Pro has very limited recent data on the new splits so far, so we'll mostly be following up on stuff from MSI for that audience.
Here's the version for Elite, in which we use a few different parameters to define OP. The way this can be read is that if their red bar crosses the vertical line at 45%, they should be nerfed.
Likewise, here are the ones for "Skilled." The red dots seen are for Xayah when she's specifically with Rakan, and Pyke crossing the line based on mid lane win rate.
9.11 solo queue snapshot for "average" tier play. First is the plotting of all the dots. The second is a somewhat sloppy zoom in on the stuff around the top end (the little black dots don't mean anything; just the rings)
Here's the next version of 9.12 Ryze that will go to PBE. Pretty different than the last, as was noted Friday.
Had a pretty strong early game, then fed. Sounds about right.
For now, we're hitting our morning playtest. Got some 9.12 Ryze and Sylas stuff in today, as well as an unannounced champion and one of my first plays on the Pantheon rework.
We make most of our balance targets for the 9.12 patch this afternoon from 2-3 PST. Around that time, I'll probably tweet out some of the data we'll be discussing to set those targets.
@Spideraxe30 They're on the team but won't be participating as much most likely. They're on the seasonal group that's working on the preseason at the moment.
More info and a list of devs to follow:
For patch 9.13, the Summoner's Rift Team is going to be talking openly about the development of the patch, and the work we do during that time. Feel free to ask any of us questions. We should be pretty active on Twitter these next 2 weeks.
@OvileeMay: I missed my #LCS boys ❤️️
@Cloud9 @lolesports @Licorice I heard my name
@lolesports @TSM @TeamLiquidLoL #LCS #LCS #LCS #LCS
@LoLEsportsStats @Licorice Yuuuuuuuumiiiiiii
As mentioned, there is some Ryze stuff that's showing up on PBE today. There's a different list coming Monday as well. Trying two different things out before deciding on the right blend of the two for 9.12. Feedback welcome.
@moobeat Here's the one showing up today. There will likely be a pretty different one on Monday that is less... drastic
FYI here's an update on Clash!
I guess Ryze's changes might make it into 9.12 after all. Should be on PBE tomorrow at this rate.