League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jun


Originally posted by EnemySaimo

Can't let ardent be good 2 patches lmaooo

Thank god i abused it for free lp with ivern

Define "good." Do you mean OP? Because the context of the game seems to indicate you mean "OP."


Originally posted by ItsSirSoap

I really wish they would turn Shieldbow into a viable first item for IE users who don't wish to rush an energized item such as Shiv or Stormrazor. Right now, IE users are bascially forced to go Shiv/Storm even if those items don't synergize well with either their kit (Samira, for example) or their lane (heavy poke/engage).

Samira rushes Collector. Lucian and co. can go things like Essence Reaver in addition to the other options.

There are like 6+ good starting items for marksmen, depending on your pick. It's one of the most open systems right now.


Originally posted by SuperBabyNugz

You seem to have a good head on your shoulder and have Ori flair.

Tell me what would be problematic if Ori Q gained a nice chunk of range in exchange for a secondary passive that reduces the amount of damage AND/OR the execution speed of her abilities based on her distance from her ball at time of cast?

Orianna Q range is just so sacred that changing it would introduce an incredible amount of risk to the feels of the character. So many of her playbase (myself included) have put in hundreds if not thousands of games and developed the muscle memory on her Q having the current range/speed/etc and a simple change, even if it was overall positive for the character, would risk ruining that.


Originally posted by Proxnite

Any info on the current Wit’s End price still being 3200g? Was the price staying the same a bug or was the bug fix saying it’ll go back to its original price just never implemented?

It was an oversight (mistake) when shipping 13.10. We were aware of it pretty much immediately.

I ultimately got to make the call, "Yeah, we're keeping it this way."


Originally posted by pocahauntass

My (probably not a) conspiracy theory is that support Ashe has spiked the playerbase and led to people purchasing her 23904723904 skins, so now Riot has to balance support Ashe to be at least playable so as to not lose that sweet sweet revenue.

I have no idea how many skins people buy. I do like when champions that people like playing are viable, though. No one from PIE (aka skins team) has ever mentioned champion buffs to me.

If Volibear support suddenly took up 30% of his play rate I'd also look into whether a) we're comfortable with the playstyle and b) if it needs buffs or nerfs.


Originally posted by FireDevil11

This one was a misunderstanding on my end when writing the context, the dev that worked on the change knew that though - we just missed it during review


Originally posted by memesarenotbad

Do you still play on trackpad bc muscle memory?

absolutely not, I was shamed into buying a mouse


Originally posted by DanielDKXD


Magic Damage: 250/350/450 (+90% AP) ⇒ 250/400/550 (+95% AP)

Okay cya in 13.22 when they buff it too 250/425/600 (+100% AP)

I buy 100% of my AP why do I not get to use it


Originally posted by Proxnite

He still owes me smart targeting on Noct’s E he promised like 9 patches ago and I even had his manager yell at him from across the office about it…….so I think I’m gonna have to resort to the nuclear option, writing a strongly worded email to his parents Mr. and Mrs. Riot.

One day on that Noc thing... But Wit's being 3200 is intended. Was a bug when it shipped but we decided to keep it that way. Looking to comm it in a more clear way somewhere


Originally posted by VentusDG

Really appreciate the detail going into the description of each change in these patch notes. Felt very clear and transparent on the balance teams thought process

Thanks, I'm glad you liked them!


Originally posted by EgyptianMemer

When will the patch hit live servers?

should be in the early AM on 6/14 for most regions


Originally posted by dirtydoughnut

Vex Aram adjustment typo u/RiotMaxw3ll

I got this one!

Should be Vex: Damage Dealt 100% >>> 95%


I started playing back in Season 3 around the time Aatrox came out. A lot of people in my dorm were playing it and I got hooked after learning esports existed and league had a huge one.

Great times, but learning on a trackpad was an AWFUL experience


Originally posted by pda898

About "a big game with big audiences in a lot of places" - how realistic is to have a small team which would just collect any significant responses from Reddit/Twitter/any other language specific places and just repost it on the official channels with translation?

Simple on paper, but you'll find that quickly compounds into a lot of logistical and bandwidth problems to solve, then you have to scale it and figure out what is the best way to present that information.

It quickly becomes a large effort that requires more than a small team, not to mention all the restraints and hurdles with translation processes alone which are its own difficulties sometimes.