League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Mar


Originally posted by Mike_BEASTon

we expect some champions that relied on Ravenous to need adjustments going forward

Are there really any champs that rely on ravenous still?

I posted a list somewhere else but it’s mainly sustained damage mages and AP junglers.


Originally posted by Femboy_ivern

Any reason for removing the plant stack on q? I'd hardly say thats where his skill ceiling lies... It just feels kind of useless if you try to increase his fero timer for qol but it still ends up being a net nerf cus you cant reset it on plants.

Wanting to remove the level 1 Q on blast cone optimization that any new Rengar won’t know without watching videos. It’s part of the accessibility changes as we can’t buff Rengar if the best players are using mechanics that give them power others don’t have.


Originally posted by ttaway420

All mages that needed spellvamp are probably gonna feel real bad that these changes happened because ADs abused the omnivamp from Ravenous.

Battle Mages are again forgotten by Riot and left with even less chances actually play the game.

Yeah it’s not forgotten, we have a list of champions that had Ravenous hunter as their most taken/highest winrate runes that are on our watch list. What we found is that the list is far shorter than you’d expect. Example champs based off current data:

  • Karthus
  • Ekko
  • Leblanc
  • Taliyah
  • Cassio
  • Ryze

Those champions can all get individual adjustments if we find they need them after the changes, it’s not forgotten at all but compensation buffing before we understand the impact did not seem worth the risk when we can be far more precise in the follow-up patch.


Originally posted by UNOvven

What do you do if it turns out the rune is terrible? This doesnt seem like a rune you can finetune all that well.

There’s lots of levers actually. The amount of gold it gives and how much it scales per kill for example. If we thought snowballing off the first few kills was too good (or bad) we can adjust the proportion of kill 1 vs kill 5, or just increase/decrease all of them flatly if it ends up strong/weak

23 Mar


Originally posted by Penya

Phreak has been great in these.

Yo, thanks! You've been great in this comment section!


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

all completed items are over 100% gold efficient

You might want to tell the guys that run the wiki that then.#Item_Statistics) I'm sure they'd like to know that a ton of their calculations are wrong.

Please tell me you realize how unscientific and biased those calculations are. You actually can't be serious right now.


Originally posted by -Quit

Great. Can you guys nerf Mario already? Luigi is trash and Mario is running around with 60% win rate.

How you gonna talk about Mario when Bowser has a 0% winrate??? Riot basically put that champion in the dumpster and forgot about him.


Originally posted by sebnanchaster

Thanks so much for the reply anyways! As well, are you able to confirm that these changes (the lifesteal ones) are in preparation for the damage and burst reduction changes that are currently being worked on according to u/RiotAxes (e.g., as he stated here and here)? If so, is there any current rough ETA for when those changes will ship?

Yes this is our first step into our initiative of holistically improving the sustain+damage levels in league. No public ETA yet for the rest of this project, but I can at least say it's something our teams are prioritizing highly and testing/iterating on constantly as we believe the League experience can be better with these parts of the game retuned.


Originally posted by 10000ollies

Can you please bugfix Elise's rappel? They tried with the VFX update, but then introduced lile 3 new bugs and rolled it back again. She has had this bug for ages and I'm tired of losing games because my champion doesn't work.

Can you tell me which specific bug? We hot-fixed a bug that was making her rappel function in a non-intended fashion, but what you are describing sounds different.


Originally posted by FireDevil11

So why is the 2nd Micro-patch not in client notes ? Yi hp was reverted and other stuff was changed/nerfed/buffed. And that is not in patch notes. (eune)

That information should be in the 12.5 post which is here: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-12-5-notes/


Originally posted by seasonedturkey

No TVs thrown out of the window this year?

lmao who told you about that. Not to my knowledge but no promises.


Originally posted by sebnanchaster

Does Riot also plan to make the same or similar crit consistency changes to other champs/abilities, such as Aphelios ult/GP barrels? Would be nice to phase out the pure RNG that some champions have in crit builds.

While I’m personally also not a fan of dice-roll one-shots, I’m not aware of any current initiative for retuning those abilities around being more consistent. Might be worth a discussion in the future though.


Originally posted by IAmNotOnRedditAtWork

Our findings from testing was that Junglers who could get a strong first two clears (impacting all 3 lanes) slingshot ahead pretty potently with this rune, so it could fit a high tempo jungle/roam playstyle.

In testing did it feel like it actually significantly outperformed relentless hunter in those scenarios?
Seems like if you're cashing in 5 bounty hunter stacks early enough for the 550g to be powerful you're also probably already at an item advantage anyways at which point the extra MS to be involved in more fights could just outweigh the gold anyways.
I have some doubts there, but either way excited to experiment with it.

Yeah, Qiyana getting prowlers ~400 gold earlier is really potent and can create some pretty potent game states where the jungler is so far ahead they either clear the jungle instantly or force dives that can’t be survived. This is a different strength than relentless which is about being more places more often.


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Think of the cutdown value if it worked like that :o



Originally posted by ketzo

Uh, are you saying 70 + 90 + 110 + 130 + 150 = 550 free gold is worthless?

This rune is super, super good. High-risk, high-reward; you need to get the stacks early to make them worth it, and make sure you can really press the advantage it gives you.

But if you do, you get to play with two free kills of extra gold.

Every single Electrocute/Dark Harvest/Predator jungler or midlaner will take this in 9/10 games.

Also keep in mind that, unless you're really bad at the game, gold is worth more than its "gold in stats," since all completed items are over 100% gold efficient.


Originally posted by Jaibamon

It is realistically possible to get to max stacks of this rune? Specially considering the amount of stacks is higher than the other two.

Yeah definitely. I'll have to dig up the data but iirc it's usually fully stacked around 16-20 minute range or something like that.


Originally posted by Conankun66

Are they really going through with that absolutely worthless "Treasure Hunter" rune? why are they even bothering with that?

The expectation is it’ll definitely be niche in comparison to Ravenous Hunter (which was drastically the broadest rune in the game). With that said, we expect some champions that relied on Ravenous to need adjustments going forward, they were just difficult to predict the magnitude of without live data.

As for the power of the rune, it’s definitely tough to measure. Our findings from testing was that Junglers who could get a strong first two clears (impacting all 3 lanes) slingshot ahead pretty potently with this rune, so it could fit a high tempo jungle/roam playstyle. Unlike some other hunter runes, the benefits are pretty sharp towards early game so we don’t expect it to be good on marksmen and mages who largely avoid combat early.


Originally posted by misteryon22

After reaching maximum Legend Stacks, increase your max Health to 100

Idk man, I don't think a bit of lifesteal is worth that big of a tradeoff.

Think of the cutdown value if it worked like that :o


Originally posted by ketzo

incredibly minor health buff for Azir

Babe, wake up, it's time for 100% P/B in pro again

Also: there's no way those Rengar changes are just an adjustment, right? Those are just... massive buffs?

I mean, every single one of the listed changes makes Rengar's life easier. The crit changes to Q make his one-shot even more reliable, damage applying to towers makes top Rengar even better, the vision changes on E and R are just straight-up huge buffs...

Lolalytics already has him as solidly A tier. This seems... a little bit egregious.

They are big changes that are a bit harder to measure in development in regards to raw win-rate lift. As others say, the goal is to introduce a lot of QoL that will make Rengar less prickly to play/learn, and if that means he gains a lot of win-rate we will quickly follow up (similar to Yi previously). The main goal here is to soften the learning curve for Rengar so the discrepancy between game 5 and 20 is not so wide.


Originally posted by Megashot2

Deft was better but because EDG won a lot, people really overexaggerate how much better Deft was than Uzi. Heaps of western players have came out and said Uzi/Mata was insane in scrims (Doublelift, Forg1ven etc.) In fact funnily enough, Forg1ven said Deft was completely overrated

I mean Deft is HELLA good, but I think Meiko doesn't get enough credit (as a rookie support btw) for how much influence he had in their 2v2.

Also Clearlove ganked bot lane on that team so much I joked that he had opened a luxury resort in bottom lane.

So yeah, Deft looked good on a team that was good and was basically designed for him to perform well on, but that doesn't mean he isn't also an excellent player.