League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Sep


Originally posted by IamapotatoFTW

Tanner is an ape though, dont forget it.

Tanner is hobbit.


Originally posted by clearlynotanegg

If all measures were hit, except for the engagement being sustainable, what do you think the problem was?

I wasn't on that product so I can't really say :/


Originally posted by NovaAsterix

Additionally, NB was actually resonant with the intended target: more tenured players who were looking for a quick LoL experience with some spice to keep it from being boring or solved. The thing is that the target audience (myself included) was smaller than we expected :|

I think this is a super important and often overlooked thing. Things like NB can be objectively good, well designed, and serve their target audience, yet still not be sustainable

25 Sep


Originally posted by Tinnoy


Have a safe trip home

Hanging out with Thugg and Blaustoise at the same time is an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. You're a brave man - I'm only traveling with them cause I'm a masochist.

That being said, you can at least get some enjoyment by flexing your rank on us, considering we're all Plat these days :^ )


Originally posted by Blaustoise

jokes on you, I’m in the group of 15.

how does Norway feel about tiktok?

Get your own friends man. Cmon :(


Originally posted by RIPSonny

Can you unban my account too?



Originally posted by Tinnoy


Have a safe trip home

Thanks my dude! Adding you right now (got disco working on VPN)


Originally posted by Tinnoy


Have a safe trip home

jokes on you, I’m in the group of 15.

how does Norway feel about tiktok?


It's almost like they represent a huge percentage of the player base.


Originally posted by Notorious_REP

i guess you guys will have to think twice when adding more child champions to the game then, everyone saw the kind of crowd Zoe panders to from a mile away, you guys even went with "2000 year-old loli" meme ffs, dont play dumb.

We should absolutely be able to add a diverse selection of characters to our game without thinking about whether they'd appeal to players sexually, especially child like champions.

Are you suggesting we have a meeting where we discuss halting a champ design because some players may find this character sexually appealing in a way that is legally unacceptable?

Can you see how crazy that is?


Originally posted by CheesyDorito101

String HelloWorld[]=new String{"arraysstartat1","H","e","l","l","o","w","o","r","l","d");

For (int i =1: i<HelloWorld.length;i++){

System.out.print[i]: }

Hire me Riot.


You're also only printing out "Helloworl". Need a "<=" if you start at 1 and end at array.length ;)

Edit: I'm wrong, fire me :(


Originally posted by Kyrond

Imagine it like cooking at home vs takeout.

Engine-light is like cooking at home, the engine (restaurant/market) does as little as possible. For the most part you have to do everything yourself to create a meal (the game).
All the sauces need to be created from basic little ingredients, meal has to be properly cooked and spiced.

Engine-heavy is takeout. You just choose which food you want. That is great if they have exactly what you want, otherwise there are problems.

At the time this was getting decided, they were in the middle. To continue the analogy: They ordered burger patty, it was done from one side, then they had to manually do the other. The salad was cleaned, but as whole head(?).
That meant, you had to order from the restaurant - which needed all the equipment and took resources to make everything; at the same time, you still had your kitchen all dirty and spend time on making your own meal.

I'd compare it to something like Blue Apron. You have a selection of dishes to choose from which come with some level of prepared raw ingredients, however you still need to do some amount of cutting, assembling, and cooking. This is great because you can improvise more and maybe create something better than the stock blue apron meal. Turns out home cooking is pretty hard, and even though us designers have pretty good taste in food, we're not always great at cooking it. We could all take cooking classes and become better cooks, but actually we have a bunch of bomb-ass michelin star chefs to help us make our culinary dreams a reality.


Originally posted by Danskheart

reddit being english speaking and primarily NA

Unless you're referring to this specific subreddit, Reddit is not primarly NA. NA accounts for roughly 45% of traffic on Reddit.

speaking about this subreddit in particular.


Originally posted by Blaustoise

to be fair to reddit, the region that was most engaged in Nexus Blitz was NA (reddit being english speaking and primarily NA with a splash of EUW).

that likely influenced the perception that it was more widely played. Also I’d hypothesize that the audience types that we saw engaging in NB were even closer to the more active reddit users in NA.

Additionally, NB was actually resonant with the intended target: more tenured players who were looking for a quick LoL experience with some spice to keep it from being boring or solved. The thing is that the target audience (myself included) was smaller than we expected :|


Originally posted by TheMemeWalker

I hate everything about this clip.

I love everything about this clip


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

wait this is illegal

Arrest this madman


Originally posted by OBLIVIATER

Damn.... that graph showing Nexus Blitz playtime is really telling, it wasn't even as popular as ARAM, and it was almost dead when it was pulled.

This graph is why Riot isn't "lazy" for focusing less on other game modes. At the end of the day, we want to make things a ton of you enjoy for long periods of time. I worked on Nexus Blitz. I wanted it to succeed as much as the next person. Players voted with their time. People just don't play the vast majority of alternate modes for more than a weekend.


Originally posted by salcedoge

That Nexus Blitz stat is a massive oof. Certainly shows that Reddit is the minority

to be fair to reddit, the region that was most engaged in Nexus Blitz was NA (reddit being english speaking and primarily NA with a splash of EUW).

that likely influenced the perception that it was more widely played. Also I’d hypothesize that the audience types that we saw engaging in NB were even closer to the more active reddit users in NA.


Originally posted by BlackpinkTwiceSNSD

Nice, I love TFT and league.

wait this is illegal


These Loli based names have me perplexed; when did it become cool/funny to pretend to be a paedophile?