League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Nov


Originally posted by addurn

Do you have any guesses on what might be happening in regards to auto-attacks? I initially thought it was my imagination but upon seeing that others experiencing the same thing, I'm inclined to think otherwise.

We've been scouring changes that might have caused what people have been experiencing. We can do a process of testing older builds and comparing them to newer ones to narrow it down. The problem is getting a reproducible test that is defined and objective. Feel free to IM me if anyone has a "this is different" statement we can test.

Preseason is a time of adventure.


Hey everyone! We will be changing the W VFX to become more like an exoskeleton due to feedback, thanks for helping!! We totally agree that it should be less like a karma shield and more inline with his other skin's W VFX!

We are also giving Skarner a secondary title upon popular request.

Stay tuned / check out PBE tomorrow or the next day to find out what it is!

12 Nov


Hey everyone! We are giving Hecarim a secondary title upon popular request.

Stay tuned / check out PBE tomorrow or the next day to find out what it is!


Hey Everyone! We are bumping up the Q slightly and are fixing the W bug, it shouldn't have a big hole in the middle of the pool.

We are also giving Cosmic Vladimir a secondary title upon popular request: "Cosmic Devourer Vladimir"

Thanks ya'll!!


Hey friends!

Question: Are you talking about items in the All Items View, items in the Recommended View, or both?


Originally posted by elektriko_EUW

hey ^ you're a legend. I asked my question below but i think you didn't see it. I copypaste: "Silver/Judgement kayle re-release when? :D"

I'm a Kayle otp and me and many others would love to see those skins back... the only way to get them now is to buy an account, which is not very feel good. IT doesn't have to be a release of the original, maybe a new version like Neo Pax Sivir. I wait an answer with hands joined together in the gesture of prayer

I did see it but I do not have any information about it and could not articulate anything that felt good to say. I do not work on League at all nor do I have any influence on these policies.


Originally posted by SpookityBoogity

The tick rate of the game is lower than usual on days like today to accommodate more players on the servers.

League normally tells the servers what's going on on your end 30 times a second, I read that Riot's server's can drop down to only 15 updates per second for events like a new pre season.

So basically the game is purposefully laggy so that the servers don't die when we all play the new season. That could be what you're noticing.

Edit: Yeah all of that was bullshit btw apparently it was just a rumor that spread enough to become believable so my bad.

The server tick rate is always 30hz. We do have some hitches of around 80ms but typically no more than one per game.

When we launched TFT we clocked it to 20hz in regions where we could not get hardware there soon enough. At 20hz A/B test people were not able to tell the difference but we put it back to 30 for consistency.


Hi friends, looking into this. A few things we have planned that may help as well as a few questions emerge:

Things we have planned: * The ability to scale the shop up and down * The ability to scale items in the all items/item sets views up and down independent of shop scale

Questions I have: * Which specific parts of the shop (not counting icon images) are difficult for you to read as a colorblind person? (Please also specify the type of colorblindness you have if possible) * Which items are giving you the most trouble as a colorblind person?


Originally posted by elektriko_EUW

Bro can you answer a question I’ve had for the longest time about the relation between space and temporality and the meaning of life and death? May I ask?

I can sure try!


Originally posted by Coolian77

I saw the new w and I prefer the old one, so can you guys pls revert it?

this is actually a bug! We're fixing it ASAP!!


Originally posted by AlexIsSoGreat


the old w was so good, if you changed it for visual clarity id say it was clarified enough before, this new one just looks wrong.

this is actually a bug! We're fixing it ASAP!!


Originally posted by EuG_GreeD

Not sure if you know it but its not only having pink wards and buying t1 supp pink item. If you have t1 with wards inside and u upgrade it by placing normal wards u also lose ur pinks. Same way if u have t2 with pinks and u upgrade to t3.

I had this in pbe too but thought it would get fixed

do you have any evidence/replay of this? I cannot reproduce it.


You reading my stupid jokes out loud is the highlight of my week.


'Tis bugged, will be fixed in the future, thanks for the feedback though. I agree, it can be hard to track what happened without the VFX it was designed to have.