League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Sep


Originally posted by SapphireLance

I like them.

Thanks! :)


Originally posted by Fuzzikopf

40% presence across an entire year is actually not that bad, don't you think?

And like you said, Crown has player Malzahar before the finals already. It's not like nobody knew that Malz was in his champion pool, he already picked it and won with it before.

So that's my issue with you calling this pick sleeper/under the radar. It's true that only SSG put a priority onto him, but the pick was not hidden at all. It was there in plain sight, but the other teams missed it.

Or tell me, did you also think that Team Liquid was obviously going to beat G2 at the MSI finals? Because that road is basically identical.

I honestly had no idea what was gonna happen.
I did think that G2 was gonna win because I'm a biased EU fan, and because G2 just beat SKT who (in terms of playstyle) looked a lot like a stronger version of TL. But TL beating IG was definitely scary as f**k IMO.

Yes, I agree 40% presence is quite high. Malzahar was a meta pick (mostly as Support, but still) up until Worlds. But he wasn't in meta for Worlds itself. That's the distinction I'm making: Players clearly knew Malzahar existed, they all picked and banned around him all year long. But when Worlds came along, despite being familiar with him, most teams decided he wasn't worth picking.

One thing to point out is that these videos are the result of ~30-60 minute sit-down interviews, and they cut down to the pithy parts and make a 5-minute video. In talking about SSG at Worlds that year, Crown was the only person I'd call a "Malzahar player." Both Caps picks were last-pick mid lane after several bans and picks pinched his pool. Crown is the only player who said, "Yes, Malzahar is a good pick." And I completely stand by that. SSG was the only team that actually valued Malzahar. That's undeniably true.


Originally posted by ozmega

yeah like phreak wrote the script for this video..

edit: rekt by the man himself.

I write the script for these videos.


To be clear, the biases you outlined are real and part of the day to day of doing my job. While many confounds exist, controlling for them matters only if the impact of the bias outweighs the effect we see. All the biases you listed, let's say they doubled NB hours if they were all holding NB back even then it's still not close enough. It could even be argued the timing helped NB, Ranked is off, it's kinda down time, people are likely burnt out on SR after grinding, etc. The clarity of the bias AND the impact on outcomes are both highly dubious using that reasoning.

We also did % of total hours but chose to go with absolute for the messaging. % of total hours isn't that different, it's not like everyone abandons LoL at that time of year. We also have to account for the trend, growth or stable engagement is key. NB was fading and still hadn't reached a steady state by the end of it's run.


Originally posted by Fuzzikopf

Yeah it was dramatic and entertaining.
But some of the "facts" presented in the video are just straight up wrong. I don't even know why Riot did that, the video could have been cool regardless.

There was no need for Phreak to act like Malzahar was a completely new pick at that time, and the claim that SKT "looked unstoppable" might have been true for the years before... but SKT had very clear weaknesses in 2017 and many people were ranking the likes of LZ higher than them.

Except Malz was absolutely a sleeper pick. This is a champion who had a ~40% presence across the entire year of 2017. And yet at Worlds, it was really only there because of Crown. Of the 10 Malzahar picks at Worlds, 6 of them were Crown. Everyone else had ditched it.

Xiaohu didn't play it until after Crown did. Caps is the only other player who played the champion at Worlds that year In fact, in the entire playoff bo5 between the only other two Malzahar players, it was picked once and never banned. The only other two players to play the champion didn't even care. This is a champion that disappeared from pro play and Crown is the one who brought it back. It was not in consideration for basically any other mid laner and yet was a championship-winning pick.

Malzahar even went on to remain a relative pro staple with 20% presence across the entire next year.

Malzahar was a completely under the radar OP mid laner at Worlds 2017.

And there ...

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Hi, one of the playtesters working on Garen (I'm not the designer) but I'll give you the best context I can:

Q1: Why did Rioter increased the number of spins to shred armor?

Right now it's been put back to 4, if I had to guess the original intent it's because Garen spins much more frequently now, so it would've been to keep the "time until shred" roughly the same instead of faster.

Q2: Does Garen keeps the ult indicator or no?

No, because ult has the same effect on everyone on the enemy team now.

Q3: Why does it more CS or units killed to fully stack up armor and MR for W passive?

He's getting quite a bit of power overall (especially his passive), so finding somewhere to nerf him. Invisible stats are a good spot for this.

Q4: What runes Rioter wants Garen to use besides Grasp of Undying?

Conqueror is probably ...

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Originally posted by BurnieTheBrony

Help me win my pick ems does C9 make it out of groups?

Does C9 play in the LPL? No! so they will def not win.. butttttt yeah I think they make it out of groups.


Originally posted by Polskidro

Instead we made sure the surrender time is quite small (8 minutes). Sometimes you can pull out a 4v5, and if not, you can get out pretty quick. This was, and still feels like the correct call.

The problem with that is, 90% of the time you got people who refuse to surrender. And oftentimes the enemy refuses to finish the game too.

Instead of thinking you made the right call, you could try it the other way. Just to make sure you weren't wrong. Because in my eyes, it's not going to be common that people will leave an aram just because the enemy team has a sona for example.

Wouldn't this be true of remake then? They refuse to surrender in 4v5, so they refuse to remake also?


Originally posted by Swaggasawrus_Rex

I was just about to say this. People will get into a game and just quit because they don’t like the opposing team’s composition, or as you said, unhappy with their champion.

I know it's not a reddit popular answer...but this is why. We considered it pretty heavily, but didn't feel the risk was worth it, and would lead to a very large increase in AFK's.

Instead we made sure the surrender time is quite small (8 minutes). Sometimes you can pull out a 4v5, and if not, you can get out pretty quick. This was, and still feels like the correct call.


Originally posted by Gentoon

Tagging /u/riot_mort just in case the ARAM team has pulled its head out of its ass and has started respecting howling abyss players' time.

Making me have an epic gamer moment by forcing a 4v5 when the other 9 want to remake isn't cool. It doesn't stop afking. It just makes it as painful as possible.

Please take some time off of TFT, cho eats the world, riot board games, merchandising, esports, and whatever else you're in charge of to reconsider this awful decision.

This is probably not the right way to get a response...


Originally posted by Koka-Noodles

It's still in testing mode , I think we will be a bit louder about it once we see it working as well as we would like.

Sent you a friend request assuming your name is the same in lol


Originally posted by reapersark

Nice. You should be better at announcing thinks like this. Clash and other game modes are super hype/fun to play and you should advertise it more on reddit/the ingame client!! Just friendly criticism

It's still in testing mode , I think we will be a bit louder about it once we see it working as well as we would like.


Originally posted by Koka-Noodles

Should be working now though

You may need to re log your client tho


Originally posted by Koka-Noodles

I do

Should be working now though


Originally posted by BloodyNoseGuy2

I initially read this as 6 months lol because it has to do with clash and well you know...

I do


Will Should be fixed in ~6 minutes, you can create team then


Originally posted by Exteeez

I can't create a team, anyone know what's up with that?

Will Should be fixed in ~6 minutes


Will Should be fixed in ~6 minutes


Mikyx also uses his lantern on Perkz right before his teleport so he can pick up an assist on the top lane kill. Big brain.


Hey, you could try here https://discord.gg/QJBsFT This isn't an official thing but it's an active discord