It's unfortunate that the Galio list is being received so negatively, as in testing it was considered a fairly substantial buff (3-4% estimate)
Buff lines that are 'hopefully' bigger than people realize:
Mana Growth 20 - 40 per level, and Q mana cost down. Syndra received a buff from 30-40 per level in patch 9.13 and it ended up increasing her WR by 1.5%.
Additionally, since Galio is so mana gated on live it limits his itemization. In most tests with these mana numbers, Galio could either go full tank or protobelt first. In past iterations of Galio (patch 9.2), when his mana costs were increased it lowered his win-rate substantially, partly due to having massive mana constraints if he built protobelt first which is probably his best starting item.
Passive damage is also way, way up, and even though the reset mechanic was removed (burst case down) it's far more repeatable in lane and makes frequent trades more powerf...
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