't get over the fact we didn't see any hosts/guests :(

Maybe they can do it with webcams next time. I really missed the visuals.

A goal for next week! Much of my time was taken up working with our other producers to do what I can for the show this Friday.


Originally posted by UnlimitedAuthority

Legit a very interesting episode. Props to Riot Triaged for being very candid and well spoken about a rough situation as well the behind the scenes of how LEC works.



i screwed up bad and listened to it three times in a row, now it's stuck in my head forever



Originally posted by ankaa_

Hi Joe- I mean, Ken. Patch 10.6 is up and I don't think it has been fixed... :(

Any news on the subject?

Hi - you have obtained the Mastery Emote Upgrade, are playing in an Eternals-supported queue (ARAM, SR, NOT customs) and have the Mastery Emote unlocked for the champion you're playing on and are still not seeing it?


Originally posted by Papy_Wouane

Warwick is generally agreed to be one of Riot's best reworks in terms of balance. Define "overturned for a while"? Because he literally went through more than an entire season (from 7.2 to 8.7) without ever being touched, and nobody was vocally complaining about him.

Nobody was vocally complaining because there was a massive reddit circlejerk about Warwick being a perfectly designed and balanced champion despite being 54+% winrate for like a season and a half.


Originally posted by ExSyn

Sorry but this is wrong.

DoinB doesnt usually play hard carries, but he still needs a lot of ganks and attention to get going in lane, so he is free to roam around.

Given that LWX is also a very ressource-heavy adc I just dont see a way you can fit one of the most ressource-dependant toplaners into this team aswell.

They need a low econ top or one of their players to significantly switch up their playstyle.

Doinb is playing a lot of scaling picks though. They will definitely keep trying to make it work with Khan, the potential is just too high.