League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Sep


Originally posted by blanket_warrior

CEST still too complicated, we use Paris Time now. Guess that's at least some improvement.

whenever i wrote any posts like this i would always use [city] time because it's so easy to mess up timezones (especially when some parts of the world change their clocks at different times). also the "S" in CEST means "summer" and the S in PST means "standard". so confusing :(


Originally posted by TinyySushii

“Thanks Probama”

“Thanks TinyySushii”


Originally posted by thrwycr

The saddest part about this is the fact that you surely think you're hilarious and cool by trying to do shitty pr for a shitty change.

“My mom thinks I’m cool.”

“I’m not really doing PR. I’m the designer for this and I knew it would be a thing. Because everything is a thing when enough people see it. So I figured I’d try and talk through it with folks.”

“Sorry you’re not feeling it. Would you say your life is pretty significantly worse after this change?”


Originally posted by WizardXZDYoutube

Was this really such an issue?

Are there really that many players who get frustrated over something like this?

“Not stupid! When a system in software is trying to tell you something, but can also deliver a personalized message from a user, we call that feature overloaded. It’s actually natural to be confused in certain cases when those things age close in content.”


Originally posted by FormalEnvironment

What if you only added the quotes when it was in the format of a Riot status message. So 99% of the time players wouldn't have to see them.

“Short answer: hard to determine when it’s actually a match to a riot status message.”


Originally posted by Zephaerus

I appreciate the reasoning, and I understand it, but I disagree with it. Statuses have to be shorter now, and the quotes are just kinda annoying. I don't think the tradeoff for clarity in this case is worth it. People just need to git gud and stop getting trolled by fake statuses.

Or, the best solution, if that's the problem you're trying to solve - make it impossible to set statuses that imitate system messages. I know that has to go through localization and it's a big chore, but it's the right way to do it.

Edit for easier, lazier idea: just make them a different color. We have green, blue, and red text. Make something orange or yellow.

“There’s more here to unpack if you want to dig in.”

“What does that experience look like?”

“Do we do some sort of pattern matching so they can’t enter anything like the work ‘Summoner’? I think that might be lame. Do we deny you if you only put exact string matches? So now we need to account for (checks math) all 27 possible status messages including all the ones we might add in the future in every language? YIKES.”

“Your take is totally valid, and I actually thought pretty similarly initially, but there’s a ton of complexity chillin in this little feature.”


Originally posted by instalockquinn

Why couldn't you just put a bullhorn or other signifier in front of the system status message, to keep the distinction but also keep our memes?

“We tried it! It took up way too much space honestly. It took away about 4-5 characters. Quotations only take 2.”


Originally posted by natethegreat838

You're not a real Riot employee...

This response makes too much sense



Originally posted by VMan7070

“For some players, it was confusing when their friends would put a status that said ‘Summoners Rift (3/5)’ or any other system generated status.”

“This frustrates those players when the game isn’t behaving appropriately based on what they’re seeing. Believe it or not, rito hates frustrated gamers. Crazy right?”

"How dare people have some fun"

“We love fun! But we don’t love when people think open parties are broken.”

“Really important thing to know about design is that it’s all about making trades. I know this is a little bit worse in some ways. But I also know it’s more clear.”

“So I took the trade.”


Originally posted by Floppuh

"Well I guess this month's work is done"

  • Riot Employee

“So this was actually my feature and I’d like to take a moment to explain the reasoning behind it!“

“For some players, it was confusing when their friends would put a status that said ‘Summoners Rift (3/5)’ or any other system generated status.”

“This frustrates those players when the game isn’t behaving appropriately based on what they’re seeing. Believe it or not, rito hates frustrated gamers. Crazy right?”

“We initially tried putting the bullhorn status icon from the hover card (the thing you get when you hover a player) in the status message itself, but that took up so much room there wasn’t enough space for your funny memes!”

“So we decided this was the best middle ground between obvious and non-disruptive. It also causes hilarious accidental sarcasm. Here’s a fun example: my bosses’ status is “diamond champion” right now and it cracks me up every time I see it.”

“Thanks for reading!”


One stat we track is how much a game snowballs or how much an early lead determines the outcome. Turret Plating was made, in part, to smooth out early snowballing which had gotten pretty severe coming off of mid season. It really worked out in a really brilliant way.


Highest skill ceiling? Probably Lebron. He actually could have likely played pro football as a tight end as well. Dude's an athletic anomaly.

27 Sep


Originally posted by Unabated_

That is great to hear but every game with a finite amount of possibilites has tools that help the player be better than they actually are. Hearthstone has a great variety of those tools. Even my favorite card game MTG has those tools. Unfortunately Games like TFT will attract exactly those developpers that already did work on different games to overcome the new challenge.

Also I am not quite sure how you guys plan on Anti-cheating on a visual recognition tool that uses the monitors input to scan for champions, items etc. Our machines nowadays are able to check "screenshots" really fast by dividing the load on many cores and prioritize certain areas of the screen.

I wish all those games with a finite amount of iterations would become free of all those tools. Tho I love to hear you are backing some developpers up by making their product Riot certified.

Our first step is always to reach out to the developer and start a discussion. This article is so we don't have to do that for developers already in the ecosystem. But you're right if there's a developer whose intentions are good we'd work with them to ensure their product aligns with our policies.


Originally posted by Unabated_

And here we have a problem. They cannot enforce it. As long as the tool does not literally play for you and just tells you what the best play is, it is undetectable. Reading RAM is easy as pie but the worst thing is, we live in an age where you do not even need to anymore, as scanning a screenshot for a specific character is viable option too with our computing power. And latter is not 99% stealth, it is 100% stealth and cannot be detected in anyway.

My team mostly focuses on communicating with developers whose goal is to design apps that are inline with Riot's policies and contribute to a positive player experience. For those developers, we're outlining what those policies are and the areas where we believe the player experience can be improved. We offer guidelines to help guide developers toward healthy areas of development.

There's another team that handles the development of tools meant to break games and degrade the player experience; they're anti-cheat. You'll see them talk about their work from time to time, but the more they talk about their methods the easier it becomes to circumvent those methods.


Originally posted by -Plate-

So,is overwolf still good or bad?.

Overwolf overlays aren't problematic in and of itself. What the overlay is does might be. This means one overlay might be fine while another isn't. In the article, we discuss the things we'd like developers to think about and avoid doing when making apps. Apps that display the rules of the game are fine. Offering general suggestions are fine. Offering suggestions based on in-game context is generally off limits, but if you have ideas that don't create a competitive advantage feel free to have a chat with us.


Originally posted by ploki122

No, their official stance is basically that 3rd party tools should be informative, rather than restrictive. They want more tools that suggest various ways to play, and less tools that enforces one specific playstyle.

For instance, giving rolling % for each individual champion you own is informative, it helps you gain access to otherwise hard to grasp concepts. Similarly, highlighting 3-4 champions the you can complete your comp with when you level up, or highlighting the spatula items that unlocks a threshold for you, those kind of stuff all inform you about the game, and let people enjoy the game more.

What they would hate to see is overlays that tell you "Reroll now", "Buy Vayne", or "The single best comp right now is Void Assassins". Those aren't constructive and only artificially limit the playability of the game. I got that right /u/RiotTuxedo?

You're pretty close here. The wording we're using is we want to discourage third-party applications from reducing the diversity of the game, providing competitive advantages for players, and playing for the player.

Showing the rules of the game are fine. We did discuss highlighting champs in the shop and decided it might provide an advantage for players re-rolling quickly. I believe the TFT team was looking at doing something to highlight this as part of the game anyway so that every player had equal access to this (but don't quote me on that). We encourage developers to start a discussion with us as early as possible so we can give feedback on ideas.

As for the last section, you're spot on. Apps that play the game for the player are definitely things we like developers to steer clear of. They basically remove skill challenges and create less diverse games.


;[ i still remember when we decided to try those out...

"well we have an audio engineer here who says he makes some musics, and some motion graphics guy who can probably do more than client icons, let's see how this goLY sh*t LETS MAKE ONE EVERY TWO WEEKS."

rip, login screens.


Originally posted by djturtle32

I hope they do one of these for all the casters



Wew lad Lee Sin is hard to be OK with. And he's suuuuper hard to be good with.