@RiotMapleNectar @Spideraxe30 If you thought I made the LoL balance team look clueless, you have no idea what I could do to TFT...
Introducing Teamfight Tactics π€―π€―π€―
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@PzychoNimz Caps at 10 minutes still
@FlashnFuse Tentatively, yes
Abyssal Mask
Needs some work still, but should be doable. Trying to avoid stats that appear out of nowhere, so the CDR has been removed. A Cowl has been added to make the price points more reasonable. Lost CDR needs a replacement something. Cowl effect might upgrade as well.
Liandry's Torment
Mostly adjusted to accommodate the Guise change. As noted, can be built with RoA and I suppose another Guise to make the stacking in combat AP effect stronger
Rod of Ages
Builds out of the changed Catalyst and Guise. Slightly modified stats and now basically doubles in power over 10 minutes.
Haunting Guise
Stacks AP over time rather than damage amp, and introduces its Madness AP as a stat in the stat lines. Should indicate that you can stack this with other madness items. Wanted to go away from damage amp because too many multipliers is risky.
Catalyst of Aeons
Restores mana based on damage taken and health based on damage dealt. Champ vs minion reduction mod rather than single target vs aoe.
Got some time to dig into the RoA work which I absolutely immediately extended to now include up to 5 items. See replies for individual item info.
Catalyst, Guise, RoA, Liandry's, Abyssal. Nothing final. Might have some tooltip errors. It's still early. #lifeofapatch
@Nekro13_artist I dig the style...Thanks for sharing! :)
Qiyana, Empress of the Elements, takes what's rightfully hers
πΈ @wandakunpls
The people of Ixaocan celebrate her prowess...The world is next
Oh, I mega trolled and didn't actually post the image of the Pyke changes. #lifeofapatch btw
Not sure the damage conversion into grey health is tuned correctly here, but my feeling is that even when fully ranked, it doesn't need to go as high as it does on Live (where it feels excessive imo). Could see it capping as low as 50% or still going to ~80% like Live.
W giving more speed as you rank it up increases the appeal of putting points into it, and Q having a flatter CD rankup means it's less painful to not rank it immediately.
Requiring a point in W to access the sustain hopefully comes as a relatively larger cost to solo Pyke, where he'd be vulnerable to very early harrass if he doesn't rank the spell, and wouldn't have a combat spell if he does.
Having the sustain passive on W makes sense due to its obvious synergy with the spell. It also means he has to rank it up to get more value from it, and that's a damage tradeoff he's more likely to be able to afford in a duo lane than a solo.