League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Sep


Originally posted by MemeOverlordKai

With this in mind, are there any planned changes to Karthus E? I think it's the only toggle ability left in the game aside from Jinx's Q (which is fine).

I think Karthus is quite low on the list of priorities for work but I think his E is fairly uncompelling. At least it automatically turns on while dead, now. It didn't used to. I also don't know if anyone even agrees with my sentiment.

Jinx feels solid. I think she's the one toggle that feels well-done since choosing on/off is actually meaningful and is reinforced with every attack.


Originally posted by ozmega

can we get some info on why some countries cant do pick ems this year ? been doing these since the first time, now i cant

Hi ozmega!

I don't know the specific reasons for every region/country, but in general it breaks down into one of these reasons:

  • Local law prohibits / heavily restricts predictive games (like pick'em)
  • We are prohibited from operating in a region due to US sanctions or other restrictions

Originally posted by thejerg

I used to be in a group that did NFL pick em every season. We had a lot of fun with it until one of the guys added two bots: One that coin flipped each week, and one that just picked the favored team in Vegas.

We quit because the coin flip bot beat 3 of the 8 people in the group and the Vegas bot won the league by 5%. (we had the Vegas bot 2 seasons in a row and it won both seasons)

Yeah this is a good cautionary tale. We have implemented some penalties specific to usage of The Coin precisely for this reason.

We want everyone to be able to meme about Coin picks, and also to catch up if they missed the first few pick stages, but we don't want The Coin to somehow end up with more points than any other human XD


Originally posted by PropagandaIsUseless

People who have no issues will just keep playing the game instead of going out of their way to make posts about it.

Although personally I prefer old Aurelion Sol, mainly he W toggle (the QoL stuff he got was nice). I dislike that Riot has decided to pretty much completely remove toggles because most people don't use them effectively, as if skill expression is somehow bad.

(I wasn't a Aurelion Sol main or anything, most other mids are way more enjoyable to play, especially casually)

I'd argue that toggles are wack for a couple of reasons:

  1. They're not very skill expressive. Sure you're managing mana, but you can do that with any ability. Rather, you aren't managing a cooldown. It's just "hit W until wave is dead good job I did it." There's no counter-play or anything interesting. You just hit the button once and wait until the job's done.

  2. I think toggles don't do a good job of reminding you if they're up or down. There are probably solutions out there, but honestly I can't think of a single toggle ability in League's past that felt good to press right away and/or didn't have weird fiddly "did I press it? Oops I turned it off" problems.


You’re absolutely right - this sucks. We are making changes to that modal across a wide range of products, but we are focused on a couple of other higher priority changes that we’ll announce around Season Start first. Rest assured, we are very aware of the Store’s shortcomings, and can’t wait to fix some of these longstanding issues.


Originally posted by czartaylor

I mean by riot's own admission it's fine in context. Asol's win rate isn't a recent issue, it's actually consistently lower than it's ever been, it used to always be in the 54/55% area. Riot tolerated that for literal years. Part of the point of the rework was to try to fix this.

It also explains why riot is so adamant about the current version of asol - asol having a rotating cast of new players was the whole point of the rework, to allow people to play him instead of 'one trick or gtfo'.

And FWIW ASol's overall play rate has gone up. More people are playing him than pre-rework.


Originally posted by ZeeDrakon

I mean... doesnt that then mean though that ASol's winrate is too high and that there are no relevant mitigating factors, meaning they kinda called themselves out on that one?

Only sorta. They mentioned that uber-low playrate champions don't set off the automatic detectors. (What if Amumu Top has a 60% win rate over 45 games next patch? An extreme example, but you can see where this becomes useless.)

That said, ASol was also nerfed a couple months back.


Originally posted by TriHardCx12345

when can i start my pickems?

The crystal ball picks (overall winner) will unlock Sept 25th. Group stage picks are Oct 9th. Quarterfinals are oct 19th.

some of that may depend on what timezone you are in actually - you should check the article on lolesports.com and confirm (https://lolesports.com/article/make-your-predictions-with-worlds-2021-pick%E2%80%98em!/bltfeb45b04ae95d98c)


It's October 9th. I lean over my keyboard, eyes bloodshot. My fingers bleed from the furious notes I have taken, meticulously tracking every match played in every major league throughout the entirety of 2021. There are 20 monitors on my wall, each one tracking a pro player trying to level up in EU solo queue. heh, I think to myself, These guys have nothing on Balls.

This is my moment. I am the pinnacle of league esports knowledge. I can feel my consciousness merging with the data before me. Each flash, each tower dive, each kill another row and column of data informing my mental calculus. Billions of neurons reaching, striving, demanding an answer.

Who will win worlds?

I lean back in my chair and load pickem. The time has come. A choice will be made.

I better not lose to that f*cking coin again


Originally posted by Hydraplayshin

didnt last year perfect pick ems get a pc?

Yes! We also had like...a lot of perfect picks hahahaha


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Who needs Drunk Pick'ems when you have THE COINtm


The Coin makes its debut for Worlds 2021! Too busy to pick or forget to lock in a stage? The Coin will do it for you! It will make random selections for players who miss a Pick Stage so they can always join late and let the RNG gods decide for them. So even if you missed out on making Group Stage picks, you can still check out what score The Coin got for you - you might be in contention to earn Points-based prizes because you won’t be starting from zero (unless you get SUPER unlucky).

If I lose to The Coin (spoilers - I will) I'm quitting Pick'em for good


Originally posted by snaiii

I rest my fate in the hands of the coin. May the lord watch over me.

Praise be the Coin, for it is always Fair

Praise be the Coin, for it is always Just

Praise be the Coin, for it is always Present


I agree. After seeing the WIP clips and images I almost couldn't play on the old rift visuals. I really struggled!