League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jan


Originally posted by bz6

I like how exclusivity and prestige are getting a bit more attention. Are there any plans to truly make some content unobtainable ever? I feel this notion of truly exclusive content has gone from gaming. Maybe due to a shift in societal perspectives, idk.

But I would love to see stuff rewarding veterans, people that have invested in content, or god forbid exclusive skins or content or achieving landmark gameplay milestones. Reaching a certain level, different skins for higher tier ranks, Clash specific skins, reaching some specific mastery points on a champion; stuff like that.


Well we have the end of season skin (and chromas) for reaching different ranked tiers, but that's all I know of as far as gameplay is concerned.


Originally posted by PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics

Tbh i dont mind if its done right

It's literally the same shit we have right now but it looks like a normal pass. You still need to do the quests to get the rewards, and still need to farm tokens to buy the Prestige Skin, borders, chromas and orbs, they're not even added into the level progression as rewards.

One would think the Prestige skin would be the level 30/40/50 reward, but nope.

Some people don't want the Prestige skin, so those players get to spend their Tokens on whatever they prefer!


Originally posted by Luminite204

by giving you one orb and 150 extra tokens; hardly fair to call it fixing something.

And if I understand correctly, the new pass will have the infinite token mission at the very end (level 50+). Which means that you won't be getting these tokens in the beginning of the pass parallel to the milestone missions and free missions like you do today.

So yeah, new pass is likely going to be even worse and more predatory. Big surprise

Token drops are on every level of the pass, if you take a look at the video.


Originally posted by KurisuMakise-

Honestly looks really interesting and fun to play, while not completely infuriating to play against like many recent champs.



Originally posted by bz6

Quick question regarding Challenges. With all this work behind the scenes relative to punishing game ruining behaviour, how will "I mute all and play for Challenges" settle in this category?


We're creating "fail cases" for any negative behavior that arises due to Challenges and working with the Behavioral Systems team to make sure they're accounted for. Additionally, all Challenges have undergone a risk review and have all had mitigation steps applied to limit or prevent this type of behavior.

We test for abuse cases daily and will be monitoring them very closely in PBE and on launch.


Originally posted by MattRazz

it's so different!

she can't move and can't get gold either


Originally posted by crossbonecarrot2

Excited for Monster Tamers and Battle Bunny.

I really hope Akali and Jinx are in one of them.

Kinda sad that persona looking line is wild rift only, hopefully it's not persona style or I'll be a little tilted.

Excited I can finally get prestige Akali (couldn't before due to not having money or time) but kinda suck that the exclusive versions look like they might be just improvements to the skins :/

Also if a rioter is here can you confirm if you get one in a chest before the overhaul will we get the exclusive version?

Glad Ahri is next on the ASU I wonder if they will get Zeronis to do the update even if he doesn't work at riot anymore as iirc it was his first design.

If you own any eligible prestige skin prior to 12.5, you’ll get the special version when we release them.


Originally posted by xGlaedr

I hope we get a good amount of Ashen Knight skins, I loved the concept art. Please Riot, Ashen Knight (?) Samira would look sick

At least 4 Ashen Knights in 2022.


Originally posted by slEM0takuh

We aren't getting reworked Hextech skins right if we already own them right? That's only for old prestiges?



Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

I'm so worried about this. You give the example of opening 25 Capsules to earn their related EXCLUSIVE Prestige skin (exclusive as per your words meaning that it won't EVER be in the Mythic Shop). 10 Capsules costs 7500 RP/OE... If nobody sees the issue with the price of Prestige skins going forward, just wow. What a scam.

Showcase Prestige skins (the ones you get from opening Capsules) WILL show up in the Mythic Shop after the skin has been out for a year.


Originally posted by Head_Leek3541

I wonder if mythic essence disappears too. I think this is a weird change it could add more over-time ways to earn ME and a prestige skin in a quantifiable way if ME gain is constant across a year. But you'll never get a mythic in a box again and they're bloody expensive then now. Go figure. Could takes years for things to line up and you get the prestige you've wanted.

Mythic Essence never expires, just like Gemstones.


Originally posted by Emperor_of_Turtles

Will we still get mythic essence (gemstones) from glorious champion capsules from leveling up?

Yes! Everywhere you get Gemstones or Prestige Points you will soon get Mythic Essence instead.


Extra detail missing from the announcement is that the Pass "Milestone Missions" requirements have also been lowered by about 30%.

Edit: it wasn't missing. I just can't read, it seems.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you gonna still be doing gameplay blogs or are you gonna do LoL Pls vids now that you're EP

I'm not sure yet... Maybe both for awhile! We're all kind of pitching in on things right now as we get through the holidays / folks out sick


Originally posted by TittieSeduction

Heya Brightmoon!

I had a small question, do you know when the personal customization will be out? I would like to flaire up my stuff and I keep closing and reopening my client.

So sorry it didn't make it into 12.1 patch - it should be available in 12.2 but we'll make sure to post an update in the patch notes


Originally posted by Sairoxin


HAHAHAHA you deserve a medal :D I don't know how many people heard / remember that little worlds live mic. You brought an extra special smile to my face.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Thank you Brightmoon. I feel that the mid scope reworks and item adjustments have been absolutely carrying the updating efforts the past year and have really contributed to keeping League fresh with a new thing to look forward to every few patches. Items as well, I know it was catching up after preseason 2021 but its been fun to see item changes every other patch, it greatly increased the fun of theorycrafting I used to get when playing card games. Would love if you guys could add a new legendary item and intentionally adjust low pick rate items every patch or two, if you haven't considered it already as a goal.

ASUs were a great surprise too, but a lil sad that it seems like there is only 1 a year (Ahri) at this moment judging by the video?

Thanks for the thoughtful reply! We do have some legendary items (there are always a few constantly in design and testing) but nothing concrete to share now. But what you said is why we do it so we’ll keep at it. ASUs is still a question of how many we can do and how fast - we learned a lot from Caitlyn and hope that over time we’re able to them faster each time.


Originally posted by bz6

Morning /u/RiotBrightmoon

Awesome video updates I love these @ the start of every season. Thanks for the clarification first of all. Secondly, I am surpirsed nothing was mentioned about game ruining behaviour and the progress that is being made in that space.

Lastly, how reinforced does the LoL PC team compare to prior years? Feels like across departments the resources have been thinning out. Slowing down on champs and a smaller than usual pre-season can be seen as indicators of that from the outside looking in.

We’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes work in the player behavior space (more on that in one of the blogs soon) but we are discussing shifting our focus this year towards promoting positive play (maybe through Honor maybe not).

The LoL PC team is really well funded and isn’t shrinking, in fact we’re growing and hiring more than ever. A lot of the slowdown you’ve felt is the past 2 years of the pandemic - everything is a little harder and a little slower than it used to be - but I’m still really proud of how much the team has done and very optimistic about what we can do this coming year.