League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jan


Originally posted by papu16

Hi there. Whats your oppinion about toplane? RN this position feels pretty weird, especially with recent TP changes. You have any plans for this lane?(also what happened with Sterak/Maw/DD changes?)

I think the Gameplay lead designer is better suited to answer this, but I will say that the TP changes are very fresh and we’re monitoring what impacts that has. We’re not looking away from top lane I promise


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Thank you for your time. P.s. Could you comment about the VGU cadence? It seems like Reav3 may have implied we are going down to 1 a year going forward?

VGU cadence is a frequent topic internally - each one requires a ton of effort particularly when redoing champions with large skin catalogs. And most now have large catalogs which is why it’s taking us longer and longer. But we aren’t setting 1 a year as a goal - we want to do more and are working on ways to speed things up. In the meantime we’re doing ASUs and more VFX and SFX and mini gameplay updates to more champions this year


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hey /u/RiotBrightmoon, could you consider making a post with some 'windows of time' and titles for these gameplay devblogs? A post would tell people that what they want to learn about is coming soon. Feeling really down with how little there was in the main 2022 season video on these topics otherwise.

Yeah that’s a good suggestion - any gameplay update is inherently a snapshot in time (and wouldn’t be helpful to read later as things change) so more context on timeline makes sense


Originally posted by WarriorMadness

It finally happened... Can't wait for my ADC to play Zeri and just miss all of her "Auto Attacks" because they're skillshots.

Worst thing is when my enemies walk back and forth and make me miss all my autos :(


Unfortunately we record these in November, so I couldn’t say much about current state of gameplay other than what we were doing for Preseason. For non-Redditors this season start video gives them the broad overview of what to expect this season. But we have multiple upcoming dev blogs this month that will give more on what we’re doing in the gameplay space!


Originally posted by peter1371

sorry, i’m small brain, in the video he mention that prestige shop won’t transfer over in the new system, but does gemstones transfer over or would gemstones be lost too if you don’t spend it now?

Gemstones will transfer over.


Originally posted by jhawk1117

I think it's staying. But she's getting an entirely different new skin

This is correct. Not replacing the original Battle Bunny, this is a new thematic and so Riven will have a new skin in this universe.


Originally posted by ultratea

Cool that he's so candid about what happened and why he's in therapy. Even though we (society in general) are getting better with handling mental health as an issue, there's still a lot of work to be done. It's good to see people with a platform speak candidly about it. I'm glad he's doing better now, too.

This was something I came to realise during my sessions. I wanted to be more open with myself, my friends and anyone who follows me. I have the fortunate ability to share my experiences with lots of people and its going to be healthy for me personally to share some things, and MAYBE push the needle a little in making it more of a topic that people feel comfortable discussing.


Thank you all for the kind words and support <3


Originally posted by TheDarkRyze

I'm so glad Quickshot (and Trevor) is back! I'm am also really surprised and hopeful for further discussion regarding Mental Health within the esports sphere, it is, like in almost every field, quite present and need to be openly talked about.

As a final note, Quickshot, if you are reading this I would just like to say that the Portuguese group that attended the LEC studios in Spring 2019 loves you and is supporting you. One of my favourite memories of League of Legends in general is the time that you asked us for a "portuguese saying" and started the broadcast using with "Não é tarde nem é cedo" because we were in the studio.

Much love from your fans in Portugal!


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BadButGood27

Pls do an Subsaharan African tribe inspired champion, like the Zulu or any other famous tribe. I would love to see that representation.


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by notskinnyskeev

Explains why her electricity isn't available all the time lmao

Lol that actually was part of it, or lead concept artist, Lonewingy, is Filipino and she was telling us how the electricity always goes out in thier. So we made that part of her


Originally posted by i-will-eat-you

How dare Riot devs be excited for a champion they've been working on.

Don't worry I'll take care of it


Originally posted by Cashmiir

If only
