I took the task of looking at balancing solo lane Pyke for 9.13. Anyone got any ideas? #lifeofapatch
Lifesteal-like effects can be good for the game in enabling some amount of solo snowball and individual agency.
tl;dr: IMO we should regulate early game systemic healing especially, and Grievous Wounds isn't in a great spot. Other sources can be tuned healthily at that point.
Healing isn't always bad.
It can fulfill an exciting playstyle or fantasy well on an individual champion basis.
Sustain is good when it helps players stay out on the map and press advantages in later stages of the game, but it tends to feel unfair if it comes online early.
The next issue is that Grievous doesn't do its job effectively, and that the game is less fun if it does. I'd prefer we rework the effect or remove it from items entirely (maybe put it on some more kits?) and balance mid and late game healing around its nonexistence.
I think early game systemic sources (runes and early items) are the biggest issue. Because these account for so much of champs' early power, when they can be stacked, everyone can become a sustain monster. Many champs need attrition to work against them in order to be fair.
Since we're doing this #lifeofapatch thing, I wanted to comment on the healing conversation that rose on reddit today now that I'm done for the day and have a couple moments. Main thoughts:
Healing is generally out of whack, yes. It's too prevalent in the game in some cases.
@sonwooang @RiotAugust Are they going to get 🌯's?
@sonwooang: Night drive K/DA
We also were notified of a bug where Master Yi's Double Strike stacks were lasting shorter than intended, so that should also be fixed in 9.12.
Got to add some TK stuff to the patch that should make him feel a bit less overbearing in top lane but a bit smoother in the reactive ally Devour case.
Also 🎂 hbd Ovilee!
I fixed it 😇 @OvileeMay @LCSOfficial
Alrighty, it's time for planning now. Guess we're putting mages in the dirt per the results of this completely fair and unbiased target selection process. #lifeofapatch
What's our best opportunity for a new elemental drake theme and buff to hit the rift?
For example: Infernal, %AD/AP
Planning for the 9.13 patch is tonight. Get your requests in early. Most liked response goes in the patch 🙃#lifeofapatch
The team switched to a 4x10 (4 days, 10 hour days) week trial recently (as opposed to 5x8) to accommodate the influx of work that comes at the end of a patch cycle, and honestly it's been so good for reducing team fatigue. I hope other LoL teams get to try something like it.
Possibly a less popular opinion, but I think with some tuning, the game would be more fun and interesting if the lifesteal stat was universally omnivamp and the primary reduction mod was champ vs minion damage rather than single target vs aoe.
I kinda want to buff RoA but I don't think I can get something interesting in responsibly for 9.12. Maybe 9.13...
@LoLSotere and @RiotJatt just talked me down from putting a sustain mechanic into Ryze's R passive. That's probably as good a sign as any that it's time to go home for the night.