League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Mar


Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

I'm a bit confused but is the arcane vgu thingy still this year? cause roadmap said next year but then someone said no, it's this year

It this year! But it will be towards end of year, mostly because we don't want to spoil anything!


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Lexical, speaking of Ixtal, we don't have any marksman from Ixtal, can you consider that for the future? And one criticism I saw for Skarner is that we are missing a "benevolant monster" type of champion as opposed to dark/evil or in Skarner's case paranoid. I personally think Smolder has potential to be an upright monster in the future

I think Skarner is still benevolent! He is good to his people, just less logical/good to intruders :) I do think the intention of the spill the beans was not to sell him as evil, but more that he is powerful and awe inspiring. While he is a wise sentient being, he does let his thoughts of a potential outcome get the better himself when driving out intruders. He will chase them down, bulldoze them and smack them with rocks.

I do think Ixtal is missing a marksman mostly because Ixtal is so magic driven. Its an opportunity space that is missing!


Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

it would be a bit odd for Arcane to not touch on it at all if we are a shared universe.

Arcane doesn't touch on the ancient goddess who protects and watches over the cities. It doesn't touch on the cyborg spymaster manipulator who has controlled the cities for decades either, in fact it directly contradicts her existence. It doesn't touch on mutated rats or deliquent doctors.

It doesn't touch on those things because stories need to focus on what matters to them emotionally and storytelling wise.

If Riot's perception of PnZ and the world is purely based on what Arcane shows then I weep for the future of the setting.

Fairly siloed.. off on his own.

That just means you could have fleshed out why the Brackern were so powerful to begin with or in what ways they may be important for Runeterra as a whole. If their crystals can warp time, what does that say about them? What if they guarded the w...

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Arcane was written before one runeterra. Skarner old lore was as well. Every narrative choice we make has consequences and hundreds of hours poured into pros and cons of each decision. We are no longer at a point where we can wave our hands and decide because we want to make sure our Runeterra is cohesive for decades and decades. We learned alot from the past rewrites etc etc. We want to make sure moving forward, every decision matters because it will be held as universe truth.While I can't completely show everything right now, which I understand makes it a bit hard to empathize with what we are trying to accomplish, but these choices did not come easy. It took months and months of looking at options.If this comes from you loving old Skarner lore, it is completely understandable! Players hate it when we take away something that is beloved (I myself still really love the old Trundle lore tbh). We did have to weigh our options here. While its not ideal for you, we did pretty deep res...

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Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

When we looked into it, what we didn't like about Skarner's lore is that he didn't really control his future and outcome. This really made him someone who was suffering an outcome rather than a main character with compelling goals that can be expanded upon, loved and empathized with. We don't want players to just feel sorry for the sad scorpion.

That's because...you guys only wrote the beginning. Aurelion Sol is literally enslaved by a mind controlling crown, does that suddenly make him unworthy of being a champion? How many heroic journeys begin when the hero loses their family or village? You can be both a hero and a victim, and victimization can be the catalyst for someone fighting for something greater.

Fighting for your species is about as heroic as it gets, and if people "only feel sad" it's because Riot failed in portraying it as an heroic journey. But also, what's wrong with the primary emotion that a champion invokes being sadness...

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While its true we can try to continue the story afterwards... it would be a bit odd for Arcane to not touch on it at all if we are a shared universe. This gives both team creative freedom and space to do their best work instead of putting all of the energy into how to twist a story to fit Skarner's background.

The other problem is that Skarner's lore is already in the space where he isn't given agency. His past story left him collecting the rocks of his brackern. Fairly siloed.. off on his own.

His new background puts him at the center of political struggle of a region.


Originally posted by Winderkorffin


whatever is happening on arcane.

This. And stay tuned for S2 :O!


Originally posted by spazzxxcc12

it’s probably more that arcane S1 already premiered, and it’s not like they can (easily) go back and remake it to fit skarners lore. since they wrote the show to not fit skarners lore and be in some weird lore limbo (and have now changed it to be fully cannon) skarner and the brackern don’t entirely make sense.

You are correct in some regards. It was a couple of things. When we looked into it, what we didn't like about Skarner's lore is that he didn't really control his future and outcome. This really made him someone who was suffering an outcome rather than a main character with compelling goals that can be expanded upon, loved and empathized with. We don't want players to just feel sorry for the sad scorpion. But instead to understand his goals, his ideal outcomes and knows he has the power to potentially influence the political systems of a region. We also didn't want to completely take away the sense of loss of his beloved bond, so we thought the Ixtal people and the history he had seen can be part of that forlornness. His decisions has impact on the world versus being a victim. He is now in a position to decide, if he wants Ixtal to go down one path vs another. This also help build out Ixtal and the differing view points of some of the key players in that region. Previously, it was ...

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28 Mar

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by untamedlazyeye

The real winner of the LCS? Jatt, cause he got to make more league content around Golf.


    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by herptydurr

I just wanna know what Jatt did with his 100T hoodie. He's wearing it at the start, but then it just kind of disappears. He doesn't even seem to have it when they're putting the clubs away into their product placement Kia at the end.

I think it was an LCS fresh hoodie from 2023? It was cold for the first 2 holes then I took it off and put it in my golf bag lol


Originally posted by Avantel

And basically no one played it

Everyone played it. It was played a ton. They just didn't KEEP playing it...

27 Mar


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Will the next dev update come this upcoming week or in early April since after filming it it still needs edits etc

Dev updates tend to take a week and a half to two weeks post filming until they're ready for release on average. That covers editing, addition of gameplay footage, localization to other languages etc.


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

It's frustrating because Galio was finally seeing some play again with AP builds, and now he is dead again and that playstyle you have described is probably going to keep him at like 48% win rate 1% pick rate

Idk we already have enough AP champions who are hehe xD one shot machines. Don't feel particularly enthused by galio being another one of those, given his theme, etc.


My suspicion is the yuumi account didn't play any normal games, so they did not have any seeding info on the account for when they entered ranked.

The other account seems to be placed a lot more honestly, though probably still too high overall.

I'm also suspicious of some shenaniganry going on, given the first player played 100 games of yuumi and 50 games of veigar in normals, then suddenly plays 9 games of Warwick in ranked.

This isn't ideal and we're working on ways to better account for these cases. (from accounts being botted and sold to inappropriate seeding, etc.)


Galio is just weak right now. I don't think he lacks identity, he has a pretty clear one, he is meant to be as close to being a " defender/enabler from midlane" with an ability to shrug off some AP damage as is reasonably supportable by gameplay.

Preventing your team from getting run over on the entire map is obviously pretty broken, so his tools to prevent that need some clear weaknesses, eg. He doesn't turbo stomp lane to trade off for his ~semi global presence. He has a lot of CC capabilities, which also need to be compensated somewhere.

When you have galio on your team, you are meant to feel more supported/comfortable, because he could come save you/support you if you need it.

When galio was unconditionally strong (eg. think back to faker galio), it was because he could get prio in every lane and was not movable in any matchup, while having high pressure/uptime on sides.

This state wasn't particularly sustainable, so we had to give him a laning...

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25 Mar


I cannot believe anyone on earth allows League players to become responsible for other folk's careers. (Myself included)

24 Mar


Originally posted by MoonBoy2DaMoon

That jawn corny as hell lmao

Appreciate the Philly slang as a guy from Philly myself.


Originally posted by Antipixel_

i have always wondered why riot didnt seem like they'd invested a full team of resources into rewriting an engine for league from scratch based on more modern programming frameworks + knowledge and understanding of the current mechanics /depth of league. it feels odd that league doesn't have an "in-gameworld" client(heck even valorant has one. maybe the nostalgia factor?), lol is one of those games that could do some really neat stuff with it. frankly it's an absolutely massive undertaking, but i do genuinely believe riot is one of the few companies with access to enough capital and (potential)talent that it would be a feasable option for them to consider.

but if the engineers have managed to patch relevant parts of the engine up to date in such a way that the team is able to actually continue innovating, honestly that is kind of shockingly impressive. especially considering the potential amount of teams affected. this feels like the exact type of thing that can kill a prod...

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We are always updating the engine that League runs on.

But let’s for the sake of argument say we thought that it would be easier and better to switch to a new off the shelf engine:

First, you need to update the networking. The Hextech engine’s networking I am told is like extremely overpowered relative to the market. Valorant and other games expend significant effort to get theirs into a similar state.

Now you need to port all of the content from our current stack to a new stack, including all champions, game systems, cosmetics, etc.

You can use some automation to get the bulk of the data across, but you would need to have humans hand-tune the rest. (Imagine making sure that Riven’s combos felt “just so” to her mains and ensuring that translates) In order to hit our quality bar this could actually take several years with many devs involved. Those are people are years that are not spent making League better.

You probably also need s...

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Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

We typically just allow Sylas to be OP with new spells and don’t stop designing because of him. It would be really lame for 1 designer to ship a champ that restricts every designer after them.

As for the Samira Sylas thing, my understanding is that Sylas does not get Samira passive, which prevents him from casting R. This is definitely not ideal from the player perspective, but would require us to either move passive logic into R (which means Viego can’t stack it) or special case Sylas, which may be more cost than value.

I’ll make a note for next week to see how difficult it is to just let him ult without condition with Samira R, and whether that’s something we’d want.


Originally posted by Eternal663

Was there ever an abillity you thought "It's perfect on the champion we want to make but would be too broken (as in wouldn't function properly or would be way to powerfull) on Sylas". Did releasing him or any other champions made you ever go back on something just because it would be too good/bad on them.

Also Ps. Please explain why is Samira ult still disfunctional on Sylas. He can't gain an S rank to use it, nor it has any passive effect on him. If he ever steals Samira ult he is forced to wait untill it expires (thankfully it does). It caught me off guard once in Aram where i thought imma steal 'Inferno Trigger', go in and deal some AoE dmg but ended up Inting and having to wait like 3 fights just to be able to ult again.

At least it was broken like 2 patches ago when i played it, didn't check since

We typically just allow Sylas to be OP with new spells and don’t stop designing because of him. It would be really lame for 1 designer to ship a champ that restricts every designer after them.

As for the Samira Sylas thing, my understanding is that Sylas does not get Samira passive, which prevents him from casting R. This is definitely not ideal from the player perspective, but would require us to either move passive logic into R (which means Viego can’t stack it) or special case Sylas, which may be more cost than value.


Originally posted by helloimapickle

i am SO curious to know what the hell caused that viego-zyra bug lol, I'm sure everything was very funny until someone had to fix it

just as a question, when testing new champions is it still expected to test them with viego, sylas, renata etc. or is it just expected to work out of the box?

This was all a bit before I started learning to read/write champion code myself, but my understanding of the cause was:

Most champions had spells/passives/etc that only had to check for “themselves” to trigger logic. So when it was Viego running their logic instead, it would not know what to do.

So in Zyras case, it would spawn a plant, then check “Zyras” passive cooldown before sending another one. Because there was no “Zyra” passive to check, it would just fire off another plant, and repeat until Viego left her body or until some other bug stopped it.

As for the final question, Viego/Sylas/Renata etc all caused us to have new “standards” for how to properly script to not run into the common bugs with them. So new champs should follow these standards and just work, but regardless, our QA teams would test to make sure it works anyway.