No, their official stance is basically that 3rd party tools should be informative, rather than restrictive. They want more tools that suggest various ways to play, and less tools that enforces one specific playstyle.
For instance, giving rolling % for each individual champion you own is informative, it helps you gain access to otherwise hard to grasp concepts. Similarly, highlighting 3-4 champions the you can complete your comp with when you level up, or highlighting the spatula items that unlocks a threshold for you, those kind of stuff all inform you about the game, and let people enjoy the game more.
What they would hate to see is overlays that tell you "Reroll now", "Buy Vayne", or "The single best comp right now is Void Assassins". Those aren't constructive and only artificially limit the playability of the game. I got that right /u/RiotTuxedo?