League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Jul


Originally posted by sp0j

Please remove all premade options on ranked. It's going to be abused by people sabotaging comps and inting to boost their friends.

Sabotaging is a good tactic. But when even a single friend can make it significantly more effective it's a massive problem. And creates a huge advantage to premades.

We'll be tracking how successful premades are, and if premades are a substantial advantage, we can adapt premade restrictions. We're going to learn a lot in the Beta Season of Ranked, and we'll make changes based on what we learn.

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Originally posted by Number9Robotic

We also had the goal of doing a cute but evil Champion, one that was visually cute, but was also a villain, since we also felt this was something we didn't really have in the game


I wouldn’t call Jinx a villain. She’s more Chaotic Neutral


All 140 or so champions are within 15% win rate of each other. I'd call that quite incredible tbh.

05 Jul


Originally posted by aqwsz

It says gold can duo with diamond on one side and the other side gold can’t duo with diamond?

Sorry about that - Gold cannot queue with Diamond. We'll be correcting that graphic soon!


Originally posted by KamuiSeph

Would appreciate an update.

Hey Kamui, as far as we are aware the mission is functioning properly. Multiple people have tested and reported that it completed for them.

The mission is supposed to be challenging, but should not ruin your game experience. If you continue to have an issue, please submit a ticket to player support.

Edit: we have found the issue with the mission and will be issuing a make-up mission to affected regions. You aren’t going to lose access to anything on the beta pass if you’ve been playing and completing missions up until now!


We've discussed this before, but just to repeat:

We won't be adding remake to ARAM. We think if we, do the amount of people AFKing so they can quickly remake when they think the comp is unfair will increase. That's a worse outcome than occasionally getting an AFK, especially because sometimes you rally those and can win 4v5!

04 Jul


Originally posted by sjphilsphan

It was Qiyana, the elements were bush, wall and river.

The elements thing is actually an interesting example of design vs. writing.

From the designer perspective, we want to say "river, brush, wall," because that's the actual thing in the game players are interacting with.

But from the writer perspective, "elements" sounds better when paired with "grass, water, stone/earth."

That's why you'll see a bit of both in the materials around Qiyana -- some cases we prioritized the sound, others the gameplay clarity.


Originally posted by The_Gentleman_1

Ty you for sharing your comment, god bless.



Originally posted by RaccoonDu

Can't the 3 champ's be coded with an if then and else format? If X is a LL, then they can't jump to them, else, they can? Of course it's not as simple as that, but along those lines? I would hate for the interaction to be disabled, and I'm not a great coder by any means, but maybe this can be on the right track?

That's somewhat similar to what we first tried at first in the sense we tried to add exclusion statements, but Katarina is magnitudes more complex than Lee sin and Jax for that exclusionary functionality to work. Unfortunately, if we were to give her this exclusionary statement, her E actually searches for the nearest target, and if it is a LL, the would not fire at all but this also consumes the spell entirely without anything actually happening. That we can't fix without massive changes to how Katarina works, which is extremely risky to micropatch without testing and preparation.

We decided that the best way to fix this temporarily with the minimal amount of risk was to disable the useable tag.


Originally posted by Neblinio

Happy to see there's some progress 5 months later. Latest PBE update introduced transparency to all tooltips.

I'd still like to have an option to disable them or require a 0.5s mouse hover to appear, but it's a nice step in the right direction.

It may not be the best example, but here's Rekkles having those tooltips appear in a competitive match. We can all safely assume he's not reading them, so they're getting in the way and not being useful there.

/u/SapMagic, it it was you who made this happen, thanks a lot for listening.

Wasn't me but I'll definitely make sure to share the sentiment and the feedback with the fine folks who are working on this.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Originally posted by Delicious27

It's the "reach level 6 by the second shared draft (round 11)" mission. It seems you need to actually reach it by round 6 before the the draft on round 7. The only way we can figure out how to make up the gold is by rolling 3 pirates and selling all units. This obviously isn't very likely to happen. Apparently this was also the case on PBE and no one could do it.

And that certainly was not our intent.

Looking into this now.


Originally posted by pikaluva13

Thanks Probama.

Thanks pikaluva13.


Originally posted by Dangarembga

please let us know how to actually beat this mission.

I think its pretty much impossible and we shouldn't have to go pirates AND sell our entire team just to get a mission done.

Which mission are you referring to exactly?


Originally posted by Eisenmuffin

maybe minor nit pick, but can you clarify next time that the "Activate a 6 piece Set Bonus" mission refers to classes only. i had to find out the hard way in forcing a yordle team the first game and trying a 6 class the next to confirm if it's bugged for me or not

A set bonus refers to either class or origin. Where there are 6 of either, this mission should work.

One thing to consider is that missions process after the game ends, not after you leave the game. This means that you should wait a bit after an early knock out to try and claim your rewards!


Originally posted by MadYoungCity

Have already asked Tummers this but no reply as of yet;

Is it actually round 11 btw? Or we need to get incredibly lucky with Pirate rng to pull it off before round 7 like on PBE?

I really, desperately would like to know if it's still incorrectly worded / bugged (not sure which it is).

It should be round 11.


we are all on our own journeys. ty for sharing yours, god bless


This answer is less interesting than you'd think. It's not champions with the highest DPS; it's the ones that have a lot of damage that they cannot access penetration items for. Assassins would be among the least affected here since they pretty much already do true damage on targets they care about.

So, that'd mostly be hybrid damage champions like Jax or Kog'maw. Cassiopeia would probably be the happiest mage here but that's only because she can't build Sorcs.


Originally posted by pirkkala

lol there literally cant be a pro scene for this game. its too rng
