Hey Ender, do you think Spylce can match FNC tonight?
Hey Ender, do you think Spylce can match FNC tonight?
I think it could be a close game but Xerxe has to play super well to keep Broxah in check.
Oh man Alphair Vayne into Morde was OP.
I keep watching XL games and starting to believe, during Spring they won a few games and looked semi decent for a brand new org / team and in Summer, they made FNC and OG work for their wins. This isn't a contender for playoffs, but XL are still finding their feet and the recipe required to pick up wins. I like the org, I just want them to find a way to get stronger performances on the rift, maybe that means more expensive players with proven track records.
/u/Reav3 get in here
I said it would be sometimes after the new marksmen, not sure how long after since we kind of already announced the next 2 VGUs as Fiddle and Volibear. I do however have a devblog update on Fiddle and Volibear coming out either later this month or early August, still figuring out timing. We will have updates on Voli/Fiddle every 2-3 months until they release
This game was so over the casters started rambling about random stuff lmao
P.S. Ender if you somehow see this I was cheering for the Skyrim jokes from my couch!
Always nice to see a fellow dragonborn :)
What about news on Pantheon?
Still the next VGU to be released, can't say more.
Is Pantheon going to be sooner or later ?
You realize September 17th 2053 you must utter these words. It's your obligation.
Put a reminder in my phone.
I know what I feel sorry for: Your bad taste!
9.15 - 9.18 - Smaller patches, focused on stability and lower scope balance work. We'll be looking to avoid things with big systemic impacts here in particular (e.g. reworking items, changing strength of different positions significantly relative to each other, changes to objectives etc).
B... But Pantheon?
This is all from the perspective of balance/widespread meta impacting work. New content like skins, champs etc will continue to release as usual.
Not taking a stance on when Panth's coming out either way but:
"This is all from the perspective of balance/widespread meta impacting work. New content like skins, champs etc will continue to release as usual."
Reference there to smaller patches is balance wise, not new content.
Off topic but does anyone know when we get the next champion roadmap?
Instead of a regular champion roadmap we're planning on doing some detailed dives into how progress on Fiddle and Voli is looking as a followup to the recent VGU voting. Should expect a couple of those, one pretty soon, one later in the year. At a guess next regular roadmap's then around end of 2019/start of 2020 as a result.
Hey Reav3, if you can, can I ask how close is Pantheon?
Soon tm, Somewhat close, close-ish, close enough, very close, extremely close?
Somewhat close
I understand she is designed to be difficult. Zed, Yassuo, and Riven as similar examples all generally hover around 50% win rates. I fear Qiyana is on a path to be more similar to Akali where she is really only good when played by the very best players in very high elo.
Guess time will tell. Thanks for the response
I doubt those champions were at 50% in there first patch unless the were very overturned at launch. We will see where her WR lands when the initial hype dies out and it’s mainly mains playing her. If needed we will make adjustments when we have a clearer understanding of where she will land long term
Does ANYONE remember the video with the pyke ult streak made with G2 moves? The one that is in synch with the music? I keep looking for it but can't find it. It is this moment that the jankos pyke moment is a reference to.
Here you go dude
Play tahm kench jungle. Trust me.
i know i’m silver because nothing felt unusual or surprising about a 5% health jungler going in 1v4