Great job! I also just hit plat this year as well! LCS here we come (omegalul).
Great job! I also just hit plat this year as well! LCS here we come (omegalul).
What's cooler than being cool?
Ice cold
Seems like you are really bad at being really good at being really bad at new champions.
P.S Great content, was thoroughly entertained :)
how do i get faker to play kat again
Mental mistake about irelias ult has nothing to do with game knowledge. My knowledge is just fine or I wouldn't have a job, people confuse that with verbal mistakes. \o/
How many times does riv need to cast an irelia game to know her ult doesn't disarm anymore?
This was just a dumb mental mistake, I basically just wanted to say hitting the slow but that didn't happen at all. My brain kept inserting disarm and it was wrong fo sho.
Hey all.
I'm a bit late to the thread here but wanted to provide some insight into LL on ARAM and answer some of the questions and concerns here.
1) Poro Icons No Longer Working in ARAM - This was disabled a few patches after 8.24 snowdown, and do not have anything to do with little legends arriving.See Riot Mort's tweet about snowdown. If you have somehow had access to these little poros recently, that's most likely a bug and in that case please let me know.
2) Little Legends Do Not Block - We have had a game design function tag on all little legends on ARAM since...
Read moreProject theme music is so hype, every rendition of it.
Thanks! This years rendition is by this guy:
He's fantastic.
Look in the background gunfight at 0:15. You can see some red claws jump up and take a swipe. Definitely Project: Warwick
That's actually Pyke ulting.
That's Pyke ulting.
Will it release with these four or is it a future one?
Releases at the same time, this champion is against the 4 in this video in lore so it didn't make sense to show him/her/them.
The 5th skin is for another champ or is it an extra one for one of those guys?
It's a different champion that I'm talking about, not prestige or chromas.
The NA main channel version of this video is here:
I will confirm 2 things about this years PROJECT skins.
edit: Some industrious twitter followers have found the image tease I'm referring to.
I’m studying programming in college and I have a project to do in Python language, you just gave me an idea, thanks man!:)
Feel free to jump in the developer discord ( and check out the site.
Did you manage to curse every team except G2?
Or I'm just stupid