League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jul


Originally posted by tumeta

  • Server: euw
  • Type of Bug: client bug
  • Description: ecplise doesn't show description in game client
  • Video / Screenshot:
  • Steps to reproduce: go to client, collection, items and search for eclipse
  • Expected result: shows description
  • Observed result: doesn't show description
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs:

Should be fixed for 12.14! Thanks for the report :D


Originally posted by i1u5

if you submit a player support ticket, they will absolutely look into this and take appropriate action


Boy, this is embarrassing. This was not the situation when I last submitted a report to them. Let me talk with our player support team.

EDIT: I'm back! So it turns out that during periods of exceptionally high traffic, this might be the message you get. However, in general submitting a report to a player support is the right decision if you forgot to report a player after the game. As the message says, you should prefer to report players after the game instead of using player support as a cudgel, so to speak. Our messaging coaxes players toward post-game reporting for this reason.


Originally posted by yehiko

they will look into it for sure, and not reply with a copy paste of how screenshots are not proof because they can be faked and "will look into it can't and won't notify you if anything happens". check their op.gg later, they're still doin gucci. it's been years guys, come'on, at least come up with better stories.

Screenshots aren't proof on their own. For each one of these reports, if found to be credible, an investigation will be started and we will look directly at the chat logs.

An action may or may not be taken on a particular account based on those chat logs, which might not extend to a ban - for example, chat restrictions or forced name changes do not show up on op.gg.

I'm sorry that you don't have much faith in the process. I understand why, and I hope we can one day improve that faith. But this is what happens - I'm not making stuff up.


Originally posted by Simbah_SC


It's the highway in germany, not a train network :P

Ah, I just remember from my one trip to Frankfurt being fined on the train network mb :(


Originally posted by n0oo7

Lol, support look into it. They only Autobahn off a list.

I'm not sure what the german train network has to do with this.

OP, if you submit a player support ticket, they will absolutely look into this and take appropriate action. That is assuming that the report system hasn't already gotten to them.


T1 went with a comp that relied heavily on hitting ultimates in teamfights. The execution was a bit iffy. On the other end, excellent composure from HLE despite the hiccups — they kept their cool and rebounded nicely from each comeback attempt by T1.


Originally posted by crouchspammer

funny to say but sessions diana actually got me through some tough times, so im really glad this came out as well

Totally get what you mean, music has that effect on me too. Happy it could be helpful.


Originally posted by Robo-Thighs

I've been listening to SIDE 2 SIDE on repeat, and the whole animation sequence that goes with it is just fantastic!

I love that part hahaha

12 Jul


Originally posted by A_Vastayan

If Sivir lands too strong or too weak after the update, what parts of her kit do you think you will target for buffs or nerfs ? If you already have an idea, of course.

Depends pretty hard on what is under/overperforming based off expectations.

For example, if her lane was weaker than we want (so weak that she can't get out of lane and access her mid/late power) then we would give that a bump in the form of base stats or something similar. Inversely, if she was just stomping in early/mid, we would hit early Q rank-up or something like that. I'm not prescribing a "break glass in case of imbalanced" list ahead of time and will instead react directly to live trends.


Originally posted by LeagueofLegendsAccn

are you aware Bel'Veth has a 60+ % ban rate, you haven't fixed that and you're releasing a new champion?

Bel'veth is not my personal responsibility but I'm sure others are aware and are assessing solutions


Originally posted by NotAnAce69

Infinite bounces with the new ricochet mechanics would probably crash the game anyways, even before we start talking balance

Absolute chaos that would be


Contact support! Korea has some governmental implications so they might request some proof but worth while asking!


Originally posted by iusuallylurkalone

SLOW START No longer gives Sivir and her allies an initial movement speed burst

So am i reading this right, sivir ult now gives her a 8/10/12s buff where the entire effect is to reduce her cooldowns by a little when she attacks? Please tell me that's not all it does.

On live, Sivir R has double movement speed right on cast, that decays down to 20/25/30% over the duration. On 12.13, it will be 20/25/30% the entire time with no initial boost.