Become ULTRA with loot rewards in ARCADE: ULTRACOMBO
Look like the hypercarry you are
@sonwooang: Meow
@Sneaky: Divine Sword Irelia cosplay 🌸 Photos: @estherlynnhhj
@LeagueOfLegends: A deadly masterpiece unfolds A lone resistance made whole A chance to come alive
@puellanna Sorry, unfortunately Brazilian law prevents us from offering this contest to players from there. If that ever changes, we'll absolutely include players from Brazil!
@myheritance There's no limit, but we're only going to accept your latest submission as your final submission :)
Summer, summer fun 🌞🌞🌞
We're looking for some cool comics so check out our latest contest and sweet prizes!
Full Contest Details 👉
@lolesports: We are excited to announce the dates, cities, venues, and regional seeding for the 2019 World Championship:
Play-In Stage…
@CaptainFlowers @lolesports @RiotKobe @RiotAzael I feel so understood
@Khryke1: Hey! First tweet ever and it happens to be this. Did some Debonair Sylas fanart, I come here to speak for all the thirsty Syla…
@echofoxgg: How you and your team look invading on a ward
@clgaming @Newegg @CLG_HotshotGG @XellTweets @MindGamesWeldon
@scarra: Teamfight tactics comes out today
Here's a beginner guide on how to build an army + 5 builds that worked for playtesters in ho…
@RiotSapMagic me irl
@LCSOfficial same
@RiotSapMagic: PBE is up with Teamfight Tactics. Good luck, tacticians!
Check out our PBE post for more context:
@Nicommc @moobeat Duration on shroud and movement speed in shroud