League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Sep


Originally posted by Yellofishy

And if I'm playing an AP assassin I should buy serpents as well I suppose

Assuming you have at least 1 teammate who can build it, just got to coordinate your engage.


Originally posted by M1zs0

Kayn has goredrinker and is building steraks, which has been the mandatory bruiser bundle for far too long now.

Steraks is 3100, and he has a phage. Assuming he doesnt have gold just sitting, he will have to earn another 2k to finish it.

Serpents is another 2.6k, and it sacrifices his tankyness to a fair extent.

He would need another 4.6k gold to be able to buy serpent without trolling. That is like 16 kills (less with shutdowns) or quite a bit of farming

Just buy serpents omegalul

Ok fair enough, so how about pyke or Jayce then? They're already going lethality.


Their entire team is made of squishy, basic attacking AD champs, so your team has almost entirely reduced their damage output by 12% with steelcaps alone (tbh, even cait COULD probably benefit a huge amount here from them too, depending on how protected she is during fights). Additional armor items just makes this even worse for them.

If Rhaast had Serpents Fang here (has so much AOE to apply the debuff) I think it's actually YOUR team that has a huge advantage.

Edit: Serpent's Dang is not a thing.


Originally posted by sairoone

I'm sadly in EUW (and couldn't really play right now because I'm in hospital and can't do much except drawing) but thank you really! At least I know there are some people out there who don't really care if they win and just want to have fun - that already makes me happy :)

I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can realize your dreams and play the sad moon boi β€οΈπŸŒ™


Originally posted by sairoone

Yeah I know but I'm just so weird wired that even when I fullmute teammates I can literally feel their flame. Something I gotta work on but maybe when I've got friends (on my level - sadly they're all dia and I think I'm more bronze-silver) and acutally have the courage to ask them I'll learn it in a more enjoyable way (maybe?).

And yeah, TF seems like a fun champ to help out other lanes - it's just probably too difficult for me without premades; at least I could troll my good humoured friends :)

f*ck that. If you're in NA send me a DM and I'll do norms with you. I'll play the Thresh to your Aphelios.

17 Sep


Challenger. My 9-5 might have uh...some overlap with that though.


Originally posted by bad-decision-maker

Stupid sexy numbers



I'm only got to Platinum last year while working full time. Is my job holding me back from my TRUE POTENTIAL (tm)?


Originally posted by RiotAether

Oh boy I never get to talk about Marketing Asset Production, here we go

While we were writing the blog, /u/barackprobama sent over a graph that is not this graph. I mentioned to him that we could include it, but I needed it in an editable file format so it could be localized. Our loc teams don't have licenses for the tool he uses, so he had to go recreate it in a different program. Since this was all happening shortly before I needed to send everything off, rather than start from scratch he pulled the editable file from a previous graph. This graph. Which by some strange coincidence uses the exact same numbers as the gra...

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The facepalm heard round the office.


Originally posted by RiotAether

Oh boy I never get to talk about Marketing Asset Production, here we go

While we were writing the blog, /u/barackprobama sent over a graph that is not this graph. I mentioned to him that we could include it, but I needed it in an editable file format so it could be localized. Our loc teams don't have licenses for the tool he uses, so he had to go recreate it in a different program. Since this was all happening shortly before I needed to send everything off, rather than start from scratch he pulled the editable file from a previous graph. This graph. Which by some strange coincidence uses the exact same numbers as the gra...

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Remind me to never ask you about numbers.


Originally posted by darkacesp

/u/MonstrousYi could you edit the post and put in the right graph from Aether?

no cause it's just a direct link to our article, /u/MonstrousYi is just doing the lord's work getting it over to reddit even though we did Yi dirty with that header image


Originally posted by 2th

Why do your localization teams need the same program? Why isn't as as simple as you making the correct chart and then your localization teams editing the image text? Percentages don't change across languages. Or did I miss that day in my math classes?

For graphs like this it's so they can open and edit the file; the numbers and labels are in fact just text layers. Otherwise it's more or less as simple as what you said, occasionally with some added steps for "you used a font that doesn't include our language's characters, idiot" and "our language's translation can't fit in that textbox, fool"


Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

Man I figure if you afk for more than 2 games straight, you are intentionally tanking your rank.

Also, what kind of pie chart is this? 42% is like over 86%. According to the text, only 9% are in "consistent AFK behaviour" but the tier 3+ percentage is 24%

Update: these are the correct values provided by RiotAether. In case you want to see the wrong numbers, here is what it was before.

Oh boy I never get to talk about Marketing Asset Production, here we go

While we were writing the blog, /u/barackprobama sent over a graph that is not this graph. I mentioned to him that we could include it, but I needed it in an editable file format so it could be localized. Our loc teams don't have licenses for the tool he uses, so he had to go recreate it in a different program. Since this was all happening shortly before I needed to send everything off, rather than start from scratch he pulled the editable file from a previous graph. ...

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Boy howdy this does sound annoying. Would be a shame if someone were to write a ticket proposing a fix for it right now. ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

No promises on timeline, etc etc but this sounds like a nice little QoL update we could reasonably make when there's a quiet period.

16 Sep


That'd be when I bugged darkseal and mejai's on him to grant 5bajillionmilliontrillionviegillian AP

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Evelynn_lover

Hey Reav3, I wanted to ask Evelynn's B/D, can u show me? :< (pls)