League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Aug


Originally posted by amicaze

Riot keep wanting to push the champion towards the AP playstyle despite it being the boringest playstyle ever.

For what it’s worth I view it this way:

AD bruiser has usually been the stronger playstyle.

Despite that, AP has been substantially more popular. The most recent buffs to AP Shyvana were to get her to engage with the rest of the kit, like Q autos. I don’t think they’ve buffed the E ratio in forever. It seems like they’re still interested in AP being slightly weaker but also with more gameplay.


Originally posted by dwpippen1

There's no way August is a Yuumi main? 🤔

He is absolutely a Yuumi main.


I hit literally every button (including summoner and active) on them at the start of the fight and then just auto-attack for like 10 seconds until my second Q.

Edit: I realized I'm an idiot. I don't hit all my summoners. Flash usually isn't required.

18 Aug


I get stuck laning with Ezreal players

17 Aug


Originally posted by KrabbyEUW

As someone who loves playing Akshan the W nerf sounds fair. Means people get counterplay. Although it does feel bad that you no longer get rewarded for killing Scoundrels with ignite after dying or when your last AA flies to them to finish them after you die.

One of our playtesters quickly started buying GA as an adaptation, which I thought was really interesting.


Originally posted by Serdna01


Healing on taking a body: 8% (+.025 BAD) (+.015 AP) (+2.5 AS) >>> 3% (+.03 BAD) (+.02 AP) (+5 AS)

Buff to AP Viego let's go

Viego is saved


Originally posted by pajamasx

I think Senna attackspeed ratio is a typo and should actually say attackspeed per level?

It's a typo. It should be .3 > .35


Musicians playing music from LoL will always make my day. Thanks for sharing this!!!

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hi, This is not related to the client but a broader issue that teams are looking into

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hi, This is not related to client but a broader issues that teams are looking into



Originally posted by BigBoiRambo

I've admired u/RiotQuickshot for years, I'm pretty young and have been into games/esports since I was a little kid and I guess it is fair to say I 'grew up' with his voice over iconic moments. If his clear talents alone weren't enough to amaze someone, the way he speaks about the game with such passion just goes to show that it takes more than those clear talents to reach such level.

Trevor (I can call you Trevor, right?), if you read this, you are a legend of shoutcasting and a legend of European league. Your casting never fails to deliver and I genuinely don't think I'd be as hooked to League or esports in general as I am today if it wasn't for watching what was to me at the time a random League of Legends 'EU LCS' broadcast in season 3.

Keep killing it!

Edit : I am fully aware this will sound either anticlimactic, opportunistic or like I'm just a flat out prick but I clicked the tweet in the article on a second read through ...

Read more

♥️ what's your twitter handle. If I blocked, it was for a strong reason (I'm not petty with those) so I wanna make it clear, if you share sh*tty copy pastas or aren't a positive influence then please don't join the vitriolic internet crowd. Stand up for people behind nicknames and don't do mob mentality flame


Originally posted by HyunL


In South Africa one of the languages Zulu has the best celebration. Laduma. When said out loud



Originally posted by SquarebobSpongepants

I know you’ll never see this but you’re my favourite EU caster. Keep up the amazing work, I love Quickstats

I do indeed read Reddit haha. Thanks for your kind words.


Originally posted by Inox_Dragon

Hmm, is this normal? many league of legends processes and in the live server there are only 3 https://gyazo.com/1bc6dbe21c6ef54e04bf35019c34971b

Our dev confirmed that this is intended. This is related to the CEF network service. Chromium split a lot of work up to reduce crashing and improve recovery. We chose to keep them separate instead of wrapping them into one service, making the client more robust.

Discord and Slack do the exact same thing with their processes.

16 Aug


Originally posted by -Jfree-

never forget his 5h40 preseason rundown with only one 5 min break



Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

This is a PBE only case, will see about todays build when it deploys and write back to you!

Appreciate the info. I'm hoping you're seeing the English names because those new skins just haven't been localized yet. As for Patch Notes and Overview, I'm not quite sure yet.