League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Jul


Originally posted by Dyloslawer

hey I was the editor for this piece, thanks for the kind words ^^

reason i went all-in on this intro is because it genuinely happened like this with perkz being kinda surprised the game wasn't over yet so I went for it and it worked out.

and it feels good to put Splyce in the spotlight now that they have a lot of momentum behind them. very excited for this match :>

Can confirm is editing goblin.


Originally posted by Paiva05

Season 1 boys unite

You have my Heart of Gold.

I started playing right at the beginning of 2010 and can't quite believe I'm 9.5 years into this. I go through phases when I play like the old days, then nothing then ARAM and now TFT, but it's still my number 1 past time!


Promotion series aren't perfect. Losing never feels good, losing a promotion game feels worse. However, for the most part, players like promotion series. What promotion series allow us to do is stuff like demotion protection (which TFT doesn't have) and they make the general feeling of ranking up feel like an accomplishment for games on Summoner's Rift. We are looking at ways to make them feel better, but there is no plan to get rid of them. TFT is a different type of game and so the ranking system was developed to reflect that.

17 Jul


Originally posted by Thetof91

Hope they did something to localized it.

Most country don't use , as separator. Most of europe use , for decimal and then "." or a space as separator


Localizations are coming. We're making these adjustments as part of a larger number formatting system, and the full system should roll out soon.


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

What if you make the setting that disables dragonflies and ducks in Summoner's Rift also disable LL?

Wish it worked like that, if it did we had already done it.


Originally posted by JankosmoreMSIthanNA

Explained it way better than I did (re-reading sounds like a but like a 'jab' at you which it was not meant to!). In my defence I wrote it at like 5/6am on no sleep haha.

Side note it must be a little frustrating that people only care about the result of a prediction and not your reasons for them, and take the game predictions so serious when half the time you guys are messing around.

Rarely do people actually hold me accountable for predictions outside of international events. I didn't watch the video so they may have criticized a prediction I made but honestly I'm not really bothered by it. If people just want to make fun of me for an incorrect prediction it's really fine. If someone is trying to discredit me as an analyst by using a prediction I made then their opinion probably isn't worth listening to.


Originally posted by ALovelyAnxiety

I miss Jatt in the LCS.

Same =[


Originally posted by omglolbbqroflmao

/u/Ovedius can you confirm or deny that you are an analyst?

The type of analysis I would do is arguably different to what a team analyst would do. My job is to try and understand how and why things go right or wrong based on the game I'm watching. Their job is about helping their team improve and I would imagine studying the game from a slightly different perspective.

My title is analyst when I'm on a desk but I'm more of a broadcast analyst which should in theory be different to a team analyst. I can't confirm as I've never done analysis for a team before so I don't know the full inner workings of how they do things

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is sweet! Looking at the Sneaky/Zeyzal numbers a bit, how big are those sample sizes? like Ashe/Braum vs. Xayah Rakan averaging a 36 CS at 10. I imagine with solo lanes since it's just 1x1 champs, instead of 2x2 champs you're able to pull some much bigger samples. Also, do you know the Sona/Taric avg. numbers?

Originally posted by RiotAether

shio shoujo put that in just to see if I would catch it during edits. I did, but decided to leave it in since her name's first now :P

I guess this is how the kids talk these days o. o

16 Jul

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DEMTheos

I still don't understand the need to increase his Q cooldwon by 4 seconds tbh. If it's for Support Galio it doesn't make sense, he is dead anyway in botlane.

Q cooldown is up early because his lane priority was too strong in tests. New passive + low CD Q he just pushed everyone in and that would have likely led to him being pro p/b again

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by hi_kicker

Yeah being able to cancel shield of durand and removing the ability to flash while using it seems like a little bit much unless I'm missing some mega buff in there

It's unfortunate that the Galio list is being received so negatively, as in testing it was considered a fairly substantial buff (3-4% estimate)

Buff lines that are 'hopefully' bigger than people realize:

Mana Growth 20 - 40 per level, and Q mana cost down. Syndra received a buff from 30-40 per level in patch 9.13 and it ended up increasing her WR by 1.5%.

Additionally, since Galio is so mana gated on live it limits his itemization. In most tests with these mana numbers, Galio could either go full tank or protobelt first. In past iterations of Galio (patch 9.2), when his mana costs were increased it lowered his win-rate substantially, partly due to having massive mana constraints if he built protobelt first which is probably his best starting item.

Passive damage is also way, way up, and even though the reset mechanic was removed (burst case down) it's far more repeatable in lane and makes frequent trades more powerf...

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Originally posted by Benjongalong

Call me boring, but personally I'd prefer it if patches didn't include 35 champion changes half-way through the season/competitive split (:

We're cramming them into 9.14 instead of drawing them out over the next however-many-patches to make sure we have time to smooth things back out for regional finals, Worlds, ranked end of season grind, etc


Great job! I also just hit plat this year as well! LCS here we come (omegalul).


Originally posted by Gamer55120

What's cooler than being cool?

Ice cold


Seems like you are really bad at being really good at being really bad at new champions.

P.S Great content, was thoroughly entertained :)