League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Oct

05 Oct


Originally posted by ChooseaUsernamepls2

Isnt it basically a chroma...or did they actually change like animations?

unique audio too ;)


Originally posted by -_Gemini_-

My favourite part of Syndra's passive (on the base skin, which is admittedly the only one I use) is the reddish purple that gets heavily mixed in to her abilities when they're ascended. This updated link is definitely an improvement over the first, but I'd like to see the red be more intense.

As is, it looks both less satisfying and harder to tell when an ability is maxed.

We intentionally steered away from the color red to avoid potentially mistaking ally and enemy versions.


Originally posted by feluciaa

Love this. Beautiful. Thank you Sirhaian ~ Thorny

Ey Thorny!! Hope you're doing well! And thank you!


Originally posted by MeanGreenTambourine

Is it true that vfx updates are unpaid and done in your free time? Asking for science.

Definitely not unpaid! They're done when I have some time in-between projects or in-between meetings, stuff like that. :)


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

How do you guys pick names for yourselves? Sirhaian is so badass, I'll name my future kid that.

omg pls x)

It's just a random name with random letters. When I was a kid, I wanted to make an animation studio when I'd be a grown up, and I had named it "SHA" for Studio Home Animation. When I started playing online (on Dofus), I needed a name. I took the SHA initials and added random letters in-between. And eventually came out with SirHaiAn. :')


Originally posted by veronikaren

It looks amazing! Love the new effect changes on max leveled abilities.

Do you have an idea who's going to get a visual update next by any chance?

That is secret. c:


We’re investigating this issue. Unfortunately we’re unable to adjust the way we capture the feeds during the broadcast, so we aren’t able to make any adjustments until tomorrow’s broadcast at the earliest.