League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Sep


Originally posted by Pascals_Tricycle

Have you guys ever toyed around with the idea of letting people spend 720 rp to get a random 1350 or 1820 skin? I feel like it'd make you more money overall.

Mentioned above but this is where things like Your Shop or skin sales come into play. Also many people do engage with loot in order to get skins at a price that is on average lower than purchasing one directly at the trade off of agency and choice of which skin.


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Hey /u/Bellissimoh, we've talked before about the lesser-played champs, I have a question about the engagement/satisfaction points:

  1. Is there a difference in engagement/satisfaction between older and newer champs who receive a 750 skin? (As in, will a player of an older champ with a ton of pre-existing skins report a different level of satisfaction compared to a newer champion with 1-2 skins?)

  2. Regarding champions with already "beautiful" skins (Cosmic Reaver Kassadin comes to mind), how are decisions made surrounding making newer skins for them? Like, people on this subreddit in particular say (quite often) that they don't see a reason to purchase another Kass skin again because of Cosmic Reaver being so amazing. I've heard the same thing about Muay Thai Lee Sin.

Great questions.

To the first question. No significant or noticeable difference. (Which is why for any low play rate champ skins we make, they will be of at least Epic quality)

For the second question, whenever there is a skin that is high satisfaction for the players of that champion, the biggest influence it has on our decisions is working to understand what about it players liked to inform future skins for that champ, but also taking note of the thematic space it takes up in order to ensure we differentiate moving forward.

Also while people cite things like you mention, not everyone is happy or pleased with every skin. There may be a player or set of players that love Cosmic Reaver Kassadin, but there also Kassadin players who don’t like that skin as well. Hence the difficult job of trying to find thematics and executions of thematics that hit as many players as possible.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

My issue isn't that I feel locked out of cosmetics because of the higher price thresholds, it's that a result of Riot focusing on higher tiers for skins is up selling.

This is valid feedback. It’s also why we try and regularly deliver lower price purchase opportunities like Your Shop.

Definitely taking note of this sentiment as time goes by. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Originally posted by CyberliskLOL

Licorice was holding his own against TheShy at MSI? And TheShy wasn't having a great tournament?

Excuse me, but after these statements it's pretty tough to take the rest of the video seriously.

Just in case it's not clear enough: Neither was C9 at MSI (in fact, they haven't even one a split for many years now), nor was TheShy having a bad tournament at MSI. You could maybe argue that he had an off-series against TL in the Semis, but he absolutely crushed it during Group Stage.

Was definitely a mistake on my end. I remembered Licorice at world's last year and thought he had a great tournament overall, I then confused it with MSI. I then remembered MSI where TheShy was having a bad tournament, especially considering the expectations on him, and ended up combining the points. The whole point though was to re-enforce that I think Licorice is a great top laner and can hold his own against some of the best in the world. I am surprised that this single comment would devalue the other 68 minutes of content but to each their own I suppose.


Hey folks. My name is Bellissimoh and I’m the Product Lead for Personalization on League.

“People don’t want 720s.” Over the last several years we’ve seen really poor engagement for this category of skins. Not only do we not see people engage with them but also in surveys players cite them as being lower quality, being unhappy with them when they purchase them, and wish their champion had gotten a 1350 or 1820 instead. Don’t get me wrong, while there are players do like 720s, they’re just not of a large enough audience size for us to focus on. (As an example, many of our lower play rate champs have larger audiences than the folks who show up for 720s)

Another thing that we look for as far as measuring player satisfaction and engagement on skins is how many times people use a skin in-game when they own it. 720s also really under index here.

So in summary, people don’t really buy them, when they do they generally aren’t happy, and don’t use them nearly as...

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"Boring" and "Unattractive" are not great places to start a champion pitch. Even niche champions aren't targeted to be boring and unattractive. When we make them that way they tend to be played by no one (so they're not even niche). Every champ needs to have something appealing that a player can latch onto. This DOES NOT mean that they have to be attractive or badass.

Bard is a weird whimsical spirit. Kled is a deranged hillbilly cavalier. Urgot is a horrific monster mech. These champions have niche appeal not because they are boring and unattractive, but because they are all strongly appealing in their own ways to a niche audience.


Originally posted by Hauzenstein

The spectrum of skill and well-roundedness can be difficult to tackle. I honestly think both CG and C9 have less weaknesses than TL in the sense that they're more well-rounded, but they're just not as good player-wise. You beat CG and C9 by simply being better than them instead of devising some specific strategy targetting their team.

A team like RNG is the perfect example. No one's going to argue they aren't good, but there are definitely gaping holes in how they play the game which can be exploited (over-reliance on bot lane, sacking solo laners). And when good teams have these, it sparks a lot of discussion, because they're expected to do well but you can clearly see where it can go wrong.

Great response. Nice one!

21 Sep


Originally posted by FlowedState

And there probably are several hundred thousands smurfs I'd say there are over 4millin worldwide. I mean think about it do you know a single person who has only 1 account. Everyone I've ever talked to has 3 or more

several hundred thousands smurfs

probably! but there are definitely not enough smurfs to make diamond go from top 2% to top 20%.


Originally posted by FlowedState

But we are cutting the player base in more than half due to smurfs. It just comes down to your opinion vs mine. I truly believe diamond is like getting a B it's good and some people are happy about it and others are not.

I'm saying that for your statement to be true we'd need several hundred thousand smurfs. There aren't even a hundred thousand players in dia on euw.


Originally posted by FlowedState

I personally know 20 people who each have 6+ accounts each in low gold so I still would say 20% for diamond 4. I bet you also have 2 accounts I dont know of a single person who has less than 2 accounts.

I'd be okay with agreeing with high plat low diamond but what is high plat p3-p1? Because low plat is p4-p5. See what I am saying your essentially splitting hairs. In my opinion which is based on personal expierence of climbing through unranked to diamond at least 30 times this season. It seems diamond is the new plat

Low gold is a lot easier to achieve than diamond, even for diamond players. I get placed in high gold on new accounts :P That's still a far cry from saying diamond is top 20%. It's simply not. on EUW that would be like putting several hundred thousand more people in diamond.


Originally posted by FlowedState

I'll just make this argument the whole top % thing just doesnt hold water, due to the amount of smurfs. For example I am a master tier player but i have 16 accounts ranging from gold to diamond, so I'm curious to see the actual % with all the smurfs taken out I'd be willing to bet it diamond is somewhere around top 20% and that in my opinion is not good. Especially since this year riot made grandmaster I truly believe that platinum of 2018 is now the level diamond of 2019 is at.

I'd be willing to bet it diamond is somewhere around top 20% and that in my opinion is not good

I'm not a betting man but if I was I would definitely not take that bet

Especially since this year riot made grandmaster I truly believe that platinum of 2018 is now the level diamond of 2019 is at.

I didn't work on the matchmaking system but I'd say low level diamond is now the level of previous high plat and high diamond 2019 is mid diamond 2018 based on my personal experience


Originally posted by Nyctas

EUNE players are the ones flaming the server

you basically get f**ked by Riot into leveling a second account or buying a transfer or botted account on West if you want your rank to matter

tell someone you're master tier then add the "EUNE" part at the end and they'll laugh in your face, it's not worth to grind on this server

both servers are in Germany so I don't get why they are split

Pretty sure one is in the Netherlands


Originally posted by Primetime18

Dammnit if I don't get hyped for worlds every year!

Dammnit if I don't get hyped for worlds every year!


Originally posted by Dude_Guy_311

As a fan who has consumed more and more non-competition content, EULCS has blown me away. Sjokz’s interview skills (like with Deficio and Quickshot) have just become so f**king good. She’s like LOL’s own Oprah in a way. She can connect and talk to people and also share so much of her own growth to speak to people on their level. Sjokz’s behind the scenes videos gave me an eye into the fun that people are having and the camaraderie between everyone.

tbh tho, the rap battle last year really started it for me though. Then i saw the process, i was just so impressed. It seems like having less resources honestly made the EU team into a much better squad because they had to be to survive. The NALCS squad has improved a lot too, but it seems like they never found their own identity. In the last couple years i’ve seen so much maturity and human recognition of ego and humility come out of EU casters, while Markz is still too cool for everything, Crumbz is still casting as a paid ...

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Good perspective. Necessity is the mother of all invention.


There will be ways to support your team for Worlds, but it won't take the form of chromas. More soon.


Originally posted by Maxenin

idk if you are responsible or someone you work with but whoever decided to put legacy skins in the shop when a new release in the same theme happens is a genius thank them for me please!

I gotta get my Emerald Taric somehow

20 Sep


Originally posted by JensenWontChokeAgain

Gotta love rock papers scissors whrn you have to pick first

Rock paper scissors but you have to show them your pick before they pick


still upset we didn't put Akali and Kennen on sale :/