League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Sep


Originally posted by Superspick

Gotta be careful calling it a bug when it’s been present forever, it’s basically a feature at this point.

TL;DR making it easier to get the "right" behavior for VFX in fog of war is something we'd like to do, but it hasn't risen to the top of the list.

"it's basically a feature at this point"

This is one of the challenging things about making changes in a system like this. Reworking the way VFX decide whether they're visible to people is on the list of things that engineering would love to do. It's certainly not intuitive for designers to get it to behave the way they want. But to take just one example, there are a lot of opinions both within Riot and among players about whether or not Nunu ult should be visible to enemies if he's in brush. Setting up ambushes with R is a significant part of the fun and skill expression of the champion, but it can also feel really cheap to be blasted by an ult you couldn't see. So if I were to write code that magically made every case easy to set up and completely intuitive, there are still a bunch of design d...

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Does Danny Kim still do any projects himself as wel

No, he is the overall art director, so he doesn't do projects himself. The individual craft leads do projects still though.


Originally posted by ToyZen197

You means this dooms bot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7YGtxF1iGU

I watch LoL since 2015 but only play it in summer 2016.
I haven't got a chance to try, but it look better than "teemo dooms bot".

Story time.

I remember when we filmed this (it was the first mode I ever made on League of Legends!). We had initially wanted to film this on a stable internal dev environment, but due to the location, that wasn't possible. Unfortunately due to time constraints, we had to film this on actual PBE, which at the time was unstable due to an unrelated issue. For context, we had 'barely' gotten the PBE build to an acceptable state in time, and were furiously bug fixing in the background (EG: You can still hear a terrible audio clipping bug from the triple Victor laser doom).

I remember telling the film crew at the time, "There's an EXTREMELY small change that one of them could be DC'ed during this filming. Don't worry though, it's an infinitesimally small chance." We only had time to do one take, so we had to pray it didn't happen.

So of course ...

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Hi!! Since Ashe is your main I wanted to share her comic with you :D https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/ashewarmother


Originally posted by Jaimejvs

You know everytime I see your username I always try to imagine a cactopus. Is it a green octopus with spikes? or a cactus with tentacles that can shoot ink?

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Does Lonewingy still work on projects herself, outside of the one you just mentioned, or is she transitioning as guide since she became lead concept artist on champions

She still works on projects herself


Well the problem is all Gnar keystones are troll because you picked Gnar


Originally posted by PkMange

The TP one is definitely intended, I remember they patched it to be this way a couple of seasons ago to give counterplay against TP and to remove stuff like TP'in into lane brushes completely unseen. You don't even need to have the camera on the spot they're tp'ing in, you will see a small red dot on the minimap because the ward they're tp'in to will be revealed during the channel.

The baron thing I don't know about. I've witnessed it, but it seems to only be specific champions that do it, so I can't figure out why it happens. I don't think it's intended

VFX showing on baron in fog is almost always a bug unless it's something like Jhin W (which reveals itself to everyone who could conceivably be within range).

Worth noting that spectator mode specifically has A LOT of vfx in fog bugs that don't extend into the actual game.


Originally posted by Nebresto

Its not, but Riot will say it is so they don't have to do shit about it

It's intended you can see Vi E if you're close enough to the blast radius.

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could i also if SkiptomyLuo and mChao joined champ team since Odin moved off with his VGU iceboxed

Neither has officially joined champ team, but mChao is the narrative writer for a project Endless and RiotEarp are in early stages on. Luo helped out on Pantheon as well as helping out on the Champ Axes, LoneWingy and JohnODyin are working on.


Originally posted by [deleted]




Yea happened to me too, all the people in the game felt like we had 500 ping and couldnt do sh*t, minions teleporting and appearing out of nowhere.. the it dc'd us all and dropped the game


GL and H some f*cking F summoner

Originally posted by Xyltin

You know that the has so many ways to cancel the AA animation anyways? How about removing most of these for this change?

Also, doesn't the Q monster dmg and the AS buff counter the armor nerf in the jungle? In lane the armor nerf is decent but mostly into physical matchups which can happen but you can't make him just win mage matchups all the time.

Overall, for the strongest left champ by a decent amount pre worlds these look a lot like neutral changes mostly except for the Renekton matchup (doubt Aatrox mid will be seen a lot).

ideally jungle sylas is vulnerable to invades by ad junglers (ie: xin, lee), not literally dies to the jungle camps

Originally posted by TheWorldisFullofWar

Sylas: Attack speed increased from 0.645 to 0.711

No one is talking about this? This would give Sylas the highest base attack speed in the game by a significant margin. He would gain more from Bonus Attack Speed than any other champion in the game.

Edit: not base change. Just level 1 change. There should be a differentiation in these notes.

this is only his level 1 attack speed. his attack speed ratio is unchanged

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could I also ask where Panth has landed

So far he has landed very well. Haven't seen if he will be problematic in pro play yet, but a lot of people are playing him right now

11 Sep


Originally posted by MibitGoHan

It's clearly being imported automatically from a database and something went wrong with the initial implementation. They're testing to make sure nothing goes wrong when fixing it, like Western splash arts being shown to Chinese and Korean markets, which would be an actual legal headache, as opposed to the current implementation which is just a slight inconvenience, if that.

Pretty much this ^