League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jun


Originally posted by CaptainScags

When you are capturing it, instead of the channel animation, you dance

I was also thinking that if you are near it and not facing it, the finger would slowly bend down and try to touch you - then immediately return to normal if you turn to face it.


Originally posted by Makdog21


The crystal pillars could be giant fingers....this is just the gift that keeps on giving in my head.


Me yesterday: I'm a Seraphine main.

Me today: I'm a Skarner main.


Originally posted by LouiseLea

Will a new Lethality item end up replacing Sanguine blade at a later date?

Definitely possible, I feel like that space is a bit light


I would pay my entire paycheck to have this as both a Skarner and a Seraphine skin. This is an absolute triumph of the arts.


Originally posted by twink-lover69

Is it possible for you guys to give Sanguine Blade the ally proximity treatment like Hullbreaker has instead of deleting it outright, so assassins will stand a chance in the side lane as well?

I could see us revisiting sanguine in the future. I think it fills some nice spots in the item space


Originally posted by cowanman

Didn’t see a good answer for this, but will this % increase apply to demolish? sion might actually one shot towers later in the game lol

It should apply to all damage you deal


Originally posted by Axl7879

oh yeah well i got kq head at half drop rate

At 82 slayer


Originally posted by ShadzinatorImagineer

Thoughts on an AP equivalent? Rumble/Singed/Zac/Sylas/Akali/TF have pretty diverse needs but it would be nice if an attempt was made rather than just limiting split pushing to AD champs.

Think it could be cool


Originally posted by OzoneGh141

So is physical vamp just going to be eliminated from the game or wthat?

Red Elixir iirc


Originally posted by MiningSpartan

I wish

Wdym you wish I got an abyssal dagger a while back


Originally posted by MiningSpartan

I'm iron btw


Originally posted by zoltarion

There are multiple "Rito" accounts on different servers (seems like every server has/had one), but none are Riot-flagged accounts - no Riot Rito, sadly. Pretty sure that Riot Rito Riot wouldn't work though, because I don't believe you can have Riot in your base summoner name anymore (Riot employees can add it in front of theirs ofc, but anyone else would have been prompted to change it at some point).

Similar to the RiotRiot example I mention below, most Rito accounts were created years ago, as you might expect with any popular name (like "Lilith").

It was more a joke :P But I do appreciate the knowledge share!

Rito would be a bit confusing too haha


Originally posted by Raffaele520

There will be a post about the tought process behind this item, like a post or a tweet? ( maybe it already exists and I missed it )

Definitely the patch notes will have some info, maybe somewhere else?

09 Jun


Originally posted by MrTankerson

Don’t mean to hijack, but is there a reason that sanguine blade is being replaced by this? Doesn’t seem like an item that current sanguine blade users would buy. Is there a reason both can’t be in the game? I see how buying both would be strong but it would also mean you aren’t going anything like titanic third, and a gank would still negate the extra sanguine blade effects.

Sanguine was really niche, very few characters wanted it and of those many only wanted it some of the time. I think that item and the space it filled was cool so maybe it comes back in another form some time.


Originally posted by Hevvy

is the pirate hat a placeholder or is it the actual minion model? looks super cute but also a little out of place lmao

Actual model right now


Originally posted by GintokiSan17

There is no way that this item makes it to live like that, this is way broken.

We're definitely watching the power level carefully, internally and when it releases


Originally posted by Cahootie

Has anyone tried being annoyingly witty and naming themself Riot Riot?

No but this is a solid idea. Maybe Riot Rito Riot... thinking of future ideas :P


Originally posted by endstep

I'm not an expert on the topic, but I don't think there's much (if any) policy around "similarity of Rioter names." There are at least two Riot Penguins, and probably a variety of other similar and/or exact match Riot names. Situations where that matters just don't really come up (the only situation I can think of was some humorous confusion around which Riot Penguin was being referenced in a random normal game I was playing).

I think there are only a few rules for rioters on names.
You can't steal names. I can't change my Riot name to Riot Faker or Riot Sneaky.
Can't be inappropriate. (Not going to give examples, y'all know!)

Hell there's no rule in having Riot in your name if you work at riot.