League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by Riot_Usury

Do... Do you know me?!

Can confirm. "I can't stop giggling about it." His exact words. Then he linked me to this thread.
I'm not sure which tickles me more. The release, or knowing how giddy it makes Usury.


Originally posted by lollumin8

riot store sales department employee smiling to himself rn looking at this post now that someone noticed

Do... Do you know me?!


Originally posted by Kayma

Would you say that runes reforged wasn't as successful as you would have hoped?

At this point I feel it was hit and miss. I do think it was an overall improvement certainly, but not to the extent we'd been expecting. We've addressed a number of things over time, with some individual runes and the initial lack of stat choice, leaping out in particular. Still a fair number of issues though we need to continue to work on.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by YoshPlayZz


We have no plans to revert current Aatrox


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

Okay so there nothing.

When will the garen Changes Go Live? I just want to play garen top again and not lose all matchups

same... but with Wukong.

don't get to spend much time each week directly with the balance or champion team devs any more for example, so I don't have the context on a lot of the specific decisions.

Okay so... can we have a name on the one working or someone who care about us (Wukong mains) ???

A designer on the champion team's taken over on the Wukong changes. He's currently doing some bug fixing, polish, balance etc while waiting on artists to free up from preseason work. I'd imagine he'll likely start posting about it and engaging with players once it's close to ship.


Originally posted by RandomActsOfToast

It's because Ghostcrawler wasn't married. Meddler has been married for quite awhile and doesn't have time/care to indulge the playerbase with his thoughts.

Not a lack of caring, though I can understand if it feels that way and my apologies. Time has been harder recently I admit.


Originally posted by MemoryStay

How would tanks be viable when conquerer exists?

This one at least I can respond to with a bit more substance. We'll be making some changes to Conqueror in preseason, shifting it closer to a Fervor of Battle like effect. Shouldn't be as punishing against tanky champs as a result overall.


Originally posted by ghostgnome

Ever since Meddler got promoted to Ghostcrawler's position, these posts have become increasingly information-free.

I think that's fair call out. I've found it harder to talk about gameplay specifics now I'm not as close to that work day to day. That's both what these posts originally focused on though and what people most seem to want to ask.


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

Absolute fridge. "This is happening next month". Jesus medler. Can you at least answer some more questions from players other than when is Garen's mini rework coming?

Few more comments there, had to run to something straight after putting that post up. Still light on substantial content overall though.


Originally posted by puberty1

fridge.gif but for quick gameplay thoughts

Yeah, I was on the fence as to whether to do a short post this week or just cancel. Looking at response maybe cancel would have been the better call.


Originally posted by CommanderHaku

Want to first say I'm really excited for these changes. However I was curious to hear why you guys didn't revert the e change from way back, the stated reason for slowing down the second e was he abused Rylai's and made it undodgeable, that's no longer a problem. I'm sure you had your reasons. Just curious.

I felt we had at least two problems we could address - reliability of E augment and satisfaction of W augment - with the same clean solution (slow from W augment).


Originally posted by FirCone

our Sirchez

RiotSirchez confirmed?

Typo, edited so it correctly says "Check out Sirchez"


Originally posted by Lifodd

orokin skins when?

Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their...

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Originally posted by AManExists

Fully expect the W augment change to be reverted but otherwise these changes are incredible. Huge props to u/RiotJag and u/RiotZhanos for listening to the Viktor Mains community.

Haha, I'm a little more optimistic but we'll see...


Originally posted by inkedberry

I don't see this going live at all unless they cut power somewhere else. Free rylais passive is absolutely nutty on that champion. His damage is absolutely brokenly absurd if all of his abilities actually land, which is probably the reasoning for the theme of delayed damage to begin with.

We certainly do need to account for the power we're adding. We know there's a real risk here, but we think the upside is worth it.


Originally posted by dwpippen1

I agree with this completely and hate seeing all the threads that get big defending their toxicity. Shiphtur is about the only streamer I follow. The chillest of lads.

Check out Sirchez for Summoner's Rift and Hyped for TFT if chill streamers are your jam. And Kibler if you're into Hearthstone.

Edit: typo

19 Sep


Originally posted by Mr_Something_

I realize this is 10 hours after the fact and at the bottom of the comments, so likely as not this won't be seen, but my biggest criticisms and appreciations are:

  • Keep that guitar intro forever and ever, amen.
  • Loved the video examples about recurring strategies/set plays.
  • I thought overall the format was fine; even if it's not the same format every time, the fact that you laid out your plan at the beginning of the video and followed through step by step (in this case, discussing the 3 LCK teams one by one) was appreciated and kept the discussion at a nice tempo. As long as you have structure to the discussion, even if it changes week to week, it's easy to listen to and follow.
  • I liked you going into some detail about specific team dynamics (Effort/Mata rotations for Faker; BeryL making Nuclear look better than he is; etc.). Feel free to expound specific players and their roles in the team further! Would have loved a good few minutes on Ber...
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Much appreciated!

Regarding your comparisons, that will be a completely separate content piece. Once I know the groups, that's when you'll get the nitty gritty comparisons that you're looking for. Matchups, stylistically, draft, all that jazz. Right now, the focus for me is to give overviews on the different regions and highlight information for fans to key into and form their own opinions over.

I'm glad you liked the guitar! Thinking of using it as a transition between points as well for sh*ts and giggles ;)