@Voyboy @Strompest So shifting it toward health potentially broadens its audience. The users that pick it up currently have better options for AP so they'll still take this for the slow, but a more health focused stat line may make it a more realistic option for users seeking a beefier AP build.
Dark Cosmic Jhin, Dark Star Karma, and Dark Star Shaco descend upon the Rift
@Voyboy @Strompest I get what you're saying but I don't think the changes would alter its appealing elements for most core users. It's still about perma slowing and its difference in AP vs Health is probably mostly a wash for the champions that already pick it up.
@FlashnFuse I think it's a cool idea for an item but probably something better served by a new item with that as its identity. RoA has maintained its relatively simple identity over the years and I think that's pretty good to preserve.
At the end of the day, I'm probably just going to take 100-200g off RoA's combine cost for 9.13 and call it good for now.
I usually like starting at more dramatic opportunities on these types of projects when there's something known to fall back to.
@riotgames: The @LeagueOfLegends and @Marvel collaboration continues with Lux #2 out today! Read it here:
@GodDerpes_Leona Is it free if you pay for it?
@MaliciousMetal That is correct. The idea is that we could build most of the Health/AP items out of Haunting Guise, and that you could stack the Madness passive to get more AP per second.
Another thing I've been considering but probably won't have a ton of time to do in the near future is an improvement to how Lifeline works. All those items feel pretty hacked together, and they're limiting in a pretty uninteresting and unsatisfying way.
Still slow burning at some item work and tossed Rylai's into the mix since it seems like it fits as a tanky ap item.
For now, I'm happy to keep chipping away at this and prepare some good stuff for preseason, but maybe we can squeeze something in sooner.
When new Morde hits level 6 and starts coming at you 😱😱😱
🔔 Patch Highlights 9.12 🔔 Full patch notes here --->
PBE Preview Battle Boss Yasuo, Arcade Caitlyn, Battle Boss Qiyana, Arcade Kai'Sa
@davidkhertz Tentative RoA changes probably favor him, so maybe that helps.
Pyke is getting some attention to make his output in a solo lane more than an unassailable sustain monster. That work's going alright, and it seems like there are several options on it, but none of them stand out as clearly best.
I showed some stuff late last week on Rod of Ages that I think is going pretty well, but for whatever reason, the tooltip formatting on the item has actually been a pain, so it's been a bit cumbersome to get cleaned up. Might get something on PBE this week.
In a similar vein, we're giving a look at standardizing ward timings and durations, especially the stealth varieties (wards, trinkets, klepto wards), but we decided on Thursday that it's not something we want to push into the current season. So preseason it is (if it makes it).
We're looking to resolve some of the solo queue tension involved with sharing buffs between junglers and laners, so we're kicking around a few ideas on how to dig into that space. Probably won't be delivering anything until preseason, however.
We've got some preseason support item work underway that's looking pretty good. It's a bit of a slow and steady burn, but we could probably show some early stuff on it during the patch cycle.
Little update on where the 9.13 patch is at (in a not so organized fashion, sorry) #lifeofapatch
Illaoi's got some improvements coming through to hopefully QoL her up a bit. @RiotKingCobra has gotten a few tests in on a little update to Swain's R.