League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Jul

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kisdee

Someone in a previous update thread said that Riot wants Bard to max Q-W-E. Wouldn't it be better to make W maxing second actually worthwhile instead of adjusting E so that you only get reduced CD from maxing it?

Thing that isn't listed there is Bard base tunnel speed is increased from 800-900. So basically Bard/allies go through tunnels at the old rank 5 speed from rank 1. Hope is to give Bard better mobility/gank assist in the early and mid game

11 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by o___Okami

Ok, but are QOL buffs being considered to ease that mastery curve a bit?

Such as some sort of indicator of how far back an enemy will be pushed by the her ult or a more consistent way of determining this (perhaps make it so enemies are always pushed to the end of the ult indicator)?

We don't currently plan on smoothing out her mastery curve. Qiyana was designed to be a high skill Assassin for players that like those types of Champions (Zed, Riven, Yassuo players, etc.)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We haven't forgot about her at all. Our internal data shows she has a steep mastery curve but once people get the hang of her her winrate is pretty high. She is currently matching our expected winrate start and growth chart so we haven't done anything yet.


Originally posted by Cashmiir

We're here. Just lurking.

Shouldn't you be playing TFT?


Originally posted by energized90

I mean, it is pretty convenient to stop giving out the MSI rewards, the year EU wins it...Who do we have to talk to?

Well, the whole Mid-Season-Trials was planned long before the spring split even started. But yeah, if you believe in the theory that somebody at the Riot HQ hates Europeans it all fits. ;)

It is always easier to remember the "bad experiences". Last year we made an EU only event on EUW and EUNE with ingame rewards and everyone else globally was upset and blew up reddit.


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

f**k that, I'll mail this to you and you can frame it and keep it under your pillow.

I would straight up frame this for my desk. I'll pay for shipping.


Originally posted by Robesudod

Who can help me with the third tft mission bug (buy 3 of the same champion at once)?

It isn't giving me my reward and support doesn't answer 😭

D: Give support a little bit of time. We're just getting into the office now.


Originally posted by fix_wu

and what was house reward for being first?

A permanent golde house emote.
Every player worldwide obviously also had the missions and watch rewards on top of that, which (in my opinion) was definitely more than you could have gotten by a regional reward. But I do understand that this depends on how much you play and your preferences.


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF


Edit: misspelled a word

Please... My heart can only take so much. I'm going to make this my background.


Not sure what I feel more sorry for... my eyes or my ears.


Originally posted by 1991cale

that's all cool and nice, but people expect that the official riot boards would be the first place where such information would become available first...it was never even posted there, so i hope that you understand from where i'm coming from.

Our dedicated place to post about server issues is actually this page: https://status.leagueoflegends.com/#euw

It was updated throughout the nights during the problems with all information we had. And again, I can only talk for Germans, but we do have more users in our Discord and our Twitter than our boards, so that is why we moved comms there for everyone who needed more than the server status page.
In the English forums Eambo gave updates in some of the bigger threads (...

Read more

Originally posted by Voshin

Well, where is it then? Cuz they are not saying anything. On twitter, reddit or even an official lol announcement on the website.

They see us complaining, they can tell this to the people in charge/responsible, an announcement can be made: "hey you f**ks, yea you shitty eu people, you ain't getting shit, so zip it. we were only prepared for CN to win so to hell with y'all".

I am exaggerating, obviously, but no word after all the threads and tweets and stuff is just pathetic.

Hey Voshin, as a disclaimer I'm not an expert when it comes to MSI rewards and I'm not working on the team. For this years MSI we added the whole Mid-Season Trials event, where players could identify and pick their houses. And instead of regions battling it out, we had the houses compete for an ingame reward (still salty that my house only came in second).

This was meant to include much more players and not only esports fans and provide a more "broader" thematic. I'm from EU myself, so I'm super stoked we won it (and excited to win Worlds as well!), and I'm sorry that we made such a bad job to explain the changes this year. All of this was planned and decided before MSI, so nothing against EU as nobody could predict which region will win.

Also EU > NA.


Originally posted by ThedamnedOtaku

Its probably not the place to do it in terms of their jobs and they are not directly responsible

Yeah this is exactly it. We don't comment on things we have no insight to. Any of us can sh*t post or comment on things we have a stake in, but no one is going to put words in another Rioter's mouth or promise things they can't personally deliver.


Originally posted by IRSantos

Every Rioter is 24/7 playing tft, you have no time to lurk on reddit.

Pffft. Give me old fashioned League of Legends or death.


Originally posted by l_Pyro_l

How much stock do you guys put in Reddit's comments and criticism?

I can't speak for everyone, but everyone I know cares and wants to do whatever we can so everyone has as good of an experience as they can. I can't speak to gameplay balance changes or anything (I'm just a writer on corporate communications and a Gold scrub), but I think most threads on Reddit get seen.


Reddit is dead catch us on the gram or tik tok 😎👌🙌😝ðŸĪŠðŸ™ˆðŸ™ˆðŸ™ˆ


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Holy sh*t I've peaked. All downhill from here.