Holy sh*t I've peaked. All downhill from here.
Holy sh*t I've peaked. All downhill from here.
is it really surprising?
every time reddit doesn't like some balance change or the kit of a newly released champ there's threads and comments about firing the people who work on them and how much ppl hate their work. The actual positive feedback threads are an extreme rarity. It's borderline masochism for a sane person to hang around when their work is being bashed daily
Someone on EUW name changed to “Fire Blaustoise”. That was an honor for me.
I don’t speak for all devs at Riot or game devs in general, but I can tolerate the flame towards our work and actually lowkey appreciate it. It means you all are passionate. Sure, a lot of “feedback” is just people being unreasonable and nasty, but at the same time I think some game devs/studios expect their players and communities to behave with the same decorum as their professional environment.
All the hate we get is the result of love and passion for the game, and if you frame it from that perspective it makes the flame bright enough to push you harder without burning your ass all the time.
Then again I played 700 ranked games this season to be hard stuck high plat, so maybe I’m a borderline masochist like u/zv...
Read moreLet's not forget the absolutely 0 communication during the 8 days of EUW server troubles post TFT launch. best to just sweep it all under the rug and hope that EU forgets.
Hey, being from Riot EU (German team to be precise), we did talk to players constantly during those dark times. However we don't do it on reddit, but for German for example on our twitter account and community discord. There we could give updates much faster and casual then looking for the right thread to jump in.
I sure do have one talented family. Well, I guess it depends on your perspective :)
No u
I know catctopus left for a bit then returned but hes probably in a different role now that can't be speaking to people often. Others have left too.
Yep this is right... Different job
We're here. Just lurking.
Good idea. We are going to do this though we couldn’t get it in time for next patch so we are currently planning on doing this in 9.15
Well then what counts as round 11? I've done this mission 5 times now and no luck so far
The fix went live as of about an hour and a half ago.
It's still broken and this is the only option to finish it
The hotfix to the mission should be live in all regions.
newish Narrative Writer here! Thank you so much for supporting our work :)
Stoked for Moe/Revenge, and really happy to see that me coaching him on how to play Irelia was useful!
So we will be able to earn our 120 Betta Pass Points? 50 BPP for the bugged Weekly Mission and and another 70 BPP for the Weekly Mission that would have came after that?
That is correct.
Wait, didn't viewership decline for LCS but increased for LEC?
Nope - viewership is up for both.
That was hilarious!
We did in fact detect both an issue with the mission and a separate problem that was masking it when we would test it. We are going to issue a mission to affected regions that allows them to make up the beta pass points they have lost access to.
Sorry for the radio silence on this one, but we wanted to make sure we had an answer before we said anything here.