So, I slept on the Pyke thoughts a bit and here's what I think make sense as a starting point. #lifeofapatch
Basically, make the sustain part of his character passive instead his W passive. Then do a little tuning around that world. Some design considerations:
Even though my task for 9.13 is more about RoA than Haunting Guise, my thought this last hour is I should make the Madness passive on Haunting Guise ramping AP rather than %dmg. %dmg is more risky, and the effect doesn't need to multiply damage to be satisfying. #lifeofapatch
Not sure why, but I get the feeling it's his passive...
@danielzklein I may or may not have accidentally bugged it a few patches ago so that Q+W ended up costing 0 mana entirely. Maybe...
@InquisitiveTaco @RiotKingCobra It still does. For these rough quick drafts, you can usually assume that if it's not mentioned, it's not changed.
@Shakarez @RiotKingCobra We'll be pretty hesitant to put it back on Banshee's. When there's a good Negatron rush to be had in mid lane, everyone starts doing it and the lane takes a turn toward less exciting.
@goldencolossus @RiotKingCobra yeah
@goldencolossus @RiotKingCobra The Madness in this version actually stacks. The RoA version makes it stack higher, and the Liandry's version makes it stack faster, and you get both if you buy both.
@Baryboo @RiotKingCobra That's interesting. Never considered Heal/Shield on non Forbidden items tbh, but it does make sense as you've presented it.
@Messaiga @RiotKingCobra Yeah, my hope was that it would look attractive to more bruisery mages that want to bulk and endure a fight. Swain definitely fits that.
@LittleLeaf_MTG The burn would be staying
@RedditKadexe @RiotKingCobra Could be cool as well, as long as it didn't overlap with Void Staff or something.
@Shakarez Stack higher with RoA. Stack faster with Liandry's. Stack higher and faster with both :)
@Cellybeary It's currently pretty useless for Grievous to exist on more champions right now because the effect is so easily acquired. At that point, I do think the idea of having effects like it on a few more champion kits to be compelling.
5 - Eternity effect is simplified, more satisfying intellectually, and most rewarding of natural combat patterns rather than spellcast frequency optimization.
4 - RoA has more interesting item combo opportunities (Mana build w/ tear vs. Liandry's combo build)
3 - Get to experiment with "reduced sustain from non-champions" rather than our standard single target vs aoe split. I expect this to be a more appropriate take on a reduction model.
2 - RoA provides an avenue for sustained damage mages to get some combat sustain, and its output is deferred to later in the game, where it is less historically concerning/problematic.
1 - Haunting Guise now builds into another item and it (hopefully) makes sense. We should avoid having mid tier items that only build into one legendary item where possible, as it bloats the shop out in the middle.
I also got a task to make RoA interesting and relevant, which at least @RiotKingCobra has been asking for for awhile. #lifeofapatch
May not have time for something this big, but here was my rough starting point and some design considerations I discussed with the team: