League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Originally posted by ketzo

NOW YOU SEE ME All jungle monsters and wards will now be visible instantly, even upon dashing or blinking into visible range

Holy shit. Massive W. The most annoying bug in the world on Fiora — you could Q into a bush that you knew had a ward, but your Q would fail to hit it, and go on full cooldown.

Insanely huge W. Hope this one doesn't go under the radar since I know this has been a big painpoint for players for awhile.


Hello everyone! I'm Riot Koyuncu, one of the QA Engineers on League's Champions team.

Nilah, the Joy Unbound, should be hitting PBE really soon! I'll be using this thread to post announcements and collect your player feedback. We've got about a week before we have to lock any proposed changes for her release, so I'll be monitoring common suggestions in the comments to share back with the team for possible adjustments.

If you encounter any in-game bugs while playing Nilah or her Star Guardian skin, please let us know by heading over to our Bug Reporting Tool and providing any information on the issue. Providing repro steps or a video clip are incredibly helpful at debugging.



PBE Update 6/24:

Adjustments to the Star Guardian splash art are incoming - expect a finalized version posted soon!

Lots of lots of bug fixing. Notable mentions include:

  • Casting Jubilant Veil (W) no longer allow...
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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Were you guys worried a skirmisher might alienate marksman players expecting their yearly release or was it ok since Zeri wouldn't be too far back

Not really, since we also think she will be appealing to Vayne/Kai'Sa/Samira players of which their are A LOT of.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Despite Zeri getting pushed to this year and altered release cadence, was Nilah originally supposed to be the bot lane release of this year?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by doublejoint777

I am worried about the inverse of pursuing game variance. Because Taric and Rakan do not have high playrates, Riot might be avoiding making defensive/enchanter melee support champions. Do low playrates of archetypes necessarily indicate that players do not want to play them, or that Riot hasn't unlocked their full potential?

Of course we think about that as well. Trying to make a more broadly appealing champ in a otherwise lower appeal role is something we reach for though it’s admittingly harder to do. The next champion is a attempt to make a more broadly appealing skill fantasy tank, though who nows if that will happen or not since tanks are historically a more niche role

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

No concern about the extremely similar play pattern and abilities to Samira & Diana?

Not really, I have played her a ton in play tests and I think despite how similar they might look on the surface they actually play and feel very different

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Xeroticz

If that's the case, why hasn't there been really any attempt to make a champ that resonates with Ezreal players? As far as I know he's been an INCREDIBLY high pickrate champion regardless of meta or his balance. I see him almost every other game and honestly it's quite annoying.

Actually Zeri was trying to do that with the really high uptime Q and a kit reliant on skillshots

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by quantumqss

Why are Yasuo and Yone mains so powerful in the minds of Riot that they get new champions made for them in other roles ?

Something feels wrong about motivating an entire champion to appeal to Yasuo mains.

It’s not that Yasuo mains are powerful in our minds it’s that game to game variance is very important to us. We think that’s part of reason league doesn’t get boring.

Globally yasuo is usually one of if not the most picked champion in the game. A champion with that high of a pickrate actually goes against the goal of game to game variance since the champion will show up in game so often.

For Champions like that we have intentionally made some Champions who have goals to take playrate from those champions which will in turn increase game to game variance. For example, in the past we also saw Thresh dominating support pickrate and Vayne dominating ADC pickrate. Both Pyke and Kai’Sa were attempting to (and succeeded in) massively reducing those champions pick rate. Now instead of seeing Thresh 2 games in a row you might see Thresh and then Pyke, which is better variance.

Yone was a attempt to steal some of Yasuos playrate and he succeeded in that a bit but act...

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Originally posted by lamsese

Hey Ken! I just want to thank to person or team who came up with the augments idea in Odyssey game mode, that was genius.

That was Mort!


Originally posted by r_lucasite

and Bel’Veth, the monstrous manta mommy Void Empress.

Riot is as horny as it's fanbase



Originally posted by Fabiocean

Does her ricochet even proc Collector? It doesn't interact with a lot of on-hit/spell effects, after all.

It does proc collector


Originally posted by throwaway98732876

From your experience from playing her with the changes, do you think this "skill check" aspect gates her too much? That is to say, is she now more trouble than she's worth?

Because I like the idea of Sivir having this skill check aspect that you call it but I worry that if it's too opressive that it's gating her more than it should when you compare it to the other ADC's in the roster that seem to have much of a less harsh "skill check" to them.

Our experience is that it's similar to Kai'Sa in positioning difficulty at higher reward when backlining

21 Jun


Originally posted by sp33dzer0

Have you tested her wave clear at w being 60-40 mana? I feel like even with the change she is still more mama hungry than jinx for pushing waves (since you said you want her PoM/ER gated link Jinx Lucian)

We did and it was pretty messed up, BUT that was before the base stat pass, so it's totally possible we can go back on it a bit.


Originally posted by S145D145

I'm mostly concerned about mana. Sivir depended a lot on E to get mana to get through lane (or build tear). Seems now that she gets less mana while not having any mana recovering tools, and tear is bad since it doesn't give you either AS or crit for Q.

Im guessing her final builds will probably always start with ER and either go for full AD (BT IE Navori etc) for the Q's to simulate the old Lethality build (which would end up being way more expensive) or for ER with Kraken, PD, IR and another AS item + Lethal Tempo to maximize W

Mana costs are WIP, we are very aware of the community's mana concerns. We have to balance between "give her normal mana costs" and "don't let her wave clear over and over for no cost".


Originally posted by papu16

I an interested - what's up with her mana management? One of the reasons why people used to like lethality builds - u had tear/manamune, so you was able to spam skills a lot, at the same time crit sicir without ER have trouble with that. Also if somehow - W max first gonna become meta - you will try to change that?

We would prefer Q max to be optimal. If we find W max is clearly optimal, adjustments would likely be made.


Originally posted by CannoloAllaCrema

I like your idea of removing lethality sivir, but aren't the changes on her E maybe a liitle too much? That would force her to go ER first or be out of mana every time given that her new "go to" ability (W) isn't exactly free

Mana changes are very WIP. Adjustments will likely be made before live.


Originally posted by Tronei

What are you guys aiming to achieve with these changes? As someone who was once upon a time a Sivir enjoyer, I feel like these changes don't really address the weaknesses of the champion. There are definitely some good ideas in here, such as the crit on R lowering cooldowns, but I feel like these changes don't address her on-going issues and why the lethality build is the more used build currently despite, in my opinion, being the worse build than crit. It's not because she doesn't scale off crit well enough, it's because she has issues consistently applying her damage with crit build due to her lack of range and requirement of needing more items than some of her counterparts, while also being a worse early game champion than most of the marksman who have similar range (Kog'Maw maybe being the exception, but I think he is more powerful than her early since his damage output is more consistent + he gets a bonus attack range on his main DPS spell).

Now all that's happening is...

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We want to maintain the weaknesses specifically. Sivir's unique weakness is her low range+no dashes, but from that gets the unique strength of best in class AOE damage. The intention is to make her very effective when she finds opportunities to off-set her range disadvantage.