League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Aug


Originally posted by Pierreluc16

(16 august 2021 the tutorial is still broken)

• Server: PBE

• Type of Bug: Client Bug

• Description: In training the tutorial is broken and not working.

• Reproduction rate: 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times)

• Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/1o6sjwt

• Steps to reproduce: On the client click on play and go to training for try a tutorial.

• Expected result: The tutorial is working as on live server.

• Observed result: The tutorial is broken and not working.

• System Specs: intel core i5 with windows 10

Appreciate the report. I was hoping this bug was related to the practice tool issue, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm working on tracking this down.


Originally posted by Inox_Dragon

Hmm, is this normal? many league of legends processes and in the live server there are only 3 https://gyazo.com/1bc6dbe21c6ef54e04bf35019c34971b

I've seen that before too, but not really sure why that happens. I think the main thing is that as long as all the processes combined stay below 500mb ish, you should be fine.


Originally posted by toxicplease

Yea, while i agree with some stuff about items, complaints like these are just head scratchers to me. You play a role that focus around damage, and you complain that your damage items make you do more damage in various ways? Yea, shocking i guess.


I can totally see the idea of "I want to build my champion in multiple ways" but there are already items for that. Like... just build a Spirit Visage if all you care about is surviving magic damage. Is the complaint that mage items have AP on them?

Saying that Seraph's, Void Staff, and Deathcap do the same thing is pretty silly. They do distinct things. They just also provide a lot of damage.


A few thoughts:

  1. AP items are far from the only ones that only have a single output (dumb damage). You mentioned a few, but add Phantom Dancer and Rageblade to the list. What is Trinity Force but just a way to deal more damage? There are a lot of items whose primary output is "deal damage." This isn't unique to mages and it isn't a problem.
  2. I don't think "more damage" is a bad output, even when there are multiple options that do it. IMO the point of the item shop is to present you with interesting decisions when you have gold to spend. Choosing among Horizon Focus, Deathcap, Void Staff, and Cosmic Drive as the best option is an interesting choice. No one item dominates the others in all game states. To me, that's the primary use of items. I think all the comments like "what do you mean, i love that the "item rework" gave me the same items ive been building for several years" are trolling. There are clearly decisions and if you don't think they exist, then chan...
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Originally posted by Omnifinity

Just for clarification as I haven’t yet read the interview: are you praising or shaming Misfits for sticking with the rookies? Because the title sounds frames it in shame.

Praising 🙂I assure you the discussion leans into happy thoughts


Originally posted by ketzo

I know this is reddit, so there's a 90% chance you've come straight to these comments, but if you're even a little bit interested in shoutcasting, you gotta read this interview. /u/RiotQuickshot goes into some real depth about the actual process of his casting, and it's a fascinating read.

Thanks homie <3 I live in hope people actually read the interview if they discuss the content here I'm fine too


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Mostly, so far as I am writing this message it only does mixed in Runes page, Emote names seem translated, Eternals, skin names while looking at a champions page (not in collection, Store itself looks to be translated as well. In TFT page itself the "Battle Pass, Match history, TFT Missions, Upgrade and Free are untranslated while pass rewards are translated.

Keep in mind this for Hungarian client only, I have no idea if these apply to other clients language.

Is this the case on live or just PBE? Can you try reproducing this on the pbe build that goes out today?


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Language settings are ignored by the client.

Like everywhere in the client or just specific places? I'm aware of a bug right now where changing locales is not working at all.


Originally posted by itzirenebae

Me too, mby is the server issue

Maybe try reinstalling Riot Client? It's in its own folder under Riot Games


Originally posted by ZorritaEmo

Hi! May this be the reason for my game bugging whenever I alt tab? I alt-tab a lot to change music while playing, but since yesterday whenever I do it my game bugs and won't let me go back to the game. I click the icon and nothing happens, even if i close the process i can't go back.

Are you playing in borderless (as opposed to fullscreen or windowed)? If not, I'd suggest starting with that!


Originally posted by failworlds

I don't think you understand the absolute f**king massive gap between lec and LCS.

Let's go team by team and their equivalents based on their standings regular season.

RGE beats the shit out of TSM.

G2 is better than 100t

EG vs mad lions lmaooooo not even f**king close.

C9 vs misfits...could be close.

So when tl is having a dominant performance....it's really against absolute trash tier teams compared to lec.


15 Aug

Originally posted by CaideWasTaken

The concept is absolutely amazing and I would love it. I hope riot brings it to life.

That being said, no need to absolutely butcher the polish team when we have a lot of wonderful ERL players.

A much more sensible roster:

Top: Agressivo
Jgl: Inspired/Jankos/Selfmade [just legit sub them out every game]
Mid: Czekolad / Czajek (! f**king prodigy mate)
ADC: Odi / Lucker / Woolite
Supp: Vander

You could genuinely field 2 rosters.

I spent some time researching for this segment, and based on what I’ve seen from LEC and the ERLs, I would give Poland a slight edge overall along with Sweden. Germany is also pretty stacked. That’s my top 3

Originally posted by Rexssaurus

It's a great script tbh

Thank you, I wrote it myself ✌️✌️

14 Aug


Originally posted by Halbaras

Karma/Ezreal: A pro play staple with insane poke damage, arguably the safest laning in the game and which allows you to go for absolute lane dominance.

Lulu/Kog'Maw: Kog loves steroids and staying alive, and Lulu can give him plenty of both. This lane is an absolute scaling nightmare, and Lulu makes it frustratingly hard to actually kill Kog early.

Twitch/Yuumi: What's better than one invisible champion? Two of them. This lane abuses Twitch's all-in power and makes his early damage a lot scarier, while scaling incredibly well.

Rell/Tristana: At level 2, you dive, and they die. Tristana can setup a really strong E by jumping on the opposite side of an enemy, and you have a great mix of early kill threat and scaling.

Braum/Ashe: Ashe slows you with W. Braum slows you with Q. Ashe keeps you slowed with autos. Braum's passive procs and now you're dead.


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Great list. Very interesting reading.

13 Aug