League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Jan


Originally posted by KeeBoley

Not in all elos. Riot balances the game around 4 divisional skill bands. Rek'sai has historically been high elo skewed. U.GG shows a 1.16% increase for Rek'sai's win rate in Elite play (D2+). Though admittedly Lolalytics has them much closer together (Rek'sai still in the lead in Elite play). Not saying Nunu couldnt be tapped down, but the stats arent 1:1. They are probably nerfing her early game in order to reduce her high elo skew.

Yeah it's that. Rek'Sai is absurd in 0.1%+

03 Jan

02 Jan


Originally posted by nihilisthicc

Glad to push the odds in the right direction and make it 51/49 today!

Thank you for speaking up, I’m sure it required a lot of courage!

I used to be very afraid of losing my job, but now I'm one of the more senior women in my craft and it's my job to speak out to make the newer ones' lives better.

Thanks for supporting us! And never stop pushing for games/Riot to be better. We wouldn't be able to do this without the support from y'all! <3


Originally posted by ConscienceNot

Yeah absolutely. It's a toss up. It's about 50% positive interactions and 50% negative. My favorite is when people assume my gender and assume I'm a man and tell me to stop sexually harassing women and pay them better. And then when I tell them that I am, in fact, a woman who spoke at the walk out against gender-based discrimination they make some sort of sexist remark to me. (:

Lmao. I cant... I just had to laught. I mean its just... what ppl do is very often questionable and when I hear it like that its funny to me. Its like one of the stories.

Anyway respect for thick skin.

It's wild for sure. I don't know what possesses some people to be mean, but whatever lol


Originally posted by LeOsQ

Good points and a fair argument. Yeah.



Originally posted by nbst

Phreak, can you tell me what you think of the arguments made in this post in favor of Sunderer:


The idea of playing "poke trundle" is troll AF. That's completely counter to everything in his playstyle and saying "yeah but it's better in cases where you're useless" is not a compelling argument.

Lethal Tempo is his best keystone. Trundle is best played in long duration fights. Trinity Force is far better in long duration fights.


Originally posted by ConscienceNot

Do you get a lot of hate for being Rioter? For design and balance teams.

Yeah absolutely. It's a toss up. It's about 50% positive interactions and 50% negative. My favorite is when people assume my gender and assume I'm a man and tell me to stop sexually harassing women and pay them better. And then when I tell them that I am, in fact, a woman who spoke at the walk out against gender-based discrimination they make some sort of sexist remark to me. (:

But whatever, at least the vitriol is going to me and not some poor person trying to play the game.


Originally posted by RobbinDeBank

It’s literal garbage against shield. It’s not a bad item, but it’s a lie that shadowflame is anti-shield.

Yeah that's pretty much how I view it as well. It's a flat pen item made to kill squishies. Getting 10 more flat pen against a 4 item Nautilus just because he pressed W is not special.


Originally posted by XXXVI

Good analysis on Kayle mid, I just have one thing that I do not agree with at all: MPen not being good on Kayle.

Sorcs hit like a truck on carries and Void melts tanks. Especially in this meta where tanks are rare, I don't really feel the need of getting more AS,

Give it a try fellow Kayle players and see the difference in damage

Looking at 2-item starts, Nashors + Berserker's outperforms Nashor's + Sorcs. Looking at 3 item starts, Nashors + Berserker's + Riftmaker outperforms the Sorc Shoes version. Maybe there are niche cases for it, but it appears Sorcs are usually wrong.

Void Staff is just never as performant as other options 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th.

Now maybe you say, "well, people are just buying Void Staff more than they should," to which I reply, "Yes."


Originally posted by silencebreaker86

Phreak staying loyal to his first love, Trinity Force. You don't see love like this anymore

I'm so happy that Trinity Force is good right now.

Just sucks that I'm hot garbage at top lane.


Originally posted by LeOsQ

Rammus' biggest weakness is the fact he's hot garbage early game.

His ganks are alright, even decent, but he has one of the absolute worst clear speeds of any jungler and because of that he can be 'abused' pretty hard early.

I like Rammus but I find playing him miserable because I always feel worthless for the first 15 minutes because of how slow headbutting and scratching jungle camps on him is.

Correction: his ganks are "OK"


Originally posted by AspiringMILF

rammus correction - you skill Q first, but not for the movement speed. the ms scales on champ level, not ability level.

you do it because you get a net speed increase from the lower cooldown, and clear increase from higher aoe damage for camps and lower cd on it. (which was covered in vid)

Thanks for the clarification!


Something funny that I thought of when I last looked through all the champion names is we really have the far ends of the spectrum covered when it comes to alphabetical ordering. It would be REALLY hard to release a new champion that beats AAtrox in alphabetical order, and also really hard to release a champion that beats ZYra in reverse alphabetical order.

01 Jan


Originally posted by narrei

true, for example low level kayle, with lt you attack fast but you literally pet your enemies. feels good but worthless at the same time. i feel like running pta kayle is much stronger while lt just gives a better feeling.

PTA is substantially better on Kayle.


Originally posted by PeckishPizza

I think zac is well designed, I just miss the iteration of his ult where he could kidnap people. My buddy and I would duo bot lane as zac/nunu and just have a blast E + R kidnapping people into the charged nunu ult.

I, too, desperately miss this ult. I mained Zac after his rework and had an absolute blast one-tricking him for a while. When he was reverted I played one game and didn't feel like his old/new ult worked well with his updated kit anymore, and I've never played him since.

I know Zac mains everywhere will be upset with a Rioter for saying that, but man, I really miss the kidnap ult.


Gold efficiency is a poor metric for this rune. AS by nature scales your attack damage, which is very low at low levels. Conqueror, by comparison, gives flat damage to abilities as well as auto-attacks.

Conqueror also stacks much faster, since it stacks on ability hit.

Conqueror also provides a much stronger capstone effect, which you're also failing to include in gold efficiency.

This is not to say Lethal Tempo isn't great. It is. But using gold efficiency as your primary source of evidence is misleading at best.

31 Dec


I place my bets on rengar triple Q. You don't need your ult, but it's so f*cking hard to pull off, specialy after that rework dedicated to remove this mechanic.