League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Jun


Originally posted by LightIsMyPath

The funniest thing is that Yuumi players wanted the opposite, it's way more fun to time detachments and jump between champions than AFK most of the time and just press 2 buttons every once in a while, sometimes 3. I'm not a Yuumi main but looking through their sub this seemed to be the sentiment

People who go to a subreddit to talk about their champion are not a representative sample of people who play that champion


Originally posted by chaser676

At some point, Riot made a very abrupt about face regarding Yuumi. One minute, they're describing her as a deceptively high skill expression character, the next Riot says she was always supposed to have been a very easy champion to pick up and learn. The whiplash was wild.

Yuumi was a deceptively high skill expression character. That's factually accurate. Champion mastery and MMR had an outsized impact on win rate compared to other enchanters.

Intent and reality are not the same thing.

  • Yuumi's solo queue win rate in 12.18: 45.85%
  • Yuumi's pro presence in 12.18: 78%
  • Yuumi's solo queue win rate in 13.11: 50.05%
  • Yuumi's pro presence in 13.11: 36-44%, depending on which leagues you measure

So at the end of the day, the changes did a massive amount of work skewing her away from pro. She has nerfs coming in 13.12, and we’ll react from there.

Worth noting that LPL and LEC are typically the best drafting leagues. LCK seems to pretty frequently hyper-focus on champions that don’t stand up in international competition. Compared to LCK, LPL’s Yuumi presence is much lower.


Originally posted by OmegaExorcist

What about decay? Will it only be diamond+ or will it extend to emerald? I kinda found it dumb that plat got decay removed, I think it should be back for emerald at the least.

It'll stay the same as it is today, Diamond+ only.


Originally posted by Morkinis

Prompt: write a reddit apology comment denying use of AI in ticket responses. /s

I gave it a try:

Me: Can you help me write a response to a thread on reddit? I need to respond to questions about whether a video game company is using artificial intelligence as part of its customer support program. The company does use AI for some things, but not in the way the thread suggests.

ChatGPT: Sure! I can help you write a response. Could you provide me with the questions and the suggested way in which the company's AI is being used for customer support, so that I can assist you in crafting an appropriate response?

Me: Sure! The company uses AI to respond to routine inquiries that can be easily addressed (I lost my password, etc.). But most (85% or more) of responses are provided by real human agents, often using previously written statements. The thread alleges that these previously written statements were written using AI, which isn't the case.

ChatGPT: Here's a response you can use for the thread:

"Hey everyone, I wanted to chim...

Read more

Originally posted by TheSpanishUnknownOne

And what about implementing that system on ARAM?

We're really cautious about adding anything that encourages tryharding to the game mode most loved for being casual.


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

So, no promises, but we're considering calling the lowest tier in the rating system for the 2v2v2v2 mode "Wood"...



Originally posted by Malombra_

Hi! Do you think you'll be able to share which of the upcoming prestige skins will be event tied and which will be mythic essence tied?

Yeah something we missed on the article was denoting which ones were event tokens vs mythic essence. Currently having the article edited to reflect what currency will be required for each one.


Originally posted by RinViri

Will these skins be obtainable through Mystic Essence? A lot of us have been saving them for specific champions, would be nice to know this in advance as well.

Yeah something we missed on the article was denoting which ones were event tokens vs mythic essence. Currently having the article edited to reflect what currency will be required for each one.


Originally posted by Levi_sch

how hard is this mmr reset?

Moderate. Softer than the start of year one


Originally posted by peewee-bird-brother

Anything on 2v2v2v2 ? I'm really excited for it

PBE late June, live mid July


Originally posted by Gimhae

If someone is D4, will they be dropped to emerald when the patch goes live? or will the rank just fill in as people fall and climb from Plat and Diamond?

Emerald will be added at the same time as the ranked reset in July, so people will go through placements again (shorter this time) rather than getting moved around within the tiers when it's added


Originally posted by CrossXhunteR

Don't know if you're the appropriate person to ask, but you are the person here so I'll do it anyways; It doesn't appear that the following skin stuff included in the TL;DR is actually mentioned in the skins dev article. Could that get added at some point (I know it wouldn't be immediate since y'all have to localize articles like these into other supported languages.)

Star Guardian Seraphine and Orianna will be available in Patch 13.13 and Star Guardian Senna will be available in 13.14.

Redeemed Xayah and Rakan will be released towards the end of this year.

Taliyah and Ashe will receive the next Crystalis Motus skins later this year.

Ty for pointing it out! We are including it now. Was just an oversight (and ty Meddler for raising it to us).


Originally posted by Necroside

Didn't you guys opt out because it was too insulting the first time around?

Our thinking is that in a less serious context like for the 2v2v2v2 mode, that doesn't have the same permanence or history, that embracing the meme nature of Wood should be fine. We'll see of course, but feels meaningfully different to us than the context with the standard ranked system


Originally posted by RobDaGinger

Adding another GREEN tier is so funny. Visual clarity when.

Plat is getting a visual update too!


Originally posted by Bragarini

Holy, the 2v2v2v2 mode will have ranked? I thought it would be just like aram with hidden ELO. Good to hear!

We're looking at a rating system similar to the one HyperRoll in TFT uses, so not the default ranked system but something that serves a fairly similar (though not quite as sweaty on average) purpose


Originally posted by 42-1337

mans can wear brights colors too...

Oh for sure. It's not just a champ's gender though, but their personality, how their kit would tie in with a theme etc too that will determine fit.


Originally posted by deathspate

Weird spot to ask, but I saw WR getting a new elemental drake (ice). Haven't seen its effect yet, but is the team on PC also considering new drakes as well? This isn't me asking for or against the new drakes, just wanted to know the position of the team.

If the ice drake goes well for WR we'd be open to adding it to LoL PC as well at some point. Adding additional drakes isn't one of our higher priorities at present for preseason/large gameplay update work though, we think other issues are more pressing gameplay wise


Originally posted by turnktail

Just need to be gold by the end of the split/season I believe

Yup! Gold will stay the low-points-requirement for Split 2 too.