Yeah and euw is set up over my toilet.
So that’s where it went ...
Yeah and euw is set up over my toilet.
So that’s where it went ...
Read moreI'm going to use an example of what you're talking about: Zac right after his rework.
Zac pre-rework was a bit of an ap bruiser. He had decent damage, could spam abilities in a side lane, and generally had a bit more to his kit that was damage leaning vs being cc. Riot decided that they needed 3 tanks to rework when they were doing a "Tank update", and alongside Maokai and Sejuani, Zac was chosen.
Now, Zac's rework was exactly what you described. He lost a ton of reliable damage in his q, w, and even ult in order to get more cc, bringing him down from being roughly top 30 jungle champs in terms of damage to the worst damage dealer in the jungle, below Ivern and Nunu in terms of dps per game. In exchange, Zac's cc was boosted to great levels, making his e + ult a full team root and displacement, and his q made his ganks even better.
Do you know what happened to Zac's playerbase right after this rework? It dropped, heavily, despite him already not being that ...
Hijacking top comment to say: I was the one who did the most recent Zac revert, and this is more or less correct. No damage characters have very little agency in fights since they rely on teammates which make them 1. Pro play problems and 2. Incredibly unpopular with the player base.
Im very confused to why would you think i didn't know about the game when i was talking about the game...
Your comment most certainly didn't say that when I commented.
Now if you would give us any hint about the release date :3
I don't even know it :(
There’s nothing more kingly than being carted around in a litter, so August tried a kit similar to Yuumi’s.
Viego attached to an ally and followed them around the map, leaping out and attacking enemies whenever the opportunity struck. As fun as that design was, it didn’t feel like a king. He was bound to the whims of whoever he was attached to, incapable of commanding them to do his bidding.
If Riot was looking to make League's Big Bad, I can't imagine something more horrific than the concept of "assassin Yuumi".
Thank god they decided not to make that his kit.
Edit: Honestly kind of impressive how many ideas this Champion Insight talks about regarding scrapped kits. We get Assassin Yuumi, Full Rift Mist effect (Camo and spawning an army), starting with a broken blade of the ruined king that upgrades over the game. I love hearing about the scrapped kits and hope that more of beta kits are shared in the future.
Yuumi life
Is attack speed still amped? If it is, won't lethal tempo achieve stupid levels of attack speed? (Please say yes)
Smart for not showing us beginning concept art. I remember when the Sett concepts were shown and some of them looked way better than what we got.
That was the beginning concept art!
I'm concerned that changing urf mechanics might ruin it, but at the same time, I'm hyped to see the changes
Any specific part of the change concerns you in particular? :)