League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

Interesting, so was Vex planned to be released in the same event as Akshan? Like Lillia-Yone in Spirit Blossom. Just asking, because I can't imagine an unbound-like event on its own

Yes, she was originally planned to ship during the first patch of the event


Originally posted by Birbpeople

I really like the skin, I hope the changes will really improve the skin. One thing I'm curious about is, why are her auto attacks exactly the same as in her base model? Is it just bugged right now? Really hoping that the skin gets some unique ones.

But all in all a good skin, and I'm really looking forward to playing Vex.

It's a bug, but should be fixed on PBE right now. Glad you like the skin!


Originally posted by Minishcap1

  • Server: NA
  • Type of Bug: In-game bug
  • Description: Predator still 45% buff did not go live? tooltip still says 45% also
  • Video / Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/aYTUYat.png 370 base MS so predator is not giving anywhere near 60%
  • Steps to reproduce: Pick predator and use it
  • Expected result: Predator got buffed
  • Observed result: Predator did not get buffed
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: not relevant happening to everyone

Tooltip is definitely not correct, but the amount of MS that you are getting is correct. Movement speeds buffs have a soft cap. With 345 base MS, 25 flat MS from boots, and the 60% buff, the expected total bonus movement speed should be 526. If it was still 45% we would expect to see ~498 movement speed.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by _AIQ_

So, what I got out of that is.

Designers think Shyvana is hard. (in general)

No one is passionate about Shyvana and thus... back burner.

Quinn and Shyvana are screwed.

I can see the "new person" point as doing something you see as "hard" isn't a good start for them. So the only way Shyvana or Quinn are ever getting reworked likely is if they win a poll getting lucky to be on it and thus forcing Riot to work on it vs them wanting to do it.

But also note that these points only get harder over time, the more skins they get, that is more you need to rework. If their kits age more that's more that you need to solve. So why are you guys slowing down so much? 2 VGUs is a very low number for 2022 (unless you are planning more) Many champions feel awful even if they play okay.

Additionally if Shyvana is screwed over for another year (likely more) then why can't she get at least her kit updated to smooth out her AP/AD/Tank builds?

Actually many people are super passionate about Shyvana on the team, and had Udyr not won we might have worked on her as the next VGU, since she is also high demand from players. Doing two multiple form VGUs in a row would have been a huge amount of work, especially for our outsourcing partners who help us with the skins.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

hey Reav3! Little question about skins. At what point of production is the release skin chosen? Since Vex was delayed (meant to come after Gwen), was she planned for a different skinline, or is this defined later in dev? This also goes back to Seraphine too, who was held back to match K/DA's comeback. Was another skinline originally planned for Sera? There are some rumors about Spirit Blossom Seraphine going around lately

We never planned another skin for Seraphine, since we decided to put her in K/DA before we got to the skin selection phase. We generally choose the skin later in production after the base champion is pretty far along. Vex was originally going to have like a Unbound Vex skin. Basically the idea was that after you faced her in Freljord, she would go back to Viego, and he would give her a bunch of black mist and basically power her up. And then when you see her again in Pilt/Zaun she would be in her skin form. Once we realized we had to push her back we ended up cutting that since we didn't feel like the skin would have as much impact out side of the event.


Originally posted by bryvl

Any suggestions for how to make her appear in my PBE shop? I’ve updated my client, logged in and out a couple of times, and she still won’t appear in the store...

She should now be available in the PBE store! Check again when you get the chance.


Originally posted by ChangeisGod

i think his point about lee isnt really true

yes lee wasnt seen as a jungler at msi

because msi was played pre jungle changes

That’s a very good point and one I overlooked.


Originally posted by Trill_Simmons

If you don't count his bad takes, all of his takes are good!

True! With that caveat I’m always right!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Shiro_T_poisoon

Glad we're back to 2015 2016 again

I know a lot of players like the 2015-16 era. but I don't think we will ever swing so drastically back in that direction. While their was some "out their" and unique champ designs, many of them are some of the lowest played champions in the game. Making some really unique Champions that are praised for their creativity but that no one plays would not be successful imo. Every Champ doesn't have to be super popular with a super high playrate, but the playrate of some of the 15-16 champs is so low that you almost never see them in the game. Due to that we swung more hard towards broad appeal in the last couple years. For 2021 we made it a goal to add more ethnic and cultural diversity to the game, which also led to more broad appeal humans. We used tricks and techniques we KNOW work for making champion themes broadly appealing since we wanted to make sure the game itself felt more diverse, which means when you actually play a game of League you see more cultural diversity, which means...

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    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CleverCactus

My bug where the client freezes for 1 minute after the honor screen has evolved. Now after I honor someone and it freezes, I get a second honor screen.

In 11.16, we put in a fix to help prevent the total freeze-up of EOG.

Our game engineering team will put in a fix in 11.19 that will speed up the time it takes for the stats to be retrieved.

Can you DM me on your specific issue, we can look into it, thanks!


Originally posted by claptrap23

Thanks for the reply!

But honest question: why? Yasuo is almost never picked in pro play and is only somewhat viable if there is a diana. So he's far from being a decent pick now.

His soloQ winrate is solidly average, but on the higher end of average as such that we don't think we could buff him for pro without running a high risk of increasing his soloQ winrate beyond balanced levels.


Originally posted by JARAXXUS_EREDAR_LORD

I didn't see a single Hawthorne Heights song.

I admittedly never got into Hawthorne Heights. But if you have recommendations send em

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

did we just reduce your energy bill? :)

We launched a new version of CEF which dropped memory and CPU utilization quite a bit + a significant drop in client crashes.

We are working through minor bug fixes over the next couple patches and will continue to improve the experience more


Originally posted by Axl7879

How would you rank MCR's albums? Do you share the controversial opinion that Danger Days is better than The Black Parade?

Three Cheers > TPB > Literally everything else but it's worlds apart between all of them.


Originally posted by never_trust_ducks

Bayside! Yes! Feels like a fever dream when I play them and nobody in my friend group has heard them before. Especially since most of them would know 80% of this playlist.

I'm from Long Island. Gotta rep.


Originally posted by claptrap23

can't believe yone becomes first when it comes to buff him or yasuo. Yasuo is way harder to play and does not have a get out of jail free card as yone.

I like Yasuo just as much as I do Yone but Yasuo simply didnt have enough room for a pro-focused power increase while Yone did.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BugMage

If the champions on the VGU polls are supposed to be the ones that are seen as "high-priorities for updates", why is the next VGU a champion not on the poll? Why wait on them even longer?

And if the champion that was picked really needs it more than any of them... why weren't they just on the poll instead in the first place?

Because choosing champions for VGUs is a lot more complicated then just choosing any high priority champion from the list. A lot goes into choosing a VGU champion. How many skins the Champion has, what the team is passionate about, what our resources are currently, etc. Like, for example, if we got a new designer on the team, and we want to give them a project, we wouldnt just throw them on Shyvana, since she is a pretty complicated project. We might put them on a easier project, and let them ramp up onto the team. Also we might want to do 2 VGUs in the year, and we might not have resources to do 2 VGUs with a ton of skins, or something like Shyvana who would have 2 forms for each skin, which would have a extended dev cycle. Udyr is already incredibly time consuming to make since he has multiple forms and also has a ultimate skin. So we wanted to choose something for the 2nd VGU that was possible to get done that year, and less intensive overall then a multiple form champion or a C...

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Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Fwiw Yasuo has gotten changes over the years to remedy the frustration. I think Yone will kind of see that trimming in the same way. Yasuo losing permanent armor pen on ulting was what made me not utterly loathe him. I think when the meta shifts to be less sustain heavy they'll be more manageable in solo queue.

I do have to wonder what champion is notorious for being frustrating just consistently? Outside of Yasuo. Pyke used to be if I recall.

Zed is probably my guess, he has an average winrate but had been nearing a 50% banrate before we nerfed him. I haven’t looked the data post-nerf however but historically players have always regarded him with frustration