League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Sep


Originally posted by TerraRising

Nice, a Norse Myth reference!

Boo, not a denial of the original post. :(

Ah yeah sorry mate. I have no idea about that.


Originally posted by Morgoph

Hey! As a Riven player I'm curious on the thought process behind the buff itself. Most Riven player's complaints about her is that the E CD nerf makes her feel really clunky and makes her a much worse laner. Were her cooldowns a consideration for the buff? Or are you guys fine with her being an okay laner because of how good her mid/late game are? Is this just a compensation for her lower winrate or are you guys trying to push her out of bruiser and more into assassin?

The CD nerfs were specifically to open up more windows of opportunity for opponents to feel like they could interact with Riven. They just went too hard on her so we want to give her some power back in a way that doesn't increase the play-against frustration.


Originally posted by Unlimiteddy

Do these noises exist?

They are real as the sound of a cat's footfall, the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish, or the spittle of a bird.


Originally posted by Jamesified

Windows key + print screen is much easier. Saves to screenshot folder under pictures.

Til. The S tier is download greenshot and bind that to the print screen button


Originally posted by majorgilonline

Ahh okay makes sense now, cheers for the link.



Originally posted by majorgilonline

Did i have to sign up for that?

Such a different art style for her well at least i think so

It's from the new star guardians video https://youtu.be/wkihKQ7Exvo


Press the "print screen" button while looking at the client, open paint , Ctrl + v to paste the image , crop the image of there is personal info in the image. Save it , go to imgur . com , upload it there and paste the link as a comment here.


Originally posted by Goryo19

wow thats some crazy good logic. what about all the other champs that have a much worse winrate for longer.

There are champion who are worse than "pretty weak right now" for a LONG time without a buff...

Well it depends on the champion but we may not be able to buff them for other reasons. For example, if a champion has a 48% WR like Riven but has an exceedingly high ban rate in some skill brackets of play, it's probably not a great idea that we buff them. If a champion is classically a pro-scene issue when they are strong then we probably shouldn't buff them either. This may indicate that we should look at that champion closer and make changes to them such that we CAN buff them. It may also just be what their resting WR looks like when players deem them tolerable to play against.


Originally posted by Goryo19

can i ask why tf riven needs this buff?

Riven is pretty weak right now - sporting a 48% WR in high elo.

The reason Riven is getting a buff and not other champs with similar a WR is because we do not buff champions based on WR alone and per our balance framework that is outlined here - https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/05/dev-champion-balance-framework/ - there are likely reasons preventing us from doing so.


Originally posted by Tadiken

[100/150/200 (+60% bAD)] vs [175/250/325 (+90% bAD)]

175 x 2 is 350. 100 x 3 is 300. Strictly speaking, the base damage at max is going up by 50. Same holds true for ranks two and three.

Is s@20 wrong?

Those numbers are incorrect. Well, the numbers ARE that on PBE but they SHOULD be 150/225/300.


Originally posted by SensibleArguments

Does Wind Slash do less damage with this change at any percentage of HP?

Or does it go from More at minimum to the same as live at Maximum (So basically more at all percentages until max which is the same?)

Wind Slash will never do less damage than Live. Your second statement is correct. :)


Originally posted by CashKiiiD

So what does the 0-200% >>> 0-100% part mean

Riven's ultimate is an execute that does more damage based on the enemies missing health. The maximum damage that her ultimate does on live is reached when the target has 75% of their health missing.

At that percentage, her ultimate does 200% increased damage - in other words, it does 3x the damage it normally would: (100% + 200%) so 200 (+60% bAD) + 200 (+60% bAD) + 200 (+60% bAD) = 600 (+180% bAD).

Now, it only does 100% more damage: (100% + 100%) so it doubles: 300 (+90% bAD) + 300 (+90% bAD) = 600 (+180% bAD).

12 Sep


Originally posted by Artemis96

Sorry but its 2am and brain not working properly, does it mean it deals less maximum damage but much higher minimum dmg?

Nope! The maximum damage is identical to live. This is strictly a moderate buff to the minimum damage that the ability can do - her 1v1s should be about the same as live unless she R2's early and her teamfights are probably a little bit better if she hits multiple people with her ult that might be healthier than her primary target.


Originally posted by NeroWhitePanda

Well 325 * 2 + 0,9bAD * 2 is still more DMG than 200 * 3 +0,6bAD * 3 So the max DMG is getting an increase aswell ?


Live Riven R minimum damage: 100/150/200(+60% bonus AD) Live Riven R maximum damage ( at 75% missing health): 300/450/600 (+180% bonus AD)

PBE Riven min damage: 150/225/300 (90% bonus AD) PBE Riven max damage (at 75% missing health): 300/450/600 (180% bonus AD)


Just a heads up there is a line missing in Riven's changelist...

For her ultimate: % increase based on missing health :: 0-200% >>> 0-100%

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could i also ask if you guys want to start doing splash updates again or is the illustration team busy

That's ultimately up the illustration team as they are a separate team now


Originally posted by mornaq

you actually shouldn't even send data about stuff in fog of war (unless it's in buffer zone to prevent lag, but seeing particles on Baron while everyone sits on fountain is not this case)

Correct. But you should send e.g. that Zoe Q, Ezreal R, Ashe R that's heading towards you out of fog of war. And you should send that Nasus E that's mostly in fog, but you can see the edge of it.

Also, you should draw the turret that's in fog, but not the champion that is.

So those edge cases make it complicated to navigate.

The visibility system is one of those engine areas that we tend to tiptoe around because it needs to be fast, accurate, and fair. And any change you make could break a million things. That said, things like Mordekaiser's new R have had us moving more boldly in the space than we have before. The future is exciting.