League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Originally posted by Aeiou-Senpai

What about the ghost nerf? Maybe it's better to just use same approach so ranged wont't use the tool arguably designed to help against being kited?

We're pulling ghost nerf from the patch for the same reason


We intend to keep Tri Force good for melee and will try to use certain levers that will be more punishing for ranged than melee. While we're going to entertain the use of a melee/ranged split, if we can avoid it we will. Melee ranged splits are a nominal increase in complexity, for a small game health gain, which on balance is probably net negative.


Originally posted by Cromatose

Whoa what is Pastry doing there?

I was called upon to participate in the Quid Games and I answered it.


Originally posted by Melchy

What am i missing? In the ability rundown it says her q applies more bleeding IF they are already bleeding, but no other ability mentions bleeding.

Q applies bleeding.

21 Jun


Originally posted by LaggerOW

I think its the same team that did all of legend of runeterra's cinematics

Nope. This one is a League OG team alongside We Are Royale.

TBF, there is a time and place for realistic CG (Ex. Belveth, it was way creepier to go more real), but for the headspace of a DARKIN, it pays to go crazy.


I looked at Blitzcrank's Q script. I don't claim to be an expert here, but a thing I noticed:

Blitzcrank Q's lolipop is a rectangle. I do not know if other hooks also use rectangles to lolipop. It's theoretically possible that the very edge of Thresh's hitbox touched the corner of the hook lolipop hitbox. It's also possible that there's a totally different cause here and this is a red herring.


Originally posted by Even_Cardiologist810

Can you develop more on that "leak sucks".

I mean it's a non announced trailer and just a few hours difference, why is it bad for you ? (just wondering)

Short/Brand-y answer: Because it's 3am. No one is up. Probably wont hit as many views or hit a wide audience. Tougher to measure success. SEO is borked.

Longer/Personal Answer: Because the team and I put a lot of work, thought, and passion into this moment. It's like planning a surprise party, but the person you're putting it on for sees everyone through the window.

I love this champ, and am super proud of this piece. I would've loved to see and interact with your all reactions, theories, and chat when it's not 3am. Now, the people waking up kinda missed a bit of a moment.


Glad y'all like it. Leaks suck. English/HQ version is here



Originally posted by AtMaxSpeed

Holy shit this is so f**king cool, the animation is absolutely top notch. One of the best champ cinematics imo


19 Jun


Originally posted by Elrann

It's cooldown is functionally the same. No mage champ will be able to proc LB twice in the rotation, it's not how mage' trade patterns work, they're not ADCs or bruisers. And by the time your abilities come back up from CD you have Shiv again. That's the whole reason why Ekko is better with Nashor than with Lich Bane even if he's an assassin.

Ekko players currently build Lich Bane about 60% more often than they build Nashor's Tooth and they're roughly as performant as one another.

The entire premise of "but my combat pattern is short" is an argument against Nashor's Tooth.

Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

Seeing a players champion-pool dissected like this, and assess how well, or not, it would fit the current meta makes the draft a little more exciting, especially if it's for players that are not getting that much limelight like people like, for example, Caps get.

(And they drafted Yasuo for Lider, nice scouting!)

Thank you so much for the feedback!