Thank god they pulled back on buffing Senna.
Aren't those Darius and Udyr buffs pretty good? I think Udyr's is a revert of a previous nerf tho, but yeah.
FWIW the Senna buffs were pretty much entirely for alternate builds: AP ratios, Lethality ratios, and so on.
Senna's in a weird spot right now where the most popular build (Kraken AS) is demonstrably worse than Sunderer or Eclipse builds.
I'm not certain if this is because players mistakenly believe the only good way to play Senna is Kraken or if they'd really just rather play an attack speed build even though it's worse.
So ultimately it feels like Riot is trying to push build diversity. Eclipse isn't definitively better than Sunderer, so it's sort of an OK place to buff. The AP ratio changes just make the idea of getting an Ardent Censer and related items to push the healing angle a bigger possibility.
Anyways, yeah, not sure what the solution (or, personally, the problem) is.